hey, hello David Dunham (the producer and co-designer of KoDP) :)
Thanks for making this wonderful game and turning up here to try to answer the many questions i'm sure people will have. I used to keep an old PC for playing retro games, but it died a little while ago, so i was really missing my KoDP fix, and now i have the GoG version all is good in the gaming world again.
Back on the OP's question, i would say you should not overlook the manual, and not just give it a quick once over, but really read it and refer to it often. Eventualy you will learn the better solutions to the various problems the game throws at you. The game is very 'learnable' but you will not always have the same outcomes to your actions, which is based on a large array of factors (some random, some due to clan/leader attributes etc). But after a few games in which things will mostly have gone wrong, you will start to become a better leader of your clan, and it is indeed possible to form a tribe and become King of Dragon Pass (i have done it once before, a long time ago!).
Also when in the game, go to 'background' icon on the stone arch and spend time clicking through and using 'view' to read the various myths, especially any that relate to your clans background and upcoming heroquests your clan ring suggest you need to do. Once you are in the 'view' mode and reading the relevant myth story, look for the yellow circle thing near the top of the screen as this expands the myth into more detail if it is one your clan knows, write some of it down, and this will become essential in aiding your ability to complete the hero-quests. You also have the 'Saga' icon which gives a detailed background of your clan and it's founding.
Knowing the background world of Rune Quest is also helpfull, but in relation to the game is not essential. This ex runequest player was rubbish at heroquests for a very long time, until my partner showed me that being all 'warriorish' was not always the best method. But as background reading it is good to know who Humakt is and why you should be careful around his followers etc. Much of that info is in the 'background' screen, and not all of the full myths will be available to you right away (you need to learn more by dedicating clan magic to 'mysteries' and doing sacrifices in the 'Magic' screen).
Sometimes the gods just won't smile on you, and you can just do as best you can. But honoring the traditions of your clan, your clan dieties and knowing the background information behind all that will guide you in the right direction. Also listen to your clan ring, they are often very useful guides.
Post edited September 04, 2012 by ThorChild