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Who needs an invite too ?
Post edited August 04, 2019 by gDance
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Im registered on the evening of May 24th.
I check mail every day.
I think this invitation is a very long time to wait... :c
Today is my birthday. It would be cool if the gog made a pass into beta as a gift xD
Post edited August 05, 2019 by yaroslav4167
A friend of mine registered on 23th May and received the invitation a couple of weeks ago. I registered on 24th May and still nothing. We just have to be patient I guess.
Post edited August 05, 2019 by Joldror
I did on 26th May... Guess I'll be waiting even longer...
Levitan17: I did on 26th May... Guess I'll be waiting even longer...
oh boi xDDDD. I hhope you are patience my friend.
The same applies to me. Registered on 14.06

Wait hopefully every day ^^
i only optid in like 14 days ago So will be a LONG time till i get mine :( (if at all)
I am also waiting since months, really would like to test it already.
I registered on 23 May and got my invitation only today. This gives you an idea how bad the queue is. I hope CDPR have a good reason to handle it this less-than-satisfying way and not any other. But as another user said, you're not really missing that much, as a lot of features are still missing and you won't get very far in adjusting Galaxy to your needs anyway right now. For instance, no import of exe files, hence a lot of old retail games are missing from the launcher.

Tip: Go to your e-mail account and check your spam folder. If there's no invitation, at least add to your whitelist so as to be sure you won't miss the invitation e-mail.
Post edited August 06, 2019 by brazzjazz
I registered on 23 May too, and got an invitation yesterday.
I'm pretty sure A LOT of people registered during the first few hours/ minutes, so even if you registered only 2 or 3 days later, the queue was probably already very long...
Hope things will get better after this first wave of users !
Registered on 26th May 2019 looks like ill still be waiting a few more months by the sound of it :P
Still waiting here for an invite. I will be here when they need me.
You just need to be a bit more patient. I don't think that complaining is the wisest choice. Patience is your friend here, and anyways, you'll get GOG Galaxy 2.0 when it releases anyways. getting it early is just a bonus that comes with bugs you need to report (If you find them)