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So you're saying, a true mafia would have answered exactly like I did ?
N0x0ss: So you're saying, a true mafia would have answered exactly like I did ?
No, a true mafia would have lied, but a true townie would have given a more helpful response. You're therefore more mafia than town at the moment.
N0x0ss: So you're saying, a true mafia would have answered exactly like I did ?
nmillar: No, a true mafia would have lied, but a true townie would have given a more helpful response. You're therefore more mafia than town at the moment.
My mother was a townie and my father a mafia :s You got me ....
Time to finally come out of shadows and start playing seriously. I had a very tough week at school but now it is coming to an end so I will have more time to read. Expect me to write something bigger tomorrow afternoon (right now it is 11 pm or 23:00 here so it's quite late for reading through posts or writing something of value)
You do realize you just commited suicide...

Well, at least people who lynched you/ encouraged lynching you might feel sorry ...
Gave an advantage to the mafia nonless..

As for me, I keep my vote against nmillar.
I'm sorry to have to interrupt the game with this announcement:

Gameon has been modkilled
for breaking rule 10.

Because he was town, the game will go into night once I type up the required flavour.

I'm sorry the day had to end like this.
So we're not allowed to post anymore starting now ?
N0x0ss: So we're not allowed to post anymore starting now ?
No, it's twilight. Until I post the modkill scene, feel free to talk about anything at all.

(I'm a little too busy right now, and frankly not in the mood to write it, so it will take some time.)
N0x0ss: So we're not allowed to post anymore starting now ?
bazilisek: No, it's twilight. Until I post the modkill scene, feel free to talk about anything at all.

(I'm a little too busy right now, and frankly not in the mood to write it, so it will take some time.)
I would have also killed myself if it wasn't out of respect for you.
You take time writing the roles, etc... putting effort in the game, the least I could do is see that I play it through.

And I perfectly understand gameon's reaction, seing how it can affect people constantly being accused when in the end they're just townies.
N0x0ss: And I perfectly understand gameon's reaction, seing how it can affect people constantly being accused when in the end they're just townies.
I should probably explain that the reason provided by gameon was referring to my post in a completely unrelated thread (here), followed by several threats to "break the game" sent to me by PM which I have chosen to ignore.

Again, I'm very sorry it had to happen, but it was not my decision. And I'd prefer not to discuss it further in this thread.
Ksss politics...

In that case, I'd say Gameon, I'm not entirely with you.
Though I don't care about the legal issues behind your giveaway (The spirit of giving away, whatever it may be is still noble no matter what), I just feel you've punished us players, more thant bazilisek, who in the end isn't really enjoying the experience like us.

I humbly think you should've found another way to make him pay if you felt he had to pay.
But then again, it's entirely your prerogative to quit the game whenever you feel like it, as you were never really bound by anything,
Oh. I did not expect a day to end like this. I haven't read all of the thread yet so I don't know where gameon decision to reveal himself this way came from. Well now I will surely have time to read this thread because nobody will post here for few days.
Technically people are still allowed to post... just they cannot lynch.

I still want to remind people that if I don't make it before the 2nd day, please vote against nmillar. Nothing personal, but he reeks of mafia scent (Cigar & whisky).
Gameon, if you ever come across this message, unblock me and stop acting like a child -_-'.

Come on man, don't let your anger get the best of're better than this !

Who cares about stupid things, just unblock me...
Gameon, you are an idiot.

N0x0ss: Technically people are still allowed to post... just they cannot lynch.

I still want to remind people that if I don't make it before the 2nd day, please vote against nmillar. Nothing personal, but he reeks of mafia scent (Cigar & whisky).
What if nmillar is town and now the mafia will kill you to cast suspicion on nmillar? Such sugestions has to be unfortuantely ignored. ;-)