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This achievement is about "Finish the main campaign without using healing potions in battle(!) and turning on story mode."
Let's see if I can do that. The not-DLC campaign is literaly titled "Main Campaign", so that's what we are working with.
It sounds insane, And I assure you, the Main Campaign's main quest contains the biggest challenges in the Main Campaign - mybe with the exception of the troll, which has 5,000 HP and insane healing factor.

Little bit off, but completing the Main Campaign without story mode ever activated only adds one extra pinup-picture...
On the other hand Story Mode is like 10 times easier, unlike the pretty nice challange of normal gameplay.

Without further addo...

1) Thief Guild, ground floor: take out the Thief Dagger from the chest, then descend to the Thief Dungeon.
Diana equipment: Thief dagger, cap, shirt, gloves, boots, hiking cloak

2) Thief Guild, -1 Floor: you have 2 minutes to loot 50 gold. That's exactly how much this area has. If you are not a particularly slow reader, you should be absolutely fine, even by reading that letter your character can not read. Which you will be able to read after reporting success anyway. The 2 minute limit nets you a Light Breastplate, which is an upgrade.

3) Thief Guild, Testing Ground: If you'd play without achievement (I know, GoG does not have achievements, but we are play pretend), I'd suggest going around defeating the rats-and-stuff. But that would lead to potion-consumption. Wait a second - you ARE allowed to drink healing potions, just not during battle! So fight everything, because you won't be able to return here.
After the first fight you GAIN the Sneak Attack special (uses TP). I double checked, you don't have it during the fight, it's not just you the player didn't check the options.
Note that you can not use Special during the first round for not having enough TP, and the TP you start the fights always start from a random number between 0-20. It can pay off to reroll some battles to start with higher TP, especialy here - the ideal circumstance is, if you can win your first 3 battles (against 2 more rats) without using a healing-potion! You cann ot win against the slimes, because in the 2nd turn the big one WILL poison you.
Don't forget to pull BOTH levers.
Items: 6 healing potion, 20 gold, ring of life (this does NOT make you able to win your first 3 fights easier, as the +HP is only added to your maximum).
NOTE: even though we we can come back until the Thief Guld, Dungeon is finished, with lockpicks, the gate to the frogcyclopse (slimes) can NOT be lockpicked.

4) Thief Guil, Dungeon: first unlock the three chests IN ORDER. Anywhere else you'll only get a range for lockpick-difficulty, but here you get EXACT numbers for some reason. After that the teacher leaves, and you are left to your own devices.
Note, that you can climb all the way back. Still, you'll only find gold, healing potions and items which are not an upgrade, so don't worry. ONly deal with the godess-statue when you are done with everything else, because it'll cut you off from these areas, and I think even the Dungeon-level will spawn new monster-encounters (which is very unique in this game), so keepthat in mind.
My solution might not be perfect, but pretty close to ideal, left me with (in the backpack): LP: 25, PE 14, 13 healing potions, 1 scroll of electricity, thief's shirt, shirt, old gloves, 9 lockpick, thief badge, 4 Laverna's Gift (L-gifts and lockpicks will not be listed further, because LGs make the perception-stat, and lockpicks will only break probably at one single chest - which will consume like a dozen, but who cares, right?).
After going to the statue you gain 2 Speed (answers: yes, three, share) and loose your thief-badge (but if you keep track your lockpick-level on paper, it's not a big deal: unlocking any lock and dactivating any trap rises its level by 1, and perception only grows if you gain a new Gift).
NOTE: you'll get a Full Heal when this tutorial is finished.

5) Gathering the Party: this part is very handheldy. First you get the mage and fight some slimes (with the addition you can count off the smaller ones in 1 turn each). Then - without chance to save - you get the priestess and fight a bandit. But don't worry about it, even if the AI would go rogue and knock out one of the party, everyone still gets the same exp, so all is fine.
You'll get a new weapon which is not just an improvement, but also a quest item, so never sell it. We also get our second quest.
Inside the Bar:
Rowanberry: 75
Travel Ration: 50
Apple Juice: 50
You get another Full Heal and the fighter joins the party, and even has a Special skill (uses TP).
warrior (Anastasia): Family Sword, Heavy Helmet, Family Armor, Ring of Life, Heavy Bracers, Heavy Boots, Hiking Cloak
priestess (Svetlana): Old club, Cap, Novice robe, Gloves, Boots, Hiking cloak (suggestion: give her the Thief's Shirt for now)
mage (Felicia): Felicia's staff (twohanded), Felicia's hat, Robe, Wizard gloves, Boots, Wizard cloak
Now talk with everyone EXCEPT THE patron at the bar who'd cost you 1050 gold if you do (and net you a new skill), and you probably want to establish yourself first. Go down the basement, loot the hotspots there too, talk with the owner again, and move out.

6) Now we are out in the city. If you try to leave it before going into the Magic Shop Felicia will turn you back. But before doing that go to the SE corner for an event, pick up and sip the beer of the kids. Go back to the Bar's basement. Now you have 3 options: talk to the mother and gain nothing for ruining the reputation of the establishment. Rob the waiter and get some pathetic reward. Or talk first with the owner, then the mother, then go to the city hall to get another reward - one of these will give 10% bonus exp to one of your characters! (I suggest the warrior).
In the Magic Shop the store is:
- Water breathing potion: 75$
- Healing potion: 150$
- Mana potion: 200$
- Potion of freedom: 300$
- Potion of clarity: 300$
- Potion of courage: 300$
- Potion of attack: 200$
- Potion of defense: 200$
- Potion of speed: 150$
- Potion of energy: 300$
- Herbal remedy: 300$
- Blessing potion: 300$
- Scroll of resurrection: 750$
- Scroll of electricity: 300$
- Scroll of ice: 300$
- Scroll of Stone: 300$
- Scroll of poison: 300$
- Scroll of fire: 300$
- Scroll of light: 150$
- Magican hat 0: 750$
- MH 1: 1500$
- MH 2: 3000$
- Wizard gloves: 1000$
- WG 1: 1800$
- WG 2: 2600$
- Wizard cloak: 500$
- WC 1: 1000$
- WC 2: 2000$
- Wizard boots: 800$
- WB 1: 1400$
- WB 2: 2800$
- Sorcerer's staff: 750$
- SS 1: 1500 $
- SS 2: 3000 $
- Robe: 1000$
- R 1: 2500$
- R2: 3500$
- Ring of life: 500$
- Speed ring: 1500$
- Attack ring: 1500$
- Magic ring: 1500$
- Protecting amulet: 1500$
You can also buy a single-target fire element spell for Felicia for 1000$.
And when you step out the game practicaly points out there's something fishy with the kitty nearby - offers to sell you a spell (Slow or Stone Fist (the earth element damage spell in the game)) if you bring it a doze of Living Ink. Which you'll not come across for a while, and even when you do, you should sell the first doze in the School instead.
The mage's quest-update activated all Daisy-picking spot too. The number of daisies you can pick from each spot is random (1-5 daisies). You'll need them first for this quest, later you will trade them for statboosts, so pick every flower you come across!
Also, now as you visited the Magic Shop you can try to leave again, but I suggest not to pay the gate-tax, and turn back, talk with everyone, loot everything, check the locked doors skill level...
Post edited May 25, 2024 by twillight
General store:
- Rope: 50$
- Apple juice: 50$
- Travel ration: 50$
- Rowanberry: 75$
- Borough map: 500$ (with this you can check the world map without leaving an area. You only find one free map very late into the game, so if you are playing the first time or something, buy this)

- Small shield: 500$
- SS 1: 1000$
- SS 2: 2000$
- Big shield: 750$
- BS 1: 1500$
- BS 2: 3000$
- Light helmet: 500$
- LH 1: 1000$
- LH 2: 2000$
- Heavy helmet: : 800$
- HH 1: 1600$
- Light breastplate: 700$
- LB 1: 1400$
- LB 2: 3000$
- Heavy breastplate: 1500$
- HB 1: 2500$
- HB 2: 3500$
- Gloves: 300$
- G 1: 500 $
- G 2: 750 $
- Light bracers: 500$
- LB 1: 1000$
- LB 2: 2000$
- Heavy bracers: 800$
- HB 1: 1600 $
- HB 2: 2500$
- Light boots: 500 $
- LB 1: 100$
- LB 2: 2000$
- Heavy boots: 700$
- HB 1: 1400 $
- HB 2: 2600 $
- Cap: 200 $
- C 1: 750 $
- C 2: 1500 $
- Boots: 300 $
- B 1: 700 $
- B 2: 1000 $
- Hiking cloak: 200 $
- HC 1: 600 $
- HC 2: 1200 $

- Sword: 750 $
- S 1: 1500 $
- S 2: 3000 $
- Axe: 600 $
- A 1: 1300 $
- A 2: 2800 $
- Club: 250 $
- C 1: 750 $
- C 2: 2000 $
- Dagger: 250 $
- D 1: 750 $
- D 2: 2500 $
- Mace: 500 $
- M 1: 1300 $
- M 2: 2700$
- Flail: 700 $
- F 1: 1400 $
- F 2: 3000$
- Spear: 750 $
- S 1: 1500 $
- S 2: 3000 $

The library sells information about monsters (conditional and elemental weaknesses/resistances). If you buy from any of the options more than one, you'll get an extra conversation, but no new info. If you read that book, every chapter, in order, you also gain a statboost.

