angryaeisia: Been on for ages, supporting when I could although I've been tight on money lately. Time to join the community and see if it's as generally awesome as the site, and start to write some reviews and play through my back catalogue - I have a lot of games on here I bought and never played during sales. And I need to get Anachronox x.x
Ha!!! Almost exactly like me!!! Welcome!!!! And it's ok if you don't trust me. I don't trust me either.
I've been a member for years but didn't start posting on the forums until the last couple of weeks. I did post a question or two in game specific forums before that, but that was all.
Learned there's some pretty cool peeps here, plus I've learned a thing or two.
I'll be reading your reviews for sure, because I read lots of them. Want to thank you in advance for that. I really do appreciate all those folks out there that write the reviews, especially the honest ones. There's just no way every game on GOG is 5 stars. I WANT to know the negatives. I might still buy it, but then I won't be nearly as upset when I experience those negatives. As it is now, sometimes I find something bad about a game and read the reviews again and notice no one mentioned it. Very frustrating.
So, thanks in advance for writing reviews. Honest ones. LOL