It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Fix. This. I've tried f*cking EVERYTHING. Frankly, I've tried way too much for this to still be happening. I can't use the software without this bullshit popping up and closing Galaxy. It's absolute f*cking nonsense because the app works fine if you don't interact with the error popup. IE, JUST REMOVE THE ERROR POPUP! There's absolutely zero reason for this problem to have been around for years now, and absolutely zero reason why I've gone so long before it decided to wreck my shit. Please fix this already, I'm pulling my hair out!
gog.png (446 Kb)
Seriously? Not even some troll telling me off? BUMP because this is a serious issue that many users can't fix.
I have the same problem. GOG support tried to help me, but in the end they advised me to contact Galaxy Support directly. Two weeks later I'm still waiting for solution or update.
The lack of official responses in this forum is disappointing.
Reinstalled because CD Projekt Red/GOG doesn't seem to give a shit about fixing things, and it seems to be working so far. Had to reconfigure everything and readd a ton of games. Really not happy about this situation and lack of concern from the company.
Lucky you.
reinstaled, cleared old files, added firewall exeptios ans still communication services don't work
Does Galaxy Services delete Communication Services?

"2021-08-05 13:09:11.866 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Service 'GalaxyCommunication' deleted successfully"


021-08-05 13:09:11.851 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Running InstallServiceStrategy.
2021-08-05 13:09:11.852 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Service 'GalaxyClientService' deleted successfully.
2021-08-05 13:09:11.852 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Installing service using binary path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\GalaxyClientService.exe'.
2021-08-05 13:09:11.861 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Service DACL updated successfully.
2021-08-05 13:09:11.861 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Service 'GalaxyClientService' installed.
2021-08-05 13:09:11.866 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Service 'GalaxyCommunication' deleted successfully
2021-08-05 13:09:11.882 [Warning][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Error setting service GalaxyCommunication.exe description: 6
2021-08-05 13:09:11.882 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Service DACL updated successfully
2021-08-05 13:09:11.882 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Service GalaxyCommunication.exe installed
2021-08-05 13:09:11.882 [Information][ (0)] [TID 5300][galaxy_client]: Initialization strategy 'InstallServiceStrategy' returned exit code 'Returned successfully.'. The client will exit.