Posted August 15, 2013

Kneel before Zod
Registered: Aug 2011
From Australia

Bovine Aftermath
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted August 15, 2013
This guy is being up front that his offerings are from Humble Bundle; it's uncool to post mocking threadcrap here. If you don't have an offer for him then let it be.

Fuck 'Em up!
Registered: Jun 2013
From Serbia
Posted August 15, 2013
So I have some coupons I have no use for, I would gladly give each for 1 steam trading card.
- 66% off Revenge of the Titans (expires aug 21. )
- 50% off Faerie Solitaire (expires aug 22. )
- 66% off Eversion (expires aug 26. )
- 66% off Starvoid (expires aug 27. )
i'm looking for cards from:
-Alan Wake
-Dota 2
-Cs Go
-Killing Floor
-Natural Selection 2
-Bindings Of Isaac
- Left for dead 2
- 66% off Revenge of the Titans (expires aug 21. )
- 50% off Faerie Solitaire (expires aug 22. )
- 66% off Eversion (expires aug 26. )
- 66% off Starvoid (expires aug 27. )
i'm looking for cards from:
-Alan Wake
-Dota 2
-Cs Go
-Killing Floor
-Natural Selection 2
-Bindings Of Isaac
- Left for dead 2

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States

Witty title here
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States

Registered: Dec 2008
From Turkey
Posted August 15, 2013
Orcs Must Die!
Bundle games
Any $1 Steam game/DLC
Humble Bundle Weekly without Amnesia ($1)
Orcs Must Die!
Bundle games
Any $1 Steam game/DLC
Humble Bundle Weekly without Amnesia ($1)
Post edited August 15, 2013 by grynn

New User
Registered: Sep 2011
From Germany

Double Human
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted August 15, 2013
Crysis 2 Max Edition (Steam)
Dead Space (Steam)
Burnout Paradise (Steam)
Battelfield 3 (Origin)
Xcom Collection (Steam) will piece out if you want
Spec Ops the Line (Steam)
Witcher 2 (Gog)
Papers Please (Gog)
Space Hulk (Steam)
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux (Steam)
Age of Empires I and II (Steam)
I am pretty flexible on trades, not really worried about trying to match dollar to dollar or anything,
Crysis 2 Max Edition (Steam)
Dead Space (Steam)
Burnout Paradise (Steam)
Battelfield 3 (Origin)
Xcom Collection (Steam) will piece out if you want
Spec Ops the Line (Steam)
Witcher 2 (Gog)
Papers Please (Gog)
Space Hulk (Steam)
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux (Steam)
Age of Empires I and II (Steam)
I am pretty flexible on trades, not really worried about trying to match dollar to dollar or anything,

2 Cent Refund
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted August 15, 2013
No longer desired
Post edited August 16, 2013 by Braussie

Crazy Dude
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted August 15, 2013

Enjoy the PS2 though.

X-Mas Triforce!!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted August 15, 2013

Enjoy the PS2 though.

Silently Weeping
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted August 15, 2013
Post edited August 17, 2013 by Ki11s0n3

