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Oy, this again. He brings up interesting points, but it's pretty much all undercut by a lack of research and/or completely misrepresenting the content of a game (Mass Effect quotes). I really wouldn't care (it is Cracked) if the guy didn't then go on Twitter and Tumblr and act like an idiot ("I kicked the hornet's nest and angry virgins flew out"? Seriously?).
Titanium: Warning, warning, a comedic site detected, do not take too seriously.
SimonG: I thought the "" part would be giving this away ... ah well
I like, as many of their lists are not only quite amusing, but surprisingly wry and informative too. I just found this particular list too superficial and insubstantial to really enjoy it; and it goes over old, tired tropes that have been discussed in better ways by people like the Extra Credits guys. (DId they have to talk about RE5? That's particular horse hasn't been beaten to death so much as it's been stomped into a fine patina on the ground.)

It would have been nice for them to address more extrinsic tropes like the "basement dwelling nerd" stereotype, like how that was shown in South Park.
rampancy: It would have been nice for them to address more extrinsic tropes like the "basement dwelling nerd" stereotype, like how that was shown in South Park.
Done 2 years ago
rampancy: It would have been nice for them to address more extrinsic tropes like the "basement dwelling nerd" stereotype, like how that was shown in South Park.
JMich: Done 2 years ago
Ah, thanks for the link. I thought I actually read that before, but I wasn't sure if I'd confused it with another article on a separate site.
buktu: snip
keeveek: Or like any Polish/Russian/Ukrainian girl in American movie has to be a maid / hooker.
Or they're mail order brides.