Coffee shop:
- Healing potion: 200 $
- Coffee: 300 $
- Apple Juice: 150 $
- Travel ration: 200 $
There's also a non-highlighted chest which you can open if the owner is distracted by the elf singing. Worth the price, as you get twice your money back and more.
Cellar: there is a Black Market Shopkeeper here. You can acess his Regular Wares any time:
- Ring of life: 500 $
- Protecting amulet: 1500 $
- Speed ring: 1500 $
- Attack Ring: 1500 $
And his Special Stock when you again have a Thief Bade:
- Living Ink: 1000 $ (should not buy)
- Lockpick: 75 $

In the church you can "buy" a condition-removal spell for the priestess - not as useful as it sounds, so leave it for later.
They also provide free helaing unlimited times.

In the City Hall (Prefecture) at the Chief Tax Collector you can "clear your taxes" and "buy" yourself a very strong accessory-item. Do this when you feel like it's time. You can also buy from him unlimited passage through the main gate for 4,000 gold. As this is my second playthrough, I'll do it right now, because I feel it convenient. This is not a must, just this quest is annoying. Otherwise you can easily go in-and-out of the city for free through the sewers. More about that later.
Don't forget tow talk with the police-uniform-dude right across the entrance TWICE. He'll give you a quest as reward for the Kid's And Alcohol quest, which'll net you a nifty new item. During the quest send down Diana (the thief) to fight the creepy-crawlies, because the mage and priestess are too weak for now, and the warrior ... let's say "don't have enough HP". For the fight conentrate on only one of the original frog, or you'll be in trouble. The poison is annoying, but in itself never lethal (your HP can only get lowered to 1 by poison), so this fight is very much possible. Give the Magic Ring to Felicia, she'll gain damage-spells sooner.

So here is how the Sewers stand:
- lockpick into the empty room of the City Hall and get the Sewer Key. Potential problem: you won't have the option to lockpick the Sewer Door anymore.
- buy 4 Water Breathing Potion and descend through the well for 300 gold. Go up on the ladder leading outside the city. Go and do the lowing on the farm to pass in-game time. Pay 100 $ to re-enter the city. Make your Gate Pass stamped by the bureucrate in the City Hall.
- before you ask, if you try to come up through the Sewer Gate from below, without the Sewer Key, the door will open, and become unlocked. And no, you can't just go out of the City Gate, find the ladder outside and descend that way. I checked it. And going down the well gives no scape in the other way through the well either. Yes, I've checked all the options. And if you wonder: the Gate Pass is not valid yet, because the official is "on holiday", and I'm not sure just hanging around would make the time pass in-game.
CORRECTION/UPDATE: the chest in which the Sewer Key is in is locked with 20-30 difficulty range, what means you'll get a lockpick skill rise either by lockpicking the chest, or the Sewer door. Descending the well might still worth it for the LL15-25 locks and stuff, but it's less sure now.

I'll do the well-way. I have 2100 gold (4000 spent on Ceertificate aka. Gate Pass, and 300 on Water Breathing Potion), 18 daisies (I'm going for 4-5 per pick), 13 healing potions, 3 coffee, 2 travel rations, 1 mana potion, 4 Rowanberry (booze, now on), scroll of electricity, and the rest I mentioned before. Not sure if it worth listing all my stuff anymore, none rly cares, right?
Towards the Thief Dungeon ini your way is a trap of 25-35 difficulty, which you can disarm right now, but obviously you should do lower diff locks first. Also, look out for chests.
For now visit the Shop Outside The gate:
- Healing Potion: 150 $
- Mana potion: 200 $
- Travel ration: 50 $
- Apple juice: 50 $
- Scroll of fire: 300 $

Were you worried for healing? Well, no longer. Jeremy's Farm provides unlimited free healing too.

You get a free Living Ink (trade it in Swifton for that Laverna's Gift in the School) when you tell where the other girl is hiding.
- Rowanberry: 75 $
- Apple Juice: 50 $
- Travel ration: 50 $
- Healing Potion: 150 $
- Coffee: 300 $
Here you'll find the NPC for the Cancelled Order quest, but some guide suggest to only speak with her at the very end of the game with 19 Perception. Don't know why, but sure, why not.
Post edited May 25, 2024 by twillight
Let's go to Sawdust to check Diana's father's house (15 lockpick requirement). Won't find thief Badge, but the Old Thief Jacket and Light Boots are improvement. Also gaining a Laverna's Gift.
Too bad we don't have the Badge currently, I'd keep track the lockpick going up-or-not.

Now time to go back to Swifton and get the Gate PAss stamped. Remember: go through the City Gate (-100 gold), or the fuss was for nothing. Or maybe not. Who knows. Anyway, we now can pass the Gate freely, and get the City Assistant Badge, which should go to Svetlana.
Go and get the Laverna's Gift in the School, then unlock the other 15 minimum lockpick requirement doors to upp our lockpick-skill (School, house in the middle in front of Warrior's Mansion - don't touch the hotspot here though, unless you are willing to loose 200 gold for gaining Karma for Diana (will be required for an item later), house in the SE corner - you will loose 200 gold if you touch the hotspots, but gain some karma, also noteworthy I got lockpick here with LL31).
By the way report to the church, then head towards the Thief Dungeon. The trap in the way is LL20, and with LL15s out, we might as well start LL20 with this. There is a newly visible trap in the sewers, alo LL20 - probably closer to 30 of the 20-30 range, given it was hidden ebhind perception, so disarm that only after the other LL 20 locks are picked.
You'll use up a rope, but you should have more already.

Thief Dungeon: when you cross the first bridge a giant frog appears, but it is not mandatory to fight it right now - fortunate, as it is strong, has 1000 HP, and regenrates like crazy. And yes, new monsters spawneed here as i suspected, so if you did not eliminate the previous ones - you lost exp obviously.
When you grab the Tief Badge Svetlana gains the Laverna's Curse spell, which is just awesome. The Badge says I have 29 lockpick and 16 perception. So I used the locks and traps in the right order until now. Good. Of course it might be the actual difficulty-values are random.
For Felicia we find a Sorcerer's staff.

There is a Gloves +1 in the coffee Shop, give it to Svetlana (the casters are notoriously voulnerable).
Bought the Txpayer's Amulet for 3*350 + 500 $, and gave it to Anastasia.
In the Inn's LL20 room is a Hiking Cloak +1, which you should give whoever you want.
If you go to Sawdust and do the LL20 house, here is a ~warning: it has 2 cellar floors! (Hard to notice.) The -2 Floor has a chest with some good gear in it. Give the Light Breastplate to Svetlana, and the Light Helmet to Diana or Svetlana.

Potion Shop:
- Water breathing potion: 75 $
- Healing potion: 150 $
- Mana potion: 200 $
- Potion of freedom: 300 $
- Potion of clarity: 300 $
- Potion of courage: 300 $
- Potion of attack: 200 $
- Potion of defense: 200 $
- Potion of speed: 150 $
- Potion of energy: 300 $
- Herbal remedy: 300 $
- Blessing potion: 300 $
- Scroll of resurrection: 750 $
- Rope: 50 $
- Travel ration: 50 $
- Apple juice: 50 $
- Rowanberry: 75 $
- Coffee: 300 $
- Apple juice: 50 $
- Travel ration: 50 $
The School here gives you the quest to collect textbooks. Here is where you can find them:
Yonka, Herbalist (on the empty site, 1 book)
Sableby, Village Chief, inn (1 book)
Sawdust, Village Chief (1 book)
Swifton, Claudia, school (2 book)
Swifton, Frohl, armor shop (1 book)
Swifton, NPC at the frontdesk, Prefecture (1 book)
Swifton, Mother Theodora, nunnery (4 book)
Swifton, Librarian (3 book)
Larisa's Dimension, Larisa's Chamber (1 book)
Roadside, Lieutenant Milorad (Warrior Guild, SE room) after his "Trial" is concluded. (1 book)

Give Felicia's ring to Svetlana. Oh, and give her the club too. Or even Felicia's Staff until you find a shield.
You can rest in the NE house for free (full heal).
I checked the (kinda messy) guide on Steam for data, and turns out, while there are plenty of LL40 locks/traps, there are no more LL20 stuff at this point beside the chest which contains the Sewer Key. So I'm unlocking that chest now. With that my LL will be 38.
So now let's do the LL25 minimums. Oh, wait a second, almost forgot the LL20 trap that got visible with incrised PE. So my LL is 39. Great.
Going on: found a Mace, giving it to Svetlana. Found another Gloves +1.
There are LL25s here: Swifton (1), Swifton sewer (4), Sawdust (2), Sableby (5). This is way too much, if all of them gave LL, they'd push you to 51, while the maximum you can get with this range is 45. So you wILL get a "hint" when one of the lock/trap will be just too low for you. Then you reached LL45, and can move on to LL30 stuff.
Bringing back the plant to Swifton nets you the Enchanted Dagger, which is great for Diana.

