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Tallima: I'll join up on this one. It would be a thrill to play with my kiddos! Thanks a lot!
Congratulations, you are the winner!

Post edited October 30, 2014 by Ungunbu
Tallima: I'll join up on this one. It would be a thrill to play with my kiddos! Thanks a lot!
Ungunbu: Congratulations, you are the winner!

Holy smokes! Thanks a lot!!!
low rated
Ooh, congratz Tallima, you deserve it! :D
Have fun, and thanks to Ungunbu for giving it to him!
Ungunbu: Congratulations, you are the winner!

Tallima: Holy smokes! Thanks a lot!!!
Congrats! I'm glad it went to a parent, as the lego games are a blast to play with the kiddos! Enjoy!
Tallima: Holy smokes! Thanks a lot!!!
Braussie: Congrats! I'm glad it went to a parent, as the lego games are a blast to play with the kiddos! Enjoy!
Thanks! I'm super-stoked. Their socks are going to get blown off. I saw the intro video and it's menacing (in a LEGO sort of way :D). I think my eldest son will be super-into it. He's only played point-and-clicks (he loves Putt Putt and Pajama Sam), so I may have to teach him how to use the Xbox controller. :)
Congratulations, Tallima! Sounds like you and your family are going to have a lot of fun together. I hope your son loves it!
snowkatt: they talk in this one though
no pantomiming the story

the dialouge is taken straight from the movie

which makes it a better movie game then EA's offerings
Prah: Is it a pro or a con though? I'm guessing the dialouge takes some of the charm away with it being a Lego game but I don't know.
wee update on this

they also talk in the lego hobbit

and they first started to talk in lego batman 2
Prah: Is it a pro or a con though? I'm guessing the dialouge takes some of the charm away with it being a Lego game but I don't know.
snowkatt: wee update on this

they also talk in the lego hobbit

and they first started to talk in lego batman 2
Yeah I figured they did it in the Hobbit but I didn't know they started doing it in Lego Batman 2 o_O
snowkatt: wee update on this

they also talk in the lego hobbit

and they first started to talk in lego batman 2
Prah: Yeah I figured they did it in the Hobbit but I didn't know they started doing it in Lego Batman 2 o_O
off all the titles they chose that one to do it first yeah
snowkatt: off all the titles they chose that one to do it first yeah
Will be weird to play the regular Lego Batman and then Lego Batman 2 with voices (they're both in backlog) but eh, I'll survive I guess
I think it works very well. It feels like you're playing through the movie. It's very cinematic and rather intense. In the opening scene, there's about 10,000 orcs rushing past you as the armies of Mordor assault an elven wall. Your guys fight your way through it. I was amazed at how good it looked and how thrilling it was to bring down the orcs.