fettouhi: I tried that and the game still won't launch. Now a pop-up shows up saying that directx9 isn't installed correctly. :-(
Do you have still all other library overrides on place? I have these:
d3dx9_24.dll -> d3dx9_42.dll
So I removed only the 43.
Also, it seems that even I did install xact via winetricks, it doesn't show up on the libraries list. I am not sure if this is normal.
You could also check the file ~/Almost Human/Legend of Grimrock/grimrock.cfg. Here is my working config. I am using quite low settings because of my puny integrated Intel Hd Graphics 3000 video card
mouseLook = true
muteMusic = false
textureResolution = 3
displayMode = 1
textureFilter = 1
autoSave = true
arrowIcons = false
resolution = "1600 x 900"
invertY = false
verticalSync = 1
disableDamageTexts = false
muteSounds = false
ssaoQuality = 2
hideItemProperties = false
shadowQuality = 1
move_forward = 87
move_backward = 83
strafe_left = 65
strafe_right = 68
turn_left = 81
turn_right = 69
rest = 82
map = 9
character_sheet_1 = 49
character_sheet_2 = 50
character_sheet_3 = 51
character_sheet_4 = 52