Before doing ANYTHING here, follow these instructions:
0) do not, under any circumstances try to enter the "blind" old crone's field!
1) enter the church and get kicked out
2) ask around in the Inn
3) enter to the two LL30 house (your LL should reach LL 50 now, meaning you can start looking for LL 35 minimum stuff)
3) go to the dog and try talking to it
4) Collect Mint below the inn and feed the dog. You can now enter the Village Chief's house. Important: do NOT touch the dress-hotspot! It has a key in it which'll strip you from a chance of using lockpicking. You can come back later and pick the key up anyway. The grey chest in the same room is LL35, with that your LL can be instantly 51.
5) now try to enter the old crone's garden
6) get to the back and jump over the fence. Also go to the apple-tree (Svetlana will cure it, Diana leaves there 200 gold, I suspect karma point collected). Now you can access the old crone's house
+1) don't bother with the wells. They give nothing, and cost 4 water breathing potion to enter every time.
- Rowanberry: 75 $
- Coffee: 300 $
- Apple juice: 50 $
- Travel ration: 50 $
Potion Shop:
- Water breathing potion: 75 $
- Healing potion: 150 $
- Mana potion: 200 $
- Potion of freedom: 300 $
- Potion of clarity: 300 $
- Potion of courage: 300 $
- Potion of attack: 200$
- Potion of defense: 200 $
- Potion of speed: 150 $
- Potion of energy: 300 $
- Herbal remedy: 300 $
- Blessing potion: 300 $
- Scroll of resurrection: 750 $
- Rope: 50 $

In a LL35 place found a Small Shield for Svetlana. And with that my LL even reached 55, which means I have to go for LL40s to upp my skill. WARNING: do NOT enter the general store's door in Swifton just now! You can only enter once, and it1ll be needed for a quest later on!
Also at this point I started to spend my accumlated gold: 1250 for Pillar of Light, 1050 for Puncture (no idea which enemy has massive AC though), 1000 for Fire Flash.
For equipment: give Felicia's ring to Felicia, and swap it to Undertaker's Amulet on Svetlana (Laverna's Curse is darkness damage).
Turns out worrying for the key in Sableby was unnecessary. I got my skill to LL60 in not time! I see no LL45 things to mess with in the already visited areas, so time to advance, I think. Oh, wait, I can go to Swifton's Magic Shop!

Using the local bathhouse costs 100 gold, but not only fully heals, but also gives a funny intermezzo.
- Healing potion: 150 $
- Coffee: 300 $
- Rowanberry: 75 $
- Apple juice: 50 $
- Travel ration: 50 $
Also here you find Tuck, whose dagger we had for a while, and told you to not sell it. Now give it to him, and not only will he sell lockpicks for 75 $ per item (not good price), but can also rise your lockpick skill for 500 $ per slvl. The guide on Steam says it only happens 5 times, so don't do it yet, there are plenty of doors and traps laying around still!
Found Light Boots for Svetlana.
In the Warriors' Guild DO NOT START the grass-painting quest until later. Much later. On the other hand let Svetlana write the poem right here and now. Vitalij sends you on a mission, so whatever. The last commander wants a bribe, so there are 2 personal who can deal with right now, and 2 that needs some work. I emphacising this because what we want to do is, to make 2 vote on rats, the other 2 vote on frogs!
Post edited May 26, 2024 by twillight
Found a Boot +1 for Felicia, Light Helmet for Svetlana. Bought the Library's Bestiary pages - these will always be marked as active quests, don't mind them. By the way, this almost nulled my money: had 400 gold left.
Felt good at clvl 3, so went down to the thief Dungeon to dispose the giant ooze.

At the Deep Crevasse you'll need ropes, which you have more than enough for now. Use the hotspot near the bandits to descend - the other leads to a platform of nothing and would require another rope to reach the same place. You CAN go and deactivate the trap next to the bandits WITHOUT rising their attention. The visible traps inside the caverns are also LL45, so in no time we max out the LL45-55 range exploits. Can move to LL 50 things! Only know 1 of those (in Swifton), then head back and crawl through this dungeon in hop of Laverna's Gift.
Boot +1 for Diana.
On both exists you'll have to use a rope to reach everthing. On the easter side both the cave and the axe is too tough for now though. In the end from any of the sides you'll be able to reach the next platform with another rope (3rd rope used here).
When I got in I got a bit bored with fighting here, so hopped to Felicia's mushroom-hut. Inside the pet-doors are only LL30, so just pull the opening lever. Felicia: Wizard boots +1, Wizard gloves +1, Laverna's bracelet, Wizard Cloak +1, Robe +1. Watch out, as before the corridor that leads to the mimic is an "invisible" trap. We'll come back for it. You can win against the mmic right now if you give Anastasia booze before the fight. Not that we need the spell from it.

In Laverna's temple's Playground first take the leftmost stairs, got 1 hex below the lever you see, then go in and pull the lever.
Get out, and go down the 2nd stairs from the right, and just go straight to the lever. Both this way and the previous you'll very likely fight earth elementals. You can win against one pack no problem, I forgot/was lazy to go out once, so consumed a booze. From here go straight to the middle to the thing whatever it is (darkness elemental, Svetlana gets a boost).
Next go to the 2nd stairs from the left and take 2 steps down in the coloum the arrow points at, then go to the chest. Head back, and take 2 steps from the birdge, then turn down, and go to the chest at the bottom. Get out, and pull one of the blue levers on the ground floor. Let's say you ulled the left one.
Note: on both sides can tie up ropes. Do so now. You can do it later if you don't have ropes (you should have).
Go down the rightmost stairs. Go all the way down, then go to the face the ladder. Pull the lever, teleport out, come back, tie up a rope, teleport out, pull the blue lever to reset things, and pull the other blue lever. Go down on the leftmost stairs.
Go through the way towards the lever, but this time go all the way 2 hex fromthe bridges, then turn down, hit the wall, go to the middle, get down. Don't forget to tie there a rope. Teleport out. Do not, I repeat DO NOT communicate with the statue! Take your stuff, and leave for a good while! (LL 68, PE 18)
The good news is, now we can see almost everything. And hoping back to Yonka, our LL climbs up to 70, which means we now need LL 55-65 range items to crawl up.
Give Small Shield to Anastasia.
Ha. The game here in Sableby doesn't automaticaly use the key. Not that it matters at this point, but still.

Let's go again backtracking. Anastasia gets a Heavy Boot +1, Svetlana Boots +2, Hiking cloak +1

Went to the Old Querry. You can pick up the key, the cell doors are only LL35. Diana gets a Small Shield, despite the slight hit on her Speed. Thief ring will compensate it anyway. With the area emptied 8beside the relic and the troll) the whole party is clvl 4, so can go with the 3+ Living Ink to buy 2 spells from the cat (also spending 4K gold), and copy Wave in the sewer.
For delivering the floor-tile we get the Enchanted Breastplate, which goes to Svetlana. Hiking Cloak +1 for Diana.

Starting to lack options went to the Woodcutter Whatever to fight some wasps. In the meantime always slept (got healed) on Jeremy's Farm - after 10 rests you "loose" 1500 gold, but likely gain karma. Also, form then on sleeping there will cost money, so use the other free ooptions.

