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I have this problem, and searching online for hours did not help so I decided to ask here. Sorry if it's already answered somewhere I couldn't find.

Water reflections only work in about 1/4 of the screen (bottom left) and only if the camera is facing down. At other angles it's even less, making the rest of the water look like milk.

Hopefully these 3 photos will show what I mean:

1) camera facing straight down
2) camera at an angle
3) camera from ground level.

All graphics settings are maxed out (vsync disabled).

My system:
Windows 7 Pro x64 fully updated
Core i5 3320m
Intel HD 4000 graphics

All drivers are up to date. The only thing that "fixes" the water is disabling all reflections. Anyone else having this problem? Thanks in advance.
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Now I'm on Windows 10 x64, and both Windows provided updates and Driver Booster 5 drivers show no improvement.