wpegg: Lots of people on the web say this, but all my real life friends say it's fine. How is it worse than number one (keep it succint, so as not to hijack the thread)? Is it really a step back, or just not a step forward?
Most pepole bitch about hack'n'slash combat. It's hack'n'slash combat, but I liked it. There aren't plenty of good hns games on PC.
What is really, really bad, it's the LOCATIONS. There are only few, you mostly go back and fourth through them, they all look GREY. Backtracking through all this ugly ass locations was the worse game experience I've had in years.
The story is quite good, by the way.
StingingVelvet: Agreed, I really enjoyed the game despite all the flaws and issues. The DLC was VASTLY improved as well, which gives me hope for DA3 being the best of the series.
It's not a big deal, actually, because DA:O DLCs were simply awful. But the expansion (Awakening) for DA:O was way better than any other DLC Bioware made recently.