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Wow. I haven't played this game since I bought in the store, ages ago. I've only just started up again, but I did have a quick question I was hoping someone might be able to answer.

I recall one of my disappointments with Antara - way back when - was that there was no way to raise your character's attributes (Health, Stamina, Strength, etc). However, the manual says - and I quote - "Unlike skills, your party cannot specifically train to raise these ratings. As your characters continue in their quests, however, the lengths to which they push themselves to survive combats and overcome obstacles might just cause these attribute ratings to become higher on their own."

Now, the last time I played Antara was before I had internet access, and probably before looking on the internet for clarification would even have occurred to me. I'm wondering, is this just misinformation in the manual, or is there a way to raise attributes? Perhaps it happens on its own each chapter, and I'm just not remembering?

If anyone knows or remembers the answer, I'd be grateful for a response.
KenrilZ: Wow. I haven't played this game since I bought in the store, ages ago. I've only just started up again, but I did have a quick question I was hoping someone might be able to answer.

I recall one of my disappointments with Antara - way back when - was that there was no way to raise your character's attributes (Health, Stamina, Strength, etc). However, the manual says - and I quote - "Unlike skills, your party cannot specifically train to raise these ratings. As your characters continue in their quests, however, the lengths to which they push themselves to survive combats and overcome obstacles might just cause these attribute ratings to become higher on their own."

Now, the last time I played Antara was before I had internet access, and probably before looking on the internet for clarification would even have occurred to me. I'm wondering, is this just misinformation in the manual, or is there a way to raise attributes? Perhaps it happens on its own each chapter, and I'm just not remembering?

If anyone knows or remembers the answer, I'd be grateful for a response.
Hi Kenril,

Yes you can train your attributes in betrayel in antara, but you train them over time. If you right click on the char portrait you will get the attribute list, and here you can set up which attributes you want to train. These will be automatically trained when you walk around, when you sleep etc. Also some are trained in other ways. Lockpicking when opening locks, gambling by gambling at inns etc.

Spells are the same. You select these by the colorfull icon(if I remember right) on the right. Here you can select which spell area you want to train. By using spells alot on combat you will train them quicker.

Downloading the game now and is sometime since i've played it, so might be some difference for where you find stuff, but I'm pretty sure my instructions are right. Can't wait to start playing it again. Never dreamt that they would get my favourite classic game :)
Thank you for the reply, but those are skills, not attributes.

Attributes are, specifically, Health, Stamina, Strength. (I believe Range may be considered an attribute, too, but I'm uncertain).

The manual suggests that raising them is possible, but I've been unable to find any way to do so.
KenrilZ: Thank you for the reply, but those are skills, not attributes.

Attributes are, specifically, Health, Stamina, Strength. (I believe Range may be considered an attribute, too, but I'm uncertain).

The manual suggests that raising them is possible, but I've been unable to find any way to do so.
In Betrayal at Krondor, Strength is raised by attacking with melee weapons and health and stamina are improved slowly over time. Reading lots of books to spend time works great.. Movement Speed cannot be improved in BaK.

Since BiA uses a similar system this might work in BiA too.
Yup, unfortunately I've played all the way through Betrayal in Antara twice and never had my attributes raise - which is why I wondered if this was simply a mistake in the manual, or I was doing something wrong.