It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We are going to adapt our version to the patch removing the bug as soon as possible.
First of all, sorry it had to take this long. We've implemented a very promising fix for Antara's crashing issues and would like you to give it a try. We're currently doing a playthrough and everything seems fine so far, but, since we've got other priorities to take care of, it will take us a long while to actually finish the game and be 100% sure that the fix is perfect.

For now, feel free to download the most recent, and hopefully final, version of our fix:

If you encounter any problems with this fix, please send a support ticket and, if that isn't a problem, send me a PM as well.
Post edited February 09, 2012 by Firek
Kudos go to our programmers - they did the brain work. ;) JuriJ, my dependable Support Minion, just finished the whole game (granted, he insta-gibbed himself through all encounters:P) so it doesn't look like there's any crucial content missing, or not being loaded properly.

We'll introduce this into the installer later today, or on Monday, but those of you who have applied the fix won't need to re-download the game.
ohiomailman: All is working smooth, except for an error in Chapter 5. In the town of Darvi, if I try to visit the inn, my game locks up and gives the following message:

Error 99 Error loading Resource 35020.v56
D:\Kernel\src\restype.cpp (159) script #0 ($0+)

The inn is needed for a sidequest, but not a major part of the game, and it could very
well just be my game, but thought I would post this anyway.
Do you have any saves just before entering that inn?
ohiomailman: Yes, not sure how far back I go, but would guess at least 5 games saved before that point.
If you could send them over to our Support, we'll look into it. Just open a new ticket.
ohiomailman: Are all my games saved to that one file?
Nope. Check in
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Sierra\Betrayal in Antara
Post edited February 28, 2012 by Thiev
Garran: I see that the downloader now has a 1.2 gigabyte (instead of the ~1 gigabyte) install file - is the patch now applied to the full download version?

Also, is this fix sufficient to allow current games to move past the crash point with the conservatory, or will we need to start new ones to get the benefit of the fix?
The patch is applied to the installer and we're unaware of any problems with using old patches. We were actually using one of our users' saves to test this fix so I think that's good enough. ;)
kalle1981: i just redownloaded the game one question is do i have too restart the game from scratch or can i go from old save??
Old saves should work.
kalle1981: True but not reading ur own/GoGs community posts even if its boring or something is just plain old slacking off
We do read them, actually.

For now I can only apologise, that the whole situation is taking so much time and I can give you temporary workaround for the Temple issue:

- approach general area not far from the temple (for example next to the houses before you enter chasm leading to it);
- save and exit
- go to Antara installation folder
- find files 8618.etc and 8618.V56 and rename them (for example 8618.etc.bak / 8618.V56.bak)
- you should be able to approach the temple
- after temple access is no longer needed, save, exit and rename both files back.

It should work with all saves.

Why such way: basically, right now it hasn't yet been thoroughly tested where exactly these both files are used later in the game and removing them completely would probably cause a crash somewhere. As you can see, it's not something that can be added to the official build yet.