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Well having just applied the patch for April 1st it's obvious 3D Realms think the customers are the fools.

Loaded up the game to find previous saved games no longer valid/wiped by the patch.

Getting to "enjoy" the non-skippable boat rode for the 5th (twice in the demo & 3 times since the early access started) time I had to step away from the computer while the boat ride was going on. Thinking to come back to the game after the so called intro that most players have requested removed...
I found the 'you died' screen up with a respawn/save-quit prompt. No idea what killed me or how since, until you step off the boat, nothing is supposed to happen.

Hitting 'respawn' spawned the PC back in the boat... which was rapidly spinning in place with screwed up level geometry flickering in the back ground.

Hit esc. & chose 'Save & Quit' to hopefully bypass the game breaking bug... only to end up on the main screen with the game saying I had no saved games to load.

Queue 6th boat ride.

Game play wise they've added a 2nd attack to the staff which they seem overly proud of... not sure what purpose it serves yet however as it's weaker than the main attack so must have some forced game play elements later in the game...

Enemy AI seems... marginally better but only just. They seem to try to get around the player for a back attack a tiny bit more. You'll barely notice.
The sewer zombies seem to hit harder which I guess is how they've tried to deal with combat criticisms. Doesn't really help.

Using the flame tool (or spell as they like to call it but it still can't be used for combat) to light torches is still harder as there's just a small region at the tip of the flame animation that actually does the lighting of objects.

There were many texture problems... flashing textures being the main one.

Still has the absolutely useless checkpoint save system so make sure you can game for a couple hours each play session or it'll put you back to where you were when you started if it decides you haven't completed the quest.

Oh... the checkpoints ARE NOT the crows where you respawn... it's based on journal entries only. If your journal hasn't updated you'll likely reload at the beginning of the quest as outlined in the journal when you save & quit.

Still feel I over paid having bought on Epicwith their summer discount for about $15 CDN.