Brewed in Dublin
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted August 15, 2013
Last Updated 11/18/2013
(GG "some have Steam keys")
7.62 - High Calibre (Unused serial keys)
A Farewell to Dragons
A.I.M 2
A.I.M Racing (Unused serial keys)
A-Race Extreme Show
Alien Shooter Gold Pack
Ascension to the... (Unused serial keys)
Brigade E5 - New Jagged Union
Classic Car Racing
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis Ice Crusade
Creature Conflict: The Clan Wars
Cannon Strike
Desert Law
Dawn of Magic (Unused serial keys)
Death Track: Resurrection
Death to Spies (Unused serial keys)
Death to Spies Moment of Truth
Faces of War
Freight Tycoon
Fairytale about Father Frost, Ivan and...
Fantasy Wars (Unused serial keys)
Hard Truck Apocalypse
Hard Truck Apocalypse - Rise of Clans
Konung 3: Ties of... (Unused serial keys)
King's Bounty The Legend
King's Bounty:... (Unused serial keys)
King's Bounty... (Unused serial keys)
Korea: Forgotten Conflict
Konung 2
King of the Road
El Matador
Mortyr 2093-1944
Men of War (Unused serial keys)
Men of War: Assault... (Unused serial keys)
Men of War Red Tide (Unused serial keys)
Men of War: Vietnam... (Unused serial keys)
Off-Road Drive (Unused serial keys)
Planet Alcatraz GONE
Pacific Storm (Unused serial keys)
Pacific Storm Allies (Unused serial keys)
RC Cars
Reign: Conflict of Nations
Rig'n'Roll (Unused serial keys)
Real Warfare: 1242 (Unused serial keys)
Real Warfare 2:... (Unused serial keys)
Spells of Gold
Streets of Moscow
Space Rangers
Space Rangers 2
Space Rangers 2 Reboot
The Stalin Subway
Star Wolves
Star Wolves 2 (Unused serial keys)
Star Wolves 3: Civil War
Swashbucklers Blue vs. Grey
Gooka - The Mystery of Janatris
Theatre of War 2: Battle for Caen
Theatre of War 2: Battle for Caen...
Theatre of War 2: Centauro
Theatre of War 2:... (Unused serial keys)
Theatre of War 3... (Unused serial keys)
The Stalin Subway: Red Veil
The Tomorrow War (Unused serial keys)
UAZ Racing 4x4
Vivisector: Beast Within
Whirlwind of Vietnam
World War I
XIII Century -... (Unused serial keys)
XIII Century -... (Unused serial keys)
You Are Empty (Unused serial keys)
Fate of the World: Tipping Point (Mac)
King's Bounty The Legend (Mac)
King's Bounty: Armored Princess (Mac)
Theatre of War 2:... (Unused serial keys)
Company of Heroes (Unused serial keys)
Company of Heroes... (Unused serial keys)
Company of Heroes:... (Unused serial keys)
Frontlines Fuel of... (Unused serial keys)
Red Faction
Red Faction... (Unused serial keys)
Saints Row 2 (Unused serial keys)
Titan Quest (Unused serial keys)
Titan Quest... (Unused serial keys)
Zombie Shooter (Unused serial keys)
Project: Snowblind
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog... (Unused serial keys)
Lara Croft and the... (Unused serial keys)
Alpha Protocol
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Unused serial keys)
Supreme Commander (Unused serial keys) GONE
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (Unused serial keys) GONE
AI War Alien Bundle
AI War: Fleet Command Mac
AI War: Fleet... (Unused serial keys)
AI War: Children of... (Unused serial keys)
AI War: Children of Neinzul Mac
AI War Light Of The Spire (Mac)
AI War Light Of The... (Unused serial keys)
AI War: The Zenith... (Unused serial keys)
AI War: The Zenith Remnant Mac
------>Dungeons & Dragons Anthology: The Master Collection<------
------>Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Nights Complete<------
(STEAM "giftable unless otherwise noted")
X-COM: Terror from the Deep
Mount & Blade Collection
Includes 3 items: Mount & Blade, Mount & Blade: Warband, Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
Serious Sam First Encounter HD
Serious Same Second Encounter HD (Steam key)
Serious Sam 2 (Steam key)
Nation Red
Trine (Steam key)
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Kings Bounty Platinum GONE
Includes 3 items: King's Bounty: Armored Princess, King's Bounty: The Legend, King's Bounty: Crossworlds
Alan Wake
Might & Magic X Legacy
Age of Wonders 3
Catacombs Pack
Dangerous Dave Pack
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
ROTT 2013
Strike Commander
Dragon Commander
Legend of Grimrock II
Under a Killing Moon
Retromator 4000
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
Conquest: Frontier Wars
Dominions 3
Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension
Wargame: European Escalation
I have just completed a trade with eny4lios. Hope you enjoy the game! WDBWA
Thanks Grynn. Hope you enjoy the game. :D
Cassidy, enjoy the game. Good trade. Thanks.
Thanks Didamangi!
Nice doing business Gameon. Enjoy the game. Thanks!
CymTyr, nice doing business. Thanks!
Danteveli, was a pleasure. Thanks for helping me add to my backlog. Enjoy the games!
Shadowmirage, thanks for the trade. Enjoy the game!
Thanks Abolat. Enjoy the game!
Cassidy, hope you enjoy TWD. Thanks!
Csmith, thanks for the trade! Hope you enjoy SS3!
Misfire200, thank you for the smooth trade! Enjoy King's Bounty! WDBWA
Robette, thank you. Was a pleasure. Hope to do business with you again!
Giltonnam, thank you for the easy trade. Hope you enjoy the game!
