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Santa came early!

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, the legendary FPS in which the Earth's greatest hero provides a steady flow of bullets and badass one-liners, is available on, for the low price of one smile, for the next 48 hours. That's not all. For the first time in history, this supreme space-alien slaughter simulation is also available on Mac!

The Mayans have warned us: the world is in grave danger. Some think it's going to be a giant meteor, a solar storm, a super-volcano, or a lethal plague. But the gamers of planet Earth know better than that! That's right. We know the real truth. We're onto you, space-aliens. We've seen through your plot. Pretending that you don't exist, hiding your massive fleet near Uranus, and planning to strike on 12.21.12. So you think you can invade our planet and live to tell the story to your slimy bug-eyed grandmaggots? Well, think again. We've got Duke Nukem. And what have you got? Lasers? Plasma cannons? Mutant beasts? Deathrays? You make us laugh. Ha. Ha.

Have you seen Duke Nukem 1+2, the classic run-and-gun platformers? That's how the legend began. Just a few years later, its successor Duke Nukem 3D became a milestone in the development of the FPS genre, and an unquestioned highlight in its protagonist's career. Never before and never after have we witnessed such an unprecedented mix of explosive action, comedic brilliance, and sheer badassdom. In the department of pure awesomeness, Duke Nukem 3D holds the crown, and so it shall be--forever. With creative level design, memorable foes, unique weapons, and an iconic outspoken hero, this game is a true monument to gaming fun. The Atomic Edition lets you duke it out even longer, as it contains the bonus fourth episode, complete with a new weapon and previously unseen enemies!

Now you can witness all the badass FPS magnificence of Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition for free, both on Windows and (for the first time ever!) on Mac OSX, so come get some! Hurry up, though--the offer won't last FOREVER. In fact, WHEN IT'S DONE, it's done. That will be Friday, December 14, at 14:59 GMT.

Happy atomic holidays from team!
kodeen: When you're not logged in, the button on the top bar that should currently say "my account" for you would otherwise say "login/signup".
When you visit (for instance) there are only 4 links in the top grey bar:
'' 'browse games' 'community' 'support'
See this screenshot in firefox (for example):

Once you click the link 'support', then the 'login/sign up' link appears, see this screenshot:

How should I know that?

Out of curiosity (I'm not here to make a big fuzz), I did a browser-shots run (javasript enabled):
Whilst there are some shots that seem to render te page correctly but without the login link, the strange thing is that FF12 and FF3.6.28 DO display the login link, whereas my FF12 and Palemoon 3.6.30 don't (see above screenshots).
Just to be sure I'll run a malware check, but going from the browsershots there is at least something 'special' to this link.
Post edited December 14, 2012 by Gitaarlab
I have a Duke Nukem gift for that ones didn´t get the game in time. Just PM me.
kodeen: When you're not logged in, the button on the top bar that should currently say "my account" for you would otherwise say "login/signup".
Gitaarlab: When you visit (for instance) there are only 4 links in the top grey bar:
'' 'browse games' 'community' 'support'
See this screenshot in firefox (for example):

Once you click the link 'support', then the 'login/sign up' link appears, see this screenshot:

How should I know that?

Out of curiosity (I'm not here to make a big fuzz), I did a browser-shots run (javasript enabled):
Whilst there are some shots that seem to render te page correctly but without the login link, the strange thing is that FF12 and FF3.6.28 DO display the login link, whereas my FF12 and Palemoon 3.6.30 don't (see above screenshots).
Just to be sure I'll run a malware check, but going from the browsershots there is at least something 'special' to this link.
I wasn't aware of what Palemoon was, so I looked it up and I'm not seeing anything obvious that would cause an issue. Do you have NoScript or something like that running?
Thank you so much!!
I was already a fan of GOG and advertised it amongst friends. I think GOG usually does a great job, but the community is indeed awesome.
When buying Outcast (bought it 2 more times in my life before) it was the extra tools and fixes provided by the community that made the game run. The only thing I think gog should do, is include them in their package, or add them in the download-links, thus preventing they go down on external hosts.

I'll send a message to support, including the links to my screenshots and browser-shots, so they know the login-link might be codes somewhat more 'stable'.
Post edited December 14, 2012 by Fictionvision
Gitaarlab: @tokisto:
Thank you so much!!
I was already a fan of GOG and advertised it amongst friends. I think GOG usually does a great job, but the community is indeed awesome.
When buying Outcast (bought it 2 more times in my life before) it was the extra tools and fixes provided by the community that made the game run. The only thing I think gog should do, is include them in their package, or add them in the download-links, thus preventing they go down on external hosts.