Went to fight the giant bat around Laverna's temple. On the sidenote: if you retreat from a fight, the enemies won't just get healed, but the disposed unites also respawn. Not that you wouldn't just reload or something. Anyway, give warrioress booze before starting the fight, and you're good. You won't even have to go home to heal with the spring in the cave. Btw, I'll try out the Flail +2 on Svetlana. Well, gaining the axe is more problematic than it worth for now, so let's go to Riverdale! I mean Riverdell.
Svetlana gets a Cap +2, Diana Light Helmet +1
Well, as I defeated ghosts here, I may be able to do it in Swifton, so let's check that out. Agaiinst the giant ghost made Anastasia quaff a Potion of Courage, but that was enough (the party is still clvl 4).
NOTE: you can go up-and-down freely to the Warrior Guild Prison as long as you do not install the crystal! Makes life easy.
When it comes to joining the guil, choose Potions of Blessing, because those are the most expensive. Then quaff booze and win.
Then you can loot the 2nd floor: Small shield +1,.
Warrior Guild Shop:
- Healing potion: 100 $
- Mana potion: 150 $
- Herbal remedy: 200 $
- Blessing potion: 100 $
- Water breathing potion: 50 $
- Cofee: 250 $
- Rowanberry: 50 $
- Travel ration: 40 $
- Apple juice: 40 $
- Scroll of resurrection: 600 $
- Potion of freedom: 200 $
- Potion of clarity: 200 $
- Potion of courage: 200 $
- Potion of attack: 150 $
- Potion of defense: 150 $
- Potion of speed: 125 $
- Potion of energy: 200 $
If you find the occasion, sleep in the Guild. Once. Worth the 1000 exp, even though you won't get any health-recovery.

When hunting for the Hugh Scorpion my strategy is to lure them out. Sure, there will be a crowd, but the mage will clean them off with Wave fast, the rest can focus on the big one after weakening the important minions. The warrior of course has to consume a booze, but that's ok.

Sidenote: the bathhouse in Swifton gives the exact same benefot than in warriortown.

Defeated the worldmap-bandits. Against the 4-party focused on the leader, and managed to shoot it down before could cast Meatshield. Oh, yeah. Light Bracer +2 goes to Diana, Hiking cloak +2 to Svetlana.

The "textbooks for school" quest never gets deleted. First the teacher takes 15 books and gives 4K exp, then the remaining one for 1K.
The answers for the library-statue-godess:
1. Livius
2. Eos, Svetodar, Amalia
3. Mammon
4. Gmyrmork
5. It's one Country!
6. Saltanovsk
7. The archconsul with the approval of the Senate.
8. Warchief Arseny
9. Theodora
10. Gorislav
11. Zhrugr
12. Lesser, Divine, Supreme
13. Red Sorcerers
14. The Eye of the Sovereign
15. 4
After this Diana gets Lucky Hat, Felicia Sorcerer's apprentice's cloak, Anastasia Helathy gloves and Svetlana Seven League Boots. Though you might decide otherwise. Boots +2 goes to Diana.
Fought the remaining bandits, and after the Riverdell-ones Healthy Gloves went to Svtelana, because Anastasia got Heavy Bracers +2.
Under the Swifton church you'll find the game's 2nd and thus final lootable water breathing potion. Buy 6 more and go to Riverdell when you think you can win against the angel. Go to the island from the inland, deal with it (Svetlana's Vampiric Touch works wonders), go in to the fairies, do what you have to, then keep on knocking the door until they teleport you to the mainland. Now go to Sableby, and descend to the well nearest the mayor's house, and fish out the rusty magic sword!

At the dwarf smith you can make artifacts out of: Rusta magic sword, Broken spear (when charging up go to the SE room in the warrior guild, and click on the broomtic and the shovel after talking with the general), 7 (yes, seven unit) of star alloy, gmyrmork amulet + spider amulet + protecting amulet. Each recipy also involves thousands of gold and dozens of booze (you'll have to buy some, no other way).

Fought i the arena. The 4-soldier group was easier than it looked, but against the cerberus had to switch up gear to apply conditions. Anastasia got Prankster, while Diana Poison Dagger, and she started with Slash to put on bleeding instantly. Posion + bleeding caused 500 HP per turn loos on the beast, what was good. Still barely survived. Anastasia had to consume a booze before the fight too. But at least not had to use my Scroll of resurrection. I think I'll check out the ogre/troll, I mean how hard can it be compared to this, eh? (Well, a bit. Switch Poison Dagger to Enchanted Dagger to start with, and use Svetlana's Dark Veil.)
Shield of freedom went on Anastasia, Small shield +1 to Svetlana.
Btw, after you beat the Cerberus you'll have a special encounter on the world map (possibly have to stay on the road). Give the troupe their 2,000 gold - I suspect karma.

Things that require 19 Perception:
- Roadside: Heavy Boots +1, Revival Potion (guild)
- Woodcutter's Camp: Broken Spear
- Cave of Stars (Starry Cave): Trap (LL between 50 and 60), Scroll of Resurrection
- Riverdell: Silver Watermelon (on the mainland), 350 Coins, Light Helmet +1 (these two probably on the island)
- Larisa's Dimension: Trap (LL between 50 and 60), Living Ink
- Sawdust: Read the sign. Talk to the Village Chief to learn about the " Visiting Troublemakers". Knock at the house next to the warehouse. The answer is irrelevant. Defeat the Drunken Mercenaries to earn 600 EXP, Mercenary's Mace. Find the 40 Coins & Travel Potion and wake up your friend. Reenter the house to see the change. Report to the Village Chief and get 1500 Coins or refuse it for Kindness points. You obtain 2000 EXP.
-> Worldmap: meet the Drunken Mercenaries again (don't go around!!!). Either give them the Mercenary's Mace or fight all 4 of them. Earn 800 EXP, 300 Coins, Club +2 and Heavy Breastplate +1.
- Canceled Contract quest: Start your quest in Sawdust. You'll be sent to Swifton's General Store. Lockpick the door, then talk to the old woman in the shop to distract Sabbas, and enter the attic, where will be 6 hotspots and a trap (at least with PE 19. This uber-high requirement is unconfirmed). Return to Sawdust for your reward. Personaly, I'd've been more happy if you had to choose between the money and the robe. Or could refuse the money for the discount in Chepter 2. Just my 2c.
Post edited May 28, 2024 by twillight
- Star shard: 20 $
- Scroll of astrological breach: 200 $
- Astrological discontinuities book: 1000 $
- Healing potion: 150 $
- Mana potion: 200 $
You can also "buy" the type of week coming, but not the mimic one (happens only naturaly), or the cow-one (happens once per playthrough randomly with the condition to defeat the chicken boss).

PS: I forgot to mention, but against these later "miniboss encounters" sometimes use a manapotion or two. That is not forbidden, only healing potions during battle are. If those were banned outside of battle, there's always the Travel Rations, so duh.
Week of the Slime is perfect occasion to loot this cave (highest PE-requirement is 17, but I already have 19, yes), because Anastasia is not afraid of them, and they are pretty pathetic (I'm clvl 6), and even the boss is nearby: just go a little left and you'll see it. There are no wandering monsters in the cave unless you rigger the summoning first. To learn how the trigger works look up the fisherman, but as this is likely not your first playthrough (you really should do that blind), you will already know that information. And if you fought the warrior guild's cerberus, you already have a Silver Watermelone. You are able to find and sell a second one too to the guy for cash, which is almost meaningless at this point.
Svetlana gets Big Shield +1. Anastasia: Adventurer's armor.
Week of the Chicken: triggering summons is inconsequential - do NOT let your party kill any of it though. You WILL summon some, the trigger-spots are placed that way, and you SHOUL interact with at least one mini-chicken for karma-bonus. The boss is at the middle of the north end, at the stone gate. Start with Mark Thief+, Mark Warrior+, Astrological Breach, and Svetlana doing a simple attack. Retreat if Svetlana started with less than 15 TP, because next turn the huhn will cast Wave and we want to block that with Dark Veil. After that Svetlana should build up Laverna's Curse, and when you have the time build TP for more Dark Veil. The thief and the warrior should rush to cause Bleed condition with Slash ability, then just do as much damage as they can. Felicia should stick to her Fireball + Fire Slash combo (possible add Mark Wizard to the combo). Gave the Cloak of Stars to anastasia, you know, her fear-condition and all. The boss gets minions if you kill any chicken before the bossfight.
Week of the imp: the boss is around the stone gate, one corridor down. If you approach from the west, you'll only activate 1 trigger, and you can run away (retreat) from the fight. The boss has 3 imp companion. This is not a though fight, though that the middle two imp can cast silence might kill your momentum, so definitely save before the fight, and bring a booze for Anastasia, just in case.
Sidenote: I realised at some point I gave Blessed Mace to Svetlana.

Went and finished the Abaddon tunnels under the church - it was predictably easy. Have to tell you because of the "reward dilemma", just give up the Broken Balck sphere. It is inferior in stats compared to the Undertaker's Amulet, and only gives 5% more darkness damage.
Shield of Light goes to Anastasia for obvious reasons. Shield of freedom to Svetlana.

Week of the Bat: to find the boss, just go left. Concentrate on the boss (cast bleeding if you can, or posion), and Fireball the minions.