***All reasonable offers will be taken into consideration!***
(GG "some have Steam keys")
7.62 - High Calibre (Unused serial keys)
A Farewell to Dragons
A.I.M 2
A.I.M Racing (Unused serial keys)
A-Race Extreme Show
Alien Shooter Gold Pack
Ascension to the... (Unused serial keys)
Brigade E5 - New Jagged Union
Classic Car Racing
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis Ice Crusade
Creature Conflict: The Clan Wars
Cannon Strike
Desert Law
Dawn of Magic (Unused serial keys)
Death Track: Resurrection
Death to Spies (Unused serial keys)
Death to Spies Moment of Truth
Faces of War
Freight Tycoon
Fairytale about Father Frost, Ivan and...
Fantasy Wars (Unused serial keys)
Hard Truck Apocalypse
Hard Truck Apocalypse - Rise of Clans
Konung 3: Ties of... (Unused serial keys)
King's Bounty The Legend
King's Bounty:... (Unused serial keys)
King's Bounty... (Unused serial keys)
Korea: Forgotten Conflict
Konung 2
King of the Road
El Matador
Mortyr 2093-1944
Men of War (Unused serial keys)
Men of War: Assault... (Unused serial keys)
Men of War Red Tide (Unused serial keys)
Men of War: Vietnam... (Unused serial keys)
Off-Road Drive (Unused serial keys)
Planet Alcatraz GONE
Pacific Storm (Unused serial keys)
Pacific Storm Allies (Unused serial keys)
RC Cars
Reign: Conflict of Nations
Rig'n'Roll (Unused serial keys)
Real Warfare: 1242 (Unused serial keys)
Real Warfare 2:... (Unused serial keys)
Spells of Gold
Streets of Moscow
Space Rangers
Space Rangers 2
Space Rangers 2 Reboot
The Stalin Subway
Star Wolves
Star Wolves 2 (Unused serial keys)
Star Wolves 3: Civil War
Swashbucklers Blue vs. Grey
Gooka - The Mystery of Janatris
Theatre of War 2: Battle for Caen
Theatre of War 2: Battle for Caen...
Theatre of War 2: Centauro
Theatre of War 2:... (Unused serial keys)
Theatre of War 3... (Unused serial keys)
The Stalin Subway: Red Veil
The Tomorrow War (Unused serial keys)
UAZ Racing 4x4
Vivisector: Beast Within
Whirlwind of Vietnam
World War I
XIII Century -... (Unused serial keys)
XIII Century -... (Unused serial keys)
You Are Empty (Unused serial keys)
Fate of the World: Tipping Point (Mac)
King's Bounty The Legend (Mac)
King's Bounty: Armored Princess (Mac)
Theatre of War 2:... (Unused serial keys)
Company of Heroes (Unused serial keys)
Company of Heroes... (Unused serial keys)
Company of Heroes:... (Unused serial keys)
Frontlines Fuel of... (Unused serial keys)
Red Faction
Red Faction... (Unused serial keys)
Saints Row 2 (Unused serial keys)
Titan Quest (Unused serial keys)
Titan Quest... (Unused serial keys)
Zombie Shooter (Unused serial keys)
Project: Snowblind
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog... (Unused serial keys)
Lara Croft and the... (Unused serial keys)
Alpha Protocol
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Unused serial keys)
Supreme Commander (Unused serial keys) GONE
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (Unused serial keys) GONE
AI War Alien Bundle
AI War: Fleet Command Mac
AI War: Fleet... (Unused serial keys)
AI War: Children of... (Unused serial keys)
AI War: Children of Neinzul Mac
AI War Light Of The Spire (Mac)
AI War Light Of The... (Unused serial keys)
AI War: The Zenith... (Unused serial keys)
AI War: The Zenith Remnant Mac
------>Dungeons & Dragons Anthology: The Master Collection<------
------>Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Nights Complete<------
(STEAM "giftable unless otherwise noted")
X-COM: Terror from the Deep
Mount & Blade Collection
Includes 3 items: Mount & Blade, Mount & Blade: Warband, Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
Serious Sam First Encounter HD
Serious Same Second Encounter HD (Steam key)
Serious Sam 2 (Steam key)
Nation Red
Trine (Steam key)
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Kings Bounty Platinum GONE
Includes 3 items: King's Bounty: Armored Princess, King's Bounty: The Legend, King's Bounty: Crossworlds
Alan Wake
Might & Magic X Legacy
Age of Wonders 3
Catacombs Pack
Dangerous Dave Pack
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
ROTT 2013
Strike Commander
Dragon Commander
Legend of Grimrock II
Under a Killing Moon
Retromator 4000
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
Conquest: Frontier Wars
Dominions 3
Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension
Wargame: European Escalation
I have just completed a trade with eny4lios. Hope you enjoy the game! WDBWA
Thanks Grynn. Hope you enjoy the game. :D
Cassidy, enjoy the game. Good trade. Thanks.
Thanks Didamangi!
Nice doing business Gameon. Enjoy the game. Thanks!
CymTyr, nice doing business. Thanks!
Danteveli, was a pleasure. Thanks for helping me add to my backlog. Enjoy the games!
Shadowmirage, thanks for the trade. Enjoy the game!
Thanks Abolat. Enjoy the game!
Cassidy, hope you enjoy TWD. Thanks!
Csmith, thanks for the trade! Hope you enjoy SS3!
Misfire200, thank you for the smooth trade! Enjoy King's Bounty! WDBWA
Robette, thank you. Was a pleasure. Hope to do business with you again!
Giltonnam, thank you for the easy trade. Hope you enjoy the game!
***All reasonable offers will be taken into consideration!***
Post edited November 18, 2013 by the_bard

