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Recently installed on a Windows 10 x64 system, the game runs flawlessly with one exception, the music gets stuck on a short loop, seemingly at random. Sometimes the main menu music starts looping (the first 5 or so seconds of it), sometimes the in game music does it, after a battle, or right away after starting or loading a game. No compatibility settings seem to help. Someone on Steam had similar problems, with no solution:

Does anyone here have similar issues? If so, did you find any solution? No, it's not game breaking, but it sure is immersion breaking and simply annoying. It would be great if GOG themselves addressed it somehow.

Post edited June 23, 2024 by Anders Kvist
I have experienced this problem 8 months ago. But it didn't appear instantly.
I have conquered several maps. Then on some map it did appear.

Back then i did a save to check if it is reproducible. And when i was loading it and starting a battle - this bug appeared (4 or 5 seconds of music on loop, iirc).
All those compatibility modes, that were suggested in that Steam thread, didn't help.

Now i loaded this save and the battle music and map music runs properly.
Probably it will reappear. Or not. In the last 8 month I had Windows updates and updates to audio drivers so maybe they fixed this? Who knows...
I'm on Windows 11.

PS: if i'll have problems in future with this game, i'll try Valve's Proton on Linux or a Windows XP in VurtalBox or another similar software. Valve's Proton helped me with another game, that is not working on Windows 11 - King's Bounty The Legend.
Thanks for replying. This bug seems to be very random. Yesterday I've played for several hours and it didn't happen even once, today though it happened as soon as I loaded the game. Very weird. Anyway, the easiest way to "fix" it is to switch music on and off repeatedly in options. It's a hussle but works for a while.