Ash360: (drops don't happen cause you killed someