If I remember correctly, PBCs were optimal at 3k or lower. I've seen them do "something" up to 6k, but they fall off rapidly.
One of the important things with Gatekeeper is to keep hostiles within range of the gunstars. They fire rapidly enough to punch through LDAs without too much time.
Should you have to use missiles, it might be a good idea to fire a round from your PBC when the missile will impact. This helps increase the chance of the missile doing damage instead of being absorbed by the LDA.
If you are in trouble, and not able to warp out, prioritizing repairs on the LDAs may be a good choice to give you a chance to absorb an extra hit. There are many times while on the engineering screen that everything is getting put back together only to get it knocked offline again by a new shot.
Keep an eye on the target's status. Look for failed systems like the target's Upper LDA (ULD) or Lower LDA (LLD) and try and fire on that target's side. (Without the LDA, shots fired will go to the hull.)
On the defensive side, try and rotate your ship to even out hits across your own LDA(s) yourself. Remember your training? "Two on one, Two on one!" It applies to your systems as well.
Don't forget that you can also prioritize power. If you're really desperate, you can boost power to other systems by holding CTRL, and pressing an arrow key. Up for shields, left for engines, right for weapons. CTRL-Down will equalize the power. Draining power from other systems makes them less effective!
On stationary targets, or "disabled" (in the sense that the target's power, thrusters, and/or main drive is offline), see if you can't manually aim a ripple fire at a target. This helps cut through LDAs better, and can even provide for more devastating damage.
Is your PBC not doing any damage even though it looks like it's hitting the hull? Double-check that you aren't getting a PBC overheat warning. It takes time to charge a damaging shot from the PBC. Even if it's ready to fire, it doesn't mean it'll do damage at the range you are at. I tend to wait 250ms before I fire the next volley when I start getting overheat warnings.
The RING is a very important piece of your power system, and can take a decent amount of time to repair. You may want to consider putting all four crews to work on it at once.
Too much heat (Shown as the "T" bar in the engineering screen) can result in everything being slowed down. PBCs cool more slowly, thrusters (if they are online) will be weaker, repairs can even be slowed down by excess heat. If you find that your heat generation is going up rapidly, you may want to consider prioritizing the waste heat array.
For basic manouvering, remember that the Dreadnaught's belly thrusters are the strongest. When trying to make a turn, make sure you are pulling back on the stick to make it.
If you absolutely need 6DOF (
Wikipedia), hit "N" to disable the automatic support. It will allow you to make some interesting manouvers, and should you need to retreat, you may even be able to "reverse" your way out of there without exposing the unprotected engine component. Press "N" again to reinstate normal flight.