OneFiercePuppy: As an aside: if the target number is not an integer, we're probably going to have to go "closest match" ^_^
"I was thinking of 13 times sqrt(7)".
bioshark: Yeah... I missed to mention that. :) The number is Integer.
P.S. Would have been fun to say it's an imaginary number. Say... i*3, or even a complex number 2+i3. And finally make a derivative out of it :P
blotunga: Well the nexr insomnia sale might be in the autumn, but the summer sale is not far away :)
bioshark: Yes, I know :) I am already building up my wishlist.
P.S. Hai Simona, prietenii stiu de ce ;)
There are no imaginary numbers between 1 and 50 ;).