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As the topic said. The loading screen tip says you can have two soldier recruits. I'm a Duke and I can only recruit one!

I already had a recruited soldier, then I went to the sheriff in Asherbalt and he doesn't have any dialogue so I can't get my second soldier. WTF? Am I missing something here?

I only have Diabolus (the dog) and Hugo de Montesque besides my one soldier. So I was led to believe by posts in this forum & tips in the game that when I got the rank of Duke I could have two soldiers, but it doesn't seem to be true. Is there somebody else I'm supposed to be talking to to get my second soldier?


Well, I think my game was bugged. I originally had an archer that ran off somewhere and died, I ended up tracking his corpse down in the Glatzburg cemetary. For some reason he was still registered as alive, even though he was dead, so I couldn't recruit a second soldier. I ended up having to level up Divine Magic in order to get Raise Dead and resurrect him. Now I have the two soldiers.
Post edited January 17, 2013 by Yazman