At this point FINALY was able to fight down the Greater Earth Elemental in Larissa's Dimension. First move was to give a Potion of Courage to Anastasia. Concentrate all effort on the big guy, and hope Felicia won't get picked exclusively and/or won't get incapacitated otherwise, because her Fireball will deal with the minions. Oh, and as soon as you can, cast Dark Veil to stop the big one summoning more minions! Anastasia also should cast Mark of the Warrior to mitigate the damage. And as elementals are immun to conditions, give Soldiers' Spirit to Diana for this fight.

Week of the Rat: for the boss go left and up. The boss has 7 minions, so I say use your characters to soften the thougher ones in the first round, then obliterate the crowd with a Fireball. Anastasia of course should drink a booze. By the way let me mention Diana's Battle dance don't attack 3 different enemies, it deals 3 attacks on random targets - so even if 3+ targets are available it might hit the same one 2+ times.

Went for the Angry Axe. We really needed something to PREVENT and not REMOVE confusion in the game, khm. But oh well. Not that I find axes useful for anything, but I guess braggong rights is still something.

Did the 2nd Team Arena fight. It feels like cheating againstt he player, and I have no real advice for you. This is what I know: I sterted with attacking the priestess, but she heals herself like crazy (4 times, then switches to stunning moves), and then after the 2nd/right before the 3rd healing the leader activates her meatshield, so you are pretty screwed, because that spell lasts forever, though after a long while does expire. For a bit. Bleeding and poisoning the lady seems to be a good idea.
And the "fun" doesn't end here, because the prietess can - resurrect! And not with 100 or less HP like it happens to you. Oh no. They come back almost fully healed! But the condition for this to happen seems to be TWO fallen partymember of their group, so when the leader falls, switch back to the rpiestess. Try to pull out a Dark Veil if you can (my priestess got shot down before I could, still, good idea, though it is told the priestess should not even attempt to cast magic in this fight, so who knows what'd've happen). Oh, and I quaffed a mana potion with the mage (Firball + Fire Blaze). Also, Diana has this Battle Dance ability - it ignores Meat Shield!
PS do NOT fight the Gluttonous Slug when it is not a slug-week! Well, you could, but at least in theory there is an achievement for doing it at that time. And the difference if we are honest is just casting Astrological Breach once, so duh.

Week of the scorpion: the boss is on the NW. Has 1 from each type of scorpion as minion - the sleep-inducing blue one is the most annoying, I'd start with that. And as this is boss and all, remember you can cast Pillar of Light to get rid of poison if it gets annoying (and you shot down the green one).

Started the Kikimora/Swamp Fairy quest, and fought the Drunk Mercenaries in Sawdust - this later quest is only available with 9 PE, and has a followup worldmap-encounter (I got it by walking on the road westward). These are no big deal, but makes time passing. I'm waiting mostly for the Week of the Cow, you know. Oh, you can refuse the monetary reward for karma, or just roleplaying reason. You rly don't need the coins, and you can get the bowl filled in Sableby anyway (previously I didn't even know about this quest). But it's up to you.
Also did the Abaddon Sanctuary, was interresting, but not that hard after all. Gave the Sacrificial Dagger to Felicity just to see how it works, and it got appearent our mage simply won't use shields. Grrr.

Picked up the Sparks spellbook from the Swifton Magic Shop.

Week of the Spider: the boss is in the NE corner. You get 1 of each spider type as minion, I'd still shoot down the blue one before focusing on the boss, which only can poison. Blue opnes make you sleep. Otherwise, spiders are barely above rats and frog-slimes.

Did the Sabbas quest. Master's Robe goes to Felicia.

Remembered I've not fought yet the 4 skellies in Laverna's Temple. Laverna's Bracelet goes to Diana.

Week of the Wasp: the boss is to the right. Wasps are weaklings. Shoot down first the turcouise and yellow wasp to not get nerfed.
This was all 7 Star Avatars to collect Star Alloy from to forge the Star Guardian artifact. Should investigate if more can be made, the cave respawns after all. Not sure about the avatars. Thing is, I think the items don't give "flat" bonuses, but level up with you? I'd sware this happens. So switching back from Spear to Dagger/Knife for Diana would be now a hugh backstep to apply this shield. So despite not being much stepup in stats compared to Shield of Freedom, I did not see much paralysis until now, so Svetlana gets it.

The Earth Priest was a challange back then, not much now. Lucky me. Svetlana gets his robe, Felicia his mace which has its price, but it boosts of magic attack and the extra mana just might compensate enough.
Also did everything else in Laverna's Temple (eliminate all earth elementals in the area, fight the statues).

NOTE: if you get impatient like me, enter-exist a settlement until a new week marker pops up. then reload the last Autosave. It'll generate another random roll for the "new week". (I had to reroll only once.)
Week of the Cow: go to the stone gate and pass to the Cow World. The cows there are just farm-animals, so just squeeze through the crowd to the NE corner where you have to fight 2 minotaurs the same time which guard a chest which only unlocks if you triggered ALL summon spot (which summon absolutely nothing in this week besides some visual and noise effect). Enfeeble, Mark of the Warrior+, Laverna's Curse and any source of bleeding (and possible poison) will be useful here.
The Sepherd's Staff is the ultimate weapon for Felicia.
Now let's roll a Week of the Slime to reveal the secret of the Ooze, I mean we still have to fight that frog-slug at the Warriors' Guild. I mean we don't have to, but you know.
NOTE: turns out I missed a trigger point during cow-week, and still got the chest. So no idea what the triggers do that week!
With all things done, I payed for the next week to be Slime Week. I mean I still have almost 16K gold, and nothing to spend it on, heh, heh.

Realised there is a part in the swamp that can only be reached by teleporting, so did that. This passed enough time to activate Slime Week, so heading to fight in the arena before trying my luck against the kikimora/fairy. This fight is not easy, here are some tips: if you care, roll the fight until Svetlana starts with 15+ TP, so in the 2nd turn can cast Dark Veil, pushing the first poison attack (effects whole party, with a chance) a couple turns later. Mark of the Warrior can help too, but the real kicker can be Paladin Blessing because against thatt he thing has no resistance so you'll be doing normal damage. For the mage I'd just stick to the Fire Ball + Fire Blaze combo. Note that the ooze cann ot bleed (nor be poisoned)!
There will be a new hotspot on the 2nd floor - nothing material, but funny.
Too kthe opportunity check how the Star Cave works, and while all trigger-points redet, the Star Avatars do not respawn, thus you cann ot collect more Star Alloy than the seven you use for the shield.
Post edited May 28, 2024 by twillight
To reach the "kikimora" you either have to descend through that hole (uses rope?), or go south- teleport to the other side of the swamp, go south, jump to the "arena".

Now the "kikimora" is not that hard if you manage to make it bleed (and the gear, and the character level - mine got 8 for the 2nd round! - counts too), because otherwise it heals like insane. That's the trick to win here, pure and simple.
Oh, and I checked a bunch of times, but the "karma system" seems BS. Only THIS decision seems to determine wether the Sableby-town shrine will give you that item (Non-Forbidden Fruit) or not!
Note that there is a chest on the swamp-fairy's island. It has a Sorcerer Staff +2 if you did not do Cow Week yet. Also, if you did not do before, go down that hole. It's not much, but something. Actualy, if you are coming here semi-early, that spellbook will prove bloody precious.

The Non-Forbidden Fruit goes to Felicia, because Diana is already protected from confusion by Soldier's Spirit, and on Svetlana the Undertaker's Amulet with its 10% bonus darkness damage feels just more appropriate (it's always a trouble that Laverna's Curse does not have that high basic damage).

Now there is nothing else to do for real besides the main quest, so let's go giblin-hunting! Yes, I know we did not open 2 chests yet. Be patient.
When you arrive you can't even save when a goblin ambush happens, and on top of it you are also weakened by a trap. At clvl 7 this was still ok-challanging, at clvl 8 felt more like Thuesday.
The Antiheroine team at clvl 7 was a challange, at clvl 8 was more interersting, but still definitely demanded attention. I'd suggest to try shooting down the bottom gobliness with the asian hat, I think that summons the Divine Carrot - the event and thus resurrection of the team might be scripted of course. I knocked down the goblin on the "north", and that definitely not helped. You also gain the Gmyrmock amulet here - very late, but the dwars smith might use that as a recipe! Well, you won't get the option until you fight the big uniue spider too and get its amulet too. Btw, neither amulet is "rubbish", but they are giving you earth-damage, which is not in high demand here. But if it'll come to Chapter 2, it might be worth considering. Btw, you need a rope to get to the spider's lair, also the shaman which is mandatory by plot.
There are 2 enterings to the goblin cave-complex. They are hidden behind trees. The 2nd is less useful. The first allows you to trick goblins by writing a note (sign as the Green Furries - I mean Furies -, and promise sweet love). What this achieve you ask? Well, you don't have to use your own rope to get down, that's what. Also 1,000 exp. Like any of those matter right now. Also, unfortunately, you find no goblins (to fight or otherwise) at the waterfall.
Now went to the top (a new sub-area can be reached via a ladder), and there is a "leshy", whatever those are. it starts with dumping a boulder on the party (trap damage, ca. 33% of your HP is gone), than hits like a mule. I did not give up though, and cast Stone Skin on everyone, giving booze to Anastasia, Laverna's Curse like usual, and Vampiric Touch to heal back some HP (I got lucky that Svetlana was not KOd by the AI asap), and Spark from the mage (because it was cheap, and half my mana was gone when I got here, and I thought nothing can stand in my way). I won, but like 1 hit away from losing :D

Week of the mimic: I mean why not.