New User
Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted August 15, 2013
Games for Trade
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Avernum: The Great Trials Trilogy (4-6)
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Crysis 2
Dead Space
Galactic Arms Race
Geneforge Saga
Grotesque Tactics 2 - Dungeons and Donuts
iBomber Defense Pacific
Medal of Honour
Mirror's Edge
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World
Post Mortem
RIP - Trilogy
The Showdown Effect
Major Mayhem
Shadows on the Vatican I
Depths of Peril
Galaxy on Fire 2 HD
Gratuitous Space Battles + DLC
Tropico 3
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
Successfully traded with The_Bard :)
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Avernum: The Great Trials Trilogy (4-6)
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Crysis 2
Dead Space
Galactic Arms Race
Geneforge Saga
Grotesque Tactics 2 - Dungeons and Donuts
iBomber Defense Pacific
Medal of Honour
Mirror's Edge
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World
Post Mortem
RIP - Trilogy
The Showdown Effect
Major Mayhem
Shadows on the Vatican I
Depths of Peril
Galaxy on Fire 2 HD
Gratuitous Space Battles + DLC
Tropico 3
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
Successfully traded with The_Bard :)
Post edited August 17, 2013 by Giltonnam

2 Cent Refund
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted August 16, 2013
Thank you very much DProject for the successful trade!