I'll send a message to support, including the links to my screenshots and browser-shots, so they know the login-link might be codes somewhat more 'stable'.
Nice, havent seen that youre an older member than me, so you know the community already :)
kodeen: I wasn't aware of what Palemoon was, so I looked it up and I'm not seeing anything obvious that would cause an issue. Do you have NoScript or something like that running?
Nope, palemoon is pretty virgin. Once I do get a login-link (by clicking the 'community'-link or the 'support' link, but not when clicking the 'gog-logo'-link or the 'Browse Games'-link), everything seems to be working great in Palemoon and FF12 (It was IE6 that didn't display the 'free' buy button. Out of obvious reasons I was getting in a hurry to try and get logged on in time.)

I did some further testing:
Going directly to (via the address-bar) display's the login-link
So does navigating to (the url for 'community link')

But typing OR in the address-bar consistently does not display the login-link on my Palemoon and FF12.

So that also eliminates the possibility that my interaction made the link appear when clicking community or support.

The described behavior however is perfectly reproducible (also after re-start) every time on my computer, but apparently not on almost the same browsers and platforms according to browser-shots.

It might be a good/cool idea (just for the sake of bug-hunting) to do a browser-shots run (with javascript enabled) on and/or and compare if the browsers that don't display the link on and, now do display the link.

examined the source in FF12 (rightclick view source) between both cases, and tata, there is indeed a difference (so it's not a rendering bug, but why my FF12 is receiving a different code than FF12 is a complete mistery to me):
<div class="nav_user"> <!--account + cart--> <div class="nav_empty not_logged"></div></div> <!--nav_user --> <div class="nav_item nav_search"...


<div class="nav_user"> <!--account + cart--> <div class="nav_link nav_account nav_login" data-hoverclass="hover_acc"><span class="nav_login_icon"></span><span class="nav_text">Login / Sign-up</span><div class="nav_hover"></div></div><div class="nav_cart_h"><div class="nav_empty"></div></div></div> <!--nav_user --> <div class="nav_item nav_search"...
Post edited December 14, 2012 by Gitaarlab
Argghhh I missed it since I was busy with finals in uni... did anyone grab any extra copies? would love to play this game for nostalgia reasons. :)
<span class="bold">* Gift Code Redeemed *</span>

Enjoy! The Duke rocks harder than two fucking slabs of granite in the mosh pit of a 1975 Iggy Pop concert.
Post edited December 14, 2012 by Eli
Put it in my cart last night on my Mac at home and tried three times but couldn't get the "Process Order" button to work. Now it's not free anymore despite the fact that my Holiday 2012 Discount item is (was) still in the cart with it. Stupid.
It's just amazing for me that I just missed the gift. I really was thinking that this gift wasn't limited by time. Thanks YouTube for hiding away this important information from the video description. Oh well.

Nevermind, a very kind sir just gifted me a copy!
Post edited December 19, 2012 by defosh369
DAMN IT FlyingPancake! That code was obviously for AccessGranted - and you didn't even post that you grabbed it - which officially makes you either very unscrupulous or very inobservant and careless. Either way: you're an ass.

Why do people have to come into this community, into these great GOG forums, and ruin the gifting process like that? Pisses me off.

Now I have to rectify this situation privately.

UPDATE: I hereby retract most of the above statement. GOG user FlyingPancake is not an ass, but merely a noob, as I detail two posts down from here. Everyone now has a code and the situation has been rectified.
Post edited December 14, 2012 by Eli
Post edited December 15, 2012 by Gazoinks
Hey, thanks to the guys who responded to my message. I feel kind of embarrassed for whining about it now, and you for sure didn't have to do it -- but I'm glad you did! Hopefully I can pass on the favor some time in the future.

Have a great holiday season!
Well, FlyingPancake, a lurker since at least April of 2012, contacted me and clarified that s/he was unaware of the annoyance s/he had caused. A noob mistake, I hereby accept the apology and retract my claim that s/he is an ass. On the contrary, s/he is quite a polite individual and offered to rectify any problems caused - a good but unnecessary offer as everyone got a code and all is resolved.