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Hello - first of all, I'd like the thank GOG for making it possible to play Betrayal in Antara again! It's one of my old favorites, I've been unable to play it for years because of the speed issue on newer machines. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it had been "re-made" into this version, and I was more than happy to pay a small fee in order to be able to play this old favorite once again!

That being said - I used to play this game long ago, and I'm somewhat of a completionist, so I stumbled across a number of oddities/glitches in the game back in the day. These are mostly story-related...missing dialogue, that kind of thing, that leaves sidequests kind of weird or even essentially unsolved. For me, I mainly play games for storyline (hence my love of this game, despite all its corniness, and of BaK). So I was always a little disappointed at the holes in the side-stories that just needed an extra dialogue box or two to fix them! I figured, since Sierra had stopped supporting it, that those problems would just remain and there would never be a patch for them. I was kind of curious if some of those problems had been fixed in this version? I thought I would post any that I find...and if anyone else has any, please join in. I will just post as I progress through the game this time around. I have only progressed into Chapter 2 at this point, so I'm not sure yet what all may have been fixed or not.

FIX that I have noticed: some of the caches that used to be "undiggable" for some weird reason seem to have been fixed and can now be dug up. Yayy!

NOT FIXED: My initial reason for this post; I've come across the first little issue that is still intact. This is the "Contuso/Verazza" spat subplot that actually seemed to have gotten a little screwed up by the official patch. This happens in Waterfork, at the Contuso estate. If you play the original game unpatched, there is a whole series of dialogue and interaction between the party and Marnia Contuso's two sons - when the party first shows them the Contuso scroll, they accuse the party of stealing it and are about to attack, before Marnia arrives on the scene and breaks things up. After the patch, this whole series of dialogue is just missing. As soon as the party clicks on the door, we jump straight to Marnia Contuso saying "Please forgive my hot-tempered sons. I am Marnia Contuso...etc." Which DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, since we never actually see her sons thanks to the missing dialogue! This seems to be a case of Sierra's patch actually creating a problem - and GOG's version has the same problem, since I'm sure it's based on the patched version. So....any chance of getting those missing dialogue boxes back?

Thanks again for making BiA playable again! I will post more issues if I find they are still there. :)
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Not exactly a glitch per se, but here's another side story that seems to be missing something: the malachite cat mystery in Melay. I have no idea where we make the jump to the torchite gem being in the well. William tells jeweler-mage Yyp that "it's a long story" and then "tells him how he pieced together the puzzle of the malachite cat." Well, I wish William would relate the story to me, because I don't get it. The sculptress tells me the story of her father, Gunther Yyp tells me about the cat, and the old woman tells me the well water is bad. There seems to be some crucial part of the story missing that would make the connection to the cat being in the well. Am I missing something?
Okay, just confirmed another glitch is still intact:

In Ch. 2, the party can go to Varnasse and encounter the mason Jaimie's wife, who is worried because the masons have "taken matters into their own hands" after not being paid for repairing a bridge. The party can also travel up to the bridge and talk to the masons, though their story seems out of sequence - they just talk about why they are repairing the bridge, nothing about extracting a toll or not being paid for their work.

Then in Ch. 3, the party has the opportunity to talk to the master mason in Ticoro, who promises dire consequences for whatever corrupt official lined his own pockets instead of paying the masons for their work. Hey, won't the masons be happy and Jaimie's wife relieved?

But then, in Ch. 4, when William and Aren go back to Varnasse and click on her door, an empty, black box is all that comes up. So, I suppose the quest is "solved," but I don't know what the final outcome is. And the masons are still all standing at the bridge - approaching them just pushes the party back, with no explanation from them either.

I'm not sure if this is another case of the patch messing something up - I don't think I ever got this far in the game with the unpatched version, so I'm not sure what's officially supposed to be the conclusion of this quest - but could something a little more satisfying than a black box be written in, perhaps?

Oddity # 2 in Varnasse - in Ch. 2, we get the "no one home" message for the house at the north end of the road, usually indicating that something will come up in a later chapter. But when we go back in Ch. 4, we then get the "I don't think there's any point in going back there" message. It seems like whatever is supposed to be there is nerfed?
Post edited January 05, 2014 by deirdrew