Now as you won't be able to do anything than a row of scripted events, go to Roadside (the warrior guild town) and buy the lockpick-level, than go and lockpick that chest in Swifton you can only acess through the Abbaddon dungeons. Buy all kinds of potions too (have at least 8 blessing, attack, speed and defense potions), because you will loose all your money soon, but not your equipment. Ah, and don't forget to go to the dwarven smith to make that silly artifact from the two other artifact plus a protection amulet on top (and plenty of booze).
Crap, the thief in Roadside won't teach anything, says "your skill is already higher than mine" (lvl 70). But I remembered there's that chest in the Deep Crevasse. It is higher than slvl70! It cost me like 3 lockpicks to unlock this 65-75 range chest! Magician Killer is a flail which might put silence on the target, can be used warrior and priest only. 8 lockpick went into the Swifton-chest. My lockpick is not lvl 72. It has the Darkness Priest Robe, which is just a little bit weaker in stats than the earth priest robe, but offers another 10% darkness damage boost.
The Ultimate Amulet from the Dwarf Smith is the Earth Amulet, which actualy worth the investment. It gives the best accessory-stats for Felicia, gives a skill as long as you wear it, and gives 33% earth damage boost, what is insanly good in comparison (other mage-crafts provide 5-15% buff).

I suggest you make an archive save before going in for the final part, so if you are satisfied with all your choices in the game, when Chapter 2 is coming out, and characters can be transfered, you only have to load this, buy the right potions, and ta-dah, you only need to the very end of the story before you start the next adventure.

Before going forther, let me tell you the skills and spells you can accumlate in the game:
- magical power: gives 50 TP for 50 MP for the target. Not very mandatory.
- Mana transfer: 50 MP of yours go to another character. Not very efficient.
- Poison attack: guarantees poison condition on target (if target is not immun etc.). Pretty useful.
- Sneak Attack: requires a dagger. No, knives don't work. yes, this is an issue. Anyway, it gives a hefty onetime damage for just 25 TP, so early-midgame it is your skill of choice, and even lategame if you don't switch to the spear artifact works out too.
- Puncture: works with dagger or spear. Has a chance to make the target bleed. Lowers your base damage, but if the enemy has high AC it can damage more than your usual attack. I found this pretty unreliable, forgetable.
- Strike from the shadows: has a chance to cause bleeding, and kinda doubles your damage if I understand coirrectly. It costs 40 TP though, so too expensive.
- Slash: requires dagger or knife (told ya), guaranteed bleed condition for 24 TP. Very good skill.
- Thie Mark/+: speed is not THAT important, I mean it is nice, but you won't attack twice just because of this stat before the enmy hits you, so kinda whatever. Sometimes it does worth casting it in first turn, so don't forget about it entirely.
- Battle dance: 90% damage. but hits thrice, so it's appealing. Costs 40 TP, so if you are using daggers, you'll likely just use SftS, but a very big relief if you use the spear artifact.

- Magical power: see above
- Mana transfer: see above
- Paladin blessing: only costs 25 MP, boosts your weapond-damage by 25%, and turns it light-damage, which is awesome. A regularly used spell.
- Meat Shield: it's a well-designed ability. Buff your resistances, and forces every enemy to attack the caster. I wish this skill could be accessed earlier, because os Anastasia being a scaredy-cat.
- Strong Strike: your go-to quasi-cheap (25 TP) damage-buffer for our paladin.
- Slash: see above, but as a dagger(?) artifact fits Anastasia best, I use this from her most of the time.
- Warrior's mark/+: the lvl 6 variety finaly makes some use of the tbh quite hefty manapool of this character, giving the entire groop DEF-boost.
- Anthusiasm: 30 TP for every member of the group for 40... dunno if TP or MP. Never used. Could help out with the battles I've rotated to start, but 40 TP is a lot, and Anastasia usualy starts very low on TP.
- Traumatic strike: requires axe of flail, so I've never used. Not sure what the "injured" condition does either.
- Stunning Blow+: guaranteed stun if she uses staff/club/flail - never used.
- Laverna's Cure: deals some darkness damage, and debuff the enemy DEF and magicDEF. Best skill.
- Pillar of Light: removes Poison, Bleeding and/or Injury from target. Forgetable, because the condition can be just applied again by the enemy, on the entire gorup, and it costs 40 MP what is a lot.
- Vampiric Touch: costs 40 MP, so not very efficient, but sometimes life-saving, so worth keeping in mind.
- Dark Veil: costs 25 MP, so can be used first in round 2-4. The time I used it can be read in the guide. Not bad, but conditional.
- Siphon: drains mana from the enemy. IF the enemy has mana. Very situatonal, but sometimes worth trying.
- Dark Charm: confuses the enemy, and that's it. 60 MP is very pricey for what it does.
- Enfeeble: Lowers enemy damage output. Occasionaly it might worth it, as it applies to both physical and magical damage. Costs 60 MP.
- Exhausting haste: the main idea behind this is giving booze to Anastasia, than buffing her with this. Gaining the skills, using boose etc... Just a lot of fuss around, so I just forgot about this skill.
- Dark Ward: if the target of this spell gets hit, some of the damage reflects back to the attacker. You understand why I'm not favourite of this spell.
- Svetlana's healing: mostly in the game for story-reasons. There is a theoretical use for this, but that's beyond hardcore challange level effort.
- Stunning Blow: a couple of times tried to use this, neither the damage is satisfying, neither the stun applies reliably. Still, as the weapon-conditions apply, and you are out of mana, worth trying. Maybe you get lucky, and the thing does get stunned.
- Priest mark/+: against some bosses it might worth trying, but magic defense is usualy not an issue, on the other hand the party-buff costs 80 MP (yes, this uses MP not TP), which is a lot for a caster.
- Traumatic Strike: requires axe or flail, guarantees Injury condition on target. Again, no ide awhat Injury does, but any condition is better than nothing. I mean if you are out of mana, or things obviously go the wrong way, worth trying, only costs 30 TP after all, which is not too much.

- Fire flash: your basic fire spell. It's kinda cheap (35 MP), and does reliable damage, also combos with Fireball.
- Fireball: costs 75 MP, does moderate fire damage and lowers fire resistance on the whole enemy group. The damage-output is not very good, but you know...
- Wave/+: the two version differs only that the basic version has 50% chance to hit your party too - not THAT big of a damage to not worth the risk, and surprisingly sometimes you want the withdrawal because the enemy applied Sleep condition on your party. Otherwise the fully developed version is a massive hit on the entire enemy party. No condition applied, costs 75 MP, but deals 100% dmg on every enemy!
- Slow: usualy not worth bothering.
- Spark: only costs 25 MP, but hits a random target instead of your choice. Still good against Earth Elementals, and lone bosses. Or if you are simply out of mana.
- Stone fist: has a chance to put Injury on target, and is causing earth physical damage instead of magical. I don't see how this constitues the cost of 40 MP per casting.
- Stone Skin: immediately gives 2-tier defense boost to a single target. Because of the single target thing rarely used, but worth remembering if you just need to protect a character (or have time and nothing better to do with the mage).
- Sioftening: lowers earth-resistance of target. Yes, it's 10 MP only, but I don't feel it worth a whole turn to cast this.
- Ice needles: now I hope in later chapters we won't have a reason to give its spellbook to the other apprentice. IF there is an other apprentice, and Felicia wasn't to be reneamed or something like that. Guarantees Injusry condition, but then again, 40 MP for this? Questionable.
- Mental Shield: REMOVES, and not prevents a bunch of dangerous conditions. Usualy those conditions effectt he whole party, or simply attacking the BOSS worth more than bothering with this.
- Astrological Breach: it's a great spell if there is a nuisance mob, or a boss with astrological boost.
- Stunning Blow: see above
- Mage's Mark/+: incrises magic attack. The thief and the "warrior" doesn't have that, so duh, and the priestess' magical damage is usual too low to bother with this, but the basic version only costs 20 MP, so occasionaly does worth considering. More often than not though turns out you simply can't afford the turn to activate it, but still.

PS: you might wonder if in the goblin complex you can fight the denizens, get into any of the houses... You can't. The game will turn you back if you get too close to any such thing, making remembering the map oh-so easier.

