tinyE: Is sleeping important or just a nice way to restore health/pass time?
Guy gave me a hut but just said 'it's over there'. Can anyone be a little more specific?
Arkose: The hut Guy points out is by the campfire in the area above the arena. I have attached a screenshot showing its location.
Note that you can also sleep in the huts of named characters like Diego (they generally don't yell at you). You can even sleep in a bed where someone does yell at you as long as you're fast enough choosing the sleep time before they start beating you up. :)
You occasionally have to wait until a certain time to progress a quest, so beds are very useful in those cases, but other than that the time of day doesn't matter.
I miss that! In Gothic III (what I'm currently playing), you can sleep on anyone's bed and they just stand there all night. Even the orcs don't mind!
Nevyrmoore: One thing I should add is that sleeping can be used to restore your health and mana without having to eat food or drink potions. If you play the game a certain way, you'll probably end up with so much ore and trade goods that you can justify using up your supplies; in the beginning, though, it can be useful if you really don't want to use what little food/potions you have.
Very true; its suspenseful too! Can I make it to a bed with half damage (generally, one bite or hit) before I'm hit again. You take so much damage early that one goes through meat and healing potions very fast and you are too weak to take on a lot of the beasts for more meat.
PS - it still amazes me that the unnamed one can out run a wolf.