Stevezen: I love these games, have done since I totally fell in love with Dungeon Master on the Amiga, closely followed by Eye of the Beholder.
I've been putting off buying this as I heard its coming out for the ipad but I saw the sale today and thought I simply cannot pass on that.
Sadly looking at the minimum specs it seems I cannot play it. awwwwww :(
GoG list 2.8ghz as min cpu but mine is 2.6 soooo close to so far dammit :(
LoG is only GPU bound, your CPU speed is fine. ATI/AMD cards which are 4-5 years old might have some problems (e.g. HD2xxx & HD3xxx series) because of their internal architecture which is not well fitting to the LoG usage. LoG is running in general better with Nvidia cards. So everyone with performance problems should consider a cheap upgrade of just the GPU (used cards on ebay around 50 $). A 4-5 years value nvida card or a 3 years old (or newer) value ATI card should do fine. The hard requirement on the GPU is the shader 3.0 support.
Here is a grimrock forum thread about below spec setups and their LoG performance:, here is a report of a P4 setup with a archaic (5 years old) geforce-8 series card whcih runs LoG with 120fps ( Zoltan999 some posts up reported ( even a NVidia GeForce 7600 (256mb) running fine ;). There are reports (Porkdish, LoG forum) that LoG worked well with a Nvidia ION integrated chipset GPU (called also 9600 M like in Porkdishs notebook).
Also, you can try to play LoG below the minimum official resolution, which offers a significant FPS gain. You have to set in the
My Documents\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\grimrock.cfg manually the windowed mode (
displayMode =2) and the resolution you like e.g. 800x600 (
resolution ="800 x 600"). Restart the game, the game should work fine, but some menu are glitches are possible.
good luck!