Oh: before you go all in, I'll also remind you to all those daisey you harvested. Go to the Cemetary, and buy whatever stats you like. Mana seems the least useful, only 2 character uses that, and they accumlated quite a pool now, so duh. HP is welcomed of course, but maybe I can convince you to notch up your Speed to a level where at least you are faster than most enemies. One less thing to worry about, I think.
How many flowers do I even have left? 207. Remember, I only accepted 4-5 picks. That worth 8 upgrades (24 daisies per statboost). That's either 200 HP, or 8 Speed. Your pick.

Uhm, maybe you are curious how many Healing Potions I accumlated. Remember: I did drink some BETWEEN fights. 82. That's how many.
Come to think of it, it'd be beneficial to go on a shopping spree. Some of my characters on some of their equipment-slots are still wearing only +1 equipments, what definitely could be improved upon.

What do do beyond the door:
- check out the mushrooms. Turns out, they DO were watching back. Reward is a Shaman Circlet, which'll come in handy.
- heal and mana up, the next fight is against a gorup of shamans. Focus on the MINIONS. Trust me on this one.
Next BEFORE leaving the goblin tunnels patch up, because a fight is coming. Not a though fight, but you have been warned. And after THAT fight DEFINITELY patch up, because this is the endgame coming up.
You'll have to make a decision: send all of your troops into one of the houses - or split your group to fighters and casters, and do both. The "right" choice should be obvious. Btw, though you can still collect daisies - you won't be able to use them, so what's the point?
To get to the next fight, simply leave the area.
I definitely split up, just for the challenge, and this is how you "get this achievement": cast Wave by Felicia, and Svetlana just do Dark Ward. For the fighters: Diana shall poison everyone, and Anastasia drink booze when she gets close to her limits. That's it. After this fight HEAL UP, especialy heal up ANASTASIA. You have been warned.

Anastasia gets separated from the others, you loose all your money. You may fight the rats n the basement if you are determined, although there's like no point, but whatever. Feel powerful and squish them.
Here is a nifty trick: before Anastasia goes on her own ways, pump her up with all the drugs! Attack potion, Blessing potion, Defense potions(!) to the brim! The buff WILL BE ON HER DURING THE FINAL CONFRONTATION! Woo-hoo!!!
Post edited May 29, 2024 by twillight
Green Furies DLC
Here is very easy to not use Healing Potions, as the goblins thought start at clvl 3, don't have much resources. Any kind of food you can find is potentialy poisonous (1-20% chance), so cooking meat is essential even though you have to cook 5 at once to have 2 dose left. Per sleep. After eaten 3 dose of meat, all other meat that awake-period will go to your inventory straight. And as goblins don't have a production-line, obviously there's no healing potions at hand either.
Actualy, you start with "old" equipment, which in diablo-terms are "Low Quality, Cracked, Crude, Damaged". So strength in numbers, your first task should be to fill up your ranks, then grab the chief's challange axe - 4 of you can beat 2 of the guards.
Next go around for quests to pick up (Call Jugg JuggJugg), and when you have 10 gold to afford (money is very hard to find, goblins don't produce their own either) enter the shaman lair for some plot-advamancement, then start roaming the Narrow Tunnels.
At one corners you'll find a group of scropion of 6, and the single trap you have will not be enough, so come back there when you somehow aquire a second one.
Monsters defeated are defeated in this one for good too, except around the big spider's lair, where the spiders 8and only the spiders!) respawn.
Also, because the group is somewhat pathetic - what makes them you care about them actualy - pay close attention to what astrological week it it. It's now not about being hurt a little or a lot, but being able to win or not.
Also play smort. When borther offers you to teach, you CAN lower the price, just not much.

You have to be VERY economic with your findings, because the suppllies are VERY limited, but you need a bunch of things, so it's best to just find things laying around. Still, it seems pretty obvious you'll need to sell away the inferior equipment in this one.
For example you'll need plenty of ropes. And 8 guckberry (goblin alcohol), while I only found 4. The traps seem to be the most headscratcher, I'll have to figure that out - I know I'll need at least 4, and each'll cost 100$, which is a very serious amount here.
You'll also need coins to pay grandma 10$ to get info on some top item, or to buy Tragic The Gardening cards, at least 2 pack they say.
You'll again hunt for some green, but the apples are not random. What IS random, is wether the pickaxes break. So if it's your last pickaxe... But you should find enough.

With a clvl 4 party I could win against the giant bat without healing (hint: it's a flying creature). If the AI spread damage kinda evenly. Focus on the minions first.

Fullmep's bar:
- Guckberry: 5 $
You can ask one time to put your drinks on the tab.

Lockpicking is still random, and this time we have no idea on ranges and skill level. One thing is fix though: breaking to the chief costs 5(!) lockpicks, no less, no more.

For the collectible card game: technicaly you only need to buy 1 Rare Booster Pack (seems it is guaranteed to contain OP). But if you buy too, after giving away one as trade, you still can do easy money-gane with save-scumming.
You may want to buy another one, and trade it with the gobliness later who buys lockpicks for 10 gold (don't sell to her those) for 10 lockpick. On the other hand you might not need to dp ths, as there is a thingy "Pelorus" you can trade too, and I see no use of that otherwise. Yet. Come to think of it, she might accept a base deck? One should try.

Collectible cards:
- common cards: 2 $ (I think no OP)
- rare booster pack: 10 $ (I thnk guaranteed OP)
- pretty cards back (aka. OP): 30 $

General store:
- citrine: 30 $
- rowanberry: 23 $
- guckberry: 9 $
- boiled monster meat: 23 $
- manashroom: 15 $
- rope: 15 $
- miner's pickaxe: 30 $ (You'll need I think like 10 of these just to bash the boulder in the mushroom-god's trial area, so these are precious! never let any break on mining citrine!)
- lockpick: 23 $
- egghead's trap: 105 $
- old bow, old club, old dagger, old sorcerer's staff, old mace, old spear, old shield, old big shield, old cap, old light helmet, old heavy helmet, old shaman circlet, old light breastplate, old robe, old light bracers, old heavy bracers, old boots, old heavy boots, old wizard boots, old hiking cloak, old wizard cloak: none cares

After a while I felt I got rich by goblin standards, so gave 4 gold to the Bridge Goblin, and he went away, claiming he will work more. Heared you can just beat him up, but when you think about it, you don't have to, and roleplaying that you are building goblin civilisation is just more fun.

The first scorpion where the game suggested I need trap is a mob of 6 scorpion, 4 blue 2 red if I'm not mistaken, so definitely worth 2 traps to sacrifise here (the first is a scripted event for this specific location which malfunctions one trap). You COULD go around and fight the whole mob, but then again... Sound though. They do not drop scorpion pincers, but there is the purple ink or whatever, so you definitely have to mess with this.

Eventualy you find 4 Egghead Trap in total, and that's all you need.
The other scorpion group (NE corner) has only 3 members, but one of them is a 2,000+ HP beast, so even if the trap only eliminates the HP of the blue and green minion, it does worth it. This scorpion provieds the stinger you need. This was the final ingredient for thebeholder-trap for me, well, except for the magical item, which I hoped can be just some +1 item, but no, the game wanted my Chief Helmet - I guess other special artifacts would do too, like Gmyrmork Amulet (+3,5), which the game also refers to as "spider amulet", but we know these two are not the same. Whatever. Pay attention what to do with it, because not even the quest-log keeps track of it for some reason!
UPDATE: Gmyrmok's won't work, but a Ring of Light is. That ring has crappy stat, its main function is to turn your physical damage to magical light damage. I say why not sacrifise that instead - though probably worth an archive save.
To get the Ring of Light (not life, which is a common magical item) you pick it up from behind the Door Mimic. Say the phrase to the "angel" too, then oyu can come back any time you want to fight this optional boss.
Another optional boss is the leshy on the summit. If you give it booze, you'll be able to challenge it.

There is a scripted pickaxe break in the area of the beholder.

I found the Bridge Goblin again, and asked 4 gold from me again. I suspect despite claiming to do more work in the future, he's now gone for good, and the maker of the guide on Steam had to pay 20 gold because s/he beaten up the dude the first time.
Actualy, the dude made a third bridge, and this unlocked an entirely new area! Wow!
I was wondering if I get close to the finalé lacking new things to do. I was at this point left with:
- make the trap, get through that wall, slay the beholder or something
- find gold to get chief's key to loot his chest
- get 1 more Rowanberry to make the sleeping potion
- fight the giant frogcyclops (not done it, because it's the week os slimes for me since a while)
- get rid of the Black Boulder
And this was when I tried and found the Chief's house has a cellar!
So I have some stuff left after all.
Oh, yeah, and the potion-quest reminded me of that flower, and the things sorrounding it... Can fight those too. I accidently triggered them before, and actualy you can just run away. Although I suspect that wouldn't be a reliable, lasting solution... Anyway, the quest also explains why bother with the big ooze.

The key to win against the big ooze is to shoot it down within the first two rounds, before it poisons your whole team.

Wondering where to get gold went around checking the mining-spots, and boom, found an entirely new cave under the beholder-area!
Ok, we are making progress. Will have to ocme back of course fully healed and stuff, here will be one of those angels to fight. Darn, that sounds though. And during this the party drank 2 goblin booze, so now I'm left with only 1, but I'd need 5! NOTE: the chest in that room unlocks randomly when you attempt lockpicking.

--> going through the Steam-guide if I missed anything. Turns out I did, though it's negligable: there is a map for this adventure in a chest at Egghead's place. At least it confirms I found every area. And missed a shortcut. Heh.
Oooh, totaly forgot to learn that axe-skill! Now do I have 800 gold for that? Oh, it's only 80. Than it's fine.

The "angel" you took the Glowing Orb from likes to heal itself when drops below 2-300 HP. Otherwise not very though with a part of clvl 6. The thing seems immun to bleeding.

Defeated the leshy with a clvl 6 party by quaffing 2 Potion of Energy, so I could cast Web and Cleavering Strike asap.

There is no way around this: buy 5 guckberry to mix the most powerful "sleeping potion".

Turns out Groonya (the warrior/leader/redhead) gets Mighty State eating Boiled Monster Meat from the backpack too.
You have to eat 3 of those to get the state (just like when the party goes cooking), and then use up a pickaxe to break the Black Boulder.

When you have done literaly everything else, at least when it comes to fighting, before finishing the Flash Trap go and break down the wall with the blessing of the Mi-Gos. Here your 2spider" amulet will diminish, that's why.
Btw, not sure what "Dark Fairies" the Steam-guide is tlaking about. My guess is, that person did not aquire the rage-balls? That seems impossible, as it is mandatory. Anyway, the statue is big and though and drains mana, once, at the beginning, and I got lucky that our shaman (I consider Gheesha shaman) could throw Softening and earth spells on it, while the huntress (insert shameless Lone Wold promotion here) debuffed its defenses while the rest accumlated TP to do big damage when the debuff is ready. The statue is immun to stun, paralyze and bleeding.

Personal note: I still have a Potion of Energy left.
Post edited May 31, 2024 by twillight
Actualy, let's go through skills and such:

- Meat Shield: did not have to rely on this with this one, but we are already familiar with this one.
- Warrior Mark/+: nice party buff
- Nom Nom: the idea is good: the enemy bouffs its defenses, but you can still do 100% damage. Unfortunately such enemy do not exist in this adventure as far as I can tell. It'd have been awesome if it'd instead ignore the debuffs on us.
- Stunning Blow+: never used. Weapon incompatibility etc.
- Cleaving Strike: costs a ton, but also puts guaranteed bleeding on the enemy, and has nice damage. If there is a very big enemy around, do it.
- Strong strike: your go-to damage buffed move. TP-efficient.

- Magical Power: in theory at least, this is more useful on this character. I wish the warrior had it instead, or the mage...
- Thief Mark/+: when you know you'll be manadrained at the boss sure, waste your mana on this instead supplying the enemy.
- Sand in eyes: not tried. I know I should have had.
- Sneak attack: it's a minor dmg-boost at lowest cost. Depending on type of enemy mob, it might be your pick.
- Double strike: far more reliable and still TP-efficient than Sneak attack. Your go-to skill most of the times.
- Battle Dance: we know this from the Main Adventure. I somehow don't feel Magical Power is the best to supply this with TP, but whatever.

- Bonds released: removes sleep, paralyzis, stat debuffs, and on top of it gives 10 TP. I'll be honest, despite this being kinda good, I forgot to use it.
- Hunter Seal/+: boost physical attack. Awesome, given 3 of the party are nothing but physical attacker. Not that I used it that frequently, but still.
- Hunter's Mark: the damage sucks, but it's the go-to debuff.
- Halting arrow: does the same as Hunter's mark, but also decreases Speed. Also costs more TP.
- Fast arrows: 2 shots at 120% damage total, but at random targets. It might even hit an enemy twice even though it perishes at the first hit, the character is shooting that fast. Still, very good at the beginning of the game, and not bad att he end.
- Rain of arrows: so this is what the enemy archers used. Simply doubles your damage. That's it. I've never seen it attacking 2 targets. It is double damage on 1 target.

- Slow: you know what I think of this.
- Regeneration: look, this won't give you awesome HP-replenishment. What this does achieve is, giving you just a tiny bit of HP so you survive 1 more hit, or compensates against poison. Do not undersestimate this spell.
- Regeneration mass: you only gain this before entering the beholder's lair. And it costs A LOT. And regeneration does not stack.
- Softening (comes from equipment): earth resistance debuff on the entire enemy group present. This means when the giant ooze spawns stuff, those won't be effected. Anyway, it's unnecessary until the endgame, but then it becomes real handy, when the enemy start to have thousands of HPs.
- Stone Fist: your basic magic damaging spell. Lacking alternative, and starting at clvl 3 you don't actualy notice its cost.
- Stonefall: it deal 3*80% damage, has a slim chance to cause confusion (if applicable), but the main drawback is, it hits 3 random targets. Meanng it is very unreliable. And lacking über artifacts to boost the magic attack stat, it doesn't really worth the cost to cast it on a mob. A single boss - maybe.
- Web: now this is a curiosity. It paralyzis the target for 3 rounds. Costs 80 MP + 40 TP. What is kind of a lot. Add to that that every attack of the character only supplies 10 TP, things can turn complicated. Nevertheless, when it comes to the right boss, there is no better than this one.


my "final gear" are:

Axe +1, Big shield +1, Chief helmet -> Heavy helmet +1, Heavy breastplate +1, Ring of light, heavy breacers +1, Heavy Boots +1, Hiking cloak +1

Sword +1, Small shield +1, Light helmet +1, Light breastplate +1, Stone from Kadigin, Light bracers +1, Light boots +1, Hiking cloak +1

Huting bow +1 (probably visual bug that it is white, not light-blue), -, Light helmet +1, Light breatsplate +1, Stone from Kadigin, Gloves +1, Light boots +1, Hiking cloak +1

Gheesha: Sorcerer's staff, -, Magician's hat +1, Robe +1, Gmyrmork amulet +3.5/+2.5/+1.5, Wizard gloves +1, Wizard boots +1, Wizard cloak +1

Probably worth making an archive save, because if you just want to destroy the beholder, the Ring of Life is better base. But if you think carrying over your party and gear, the Chief's Helmet is very likely inferior.
Not that you have to fight it anyway. Actualy, you can't kill it at all, because of plot. You just ... knock it out.
But don't worry, there's another fight behind it. THAT is mandatory.

Huh, woah, I'm so glad the beholder is not mandatory. I had to use like all equipment I had to beat that final group of undead retribution-attempt. Potions of attack, defence, and damaging scrolls. Even feeding 3 boiled meat to redhead for the Mighty buff. BUT, and this is most important, have not used a single Healing Potion during the DLC-adventure. I'm kinda proud to be honest. On meself that I could beat it under challange-conditions, but also on the designer. This was some climax! Carrot for everyone!
Post edited May 31, 2024 by twillight
- you CAN not have an OP-card in a Rare Booster. This also means you PROBABLY have a slim chance with the regular decks for an OP.
- I think I only had tim mine 3-5 citrine to cover the quest-requirements
- you never have to buy lockpicks if you never sold them, even if you do not save-scum
- if you lockpicked EVERY lock in the game, you might be able to lockpick the gate of the Chief's House with only 3 lockpick.
- from the strongest bosses in the game I suggest this order of ending: the angel, the Laverna-statue, the giant ooze, the lesha (this one is very tricky and though, I'm not even sure what is the winning order of action here)
- for fighting the beholder you get 6K exp
- before the Point of No Return (fight or run the beholder) your party will have - not including fighting respawning monsters - at 8820 exp until the next level (9070 for the huntress and shaman).
- fighting the beholder pretty much hinges on using Dust in the Eye. It runs away at like 350 HP left. The most annoying thing is its double Stone skin spell which'll occure in like 2-3 rounds after the trap/potion effect goes away, and deletes all debuffs, and does something weird on being able to hurt it (I'm not sure what the exact effect is). The other worst thing its constant turn-gaining by Fear and when it drops below like 25% HP it starts to cast some uber-powerful fireballs each turn, so you'll be on time when that starts happening.
- with everything done in the game (not fighting respaning units) the team will be 6320/6570 exp away from clvl 7.
Post edited June 15, 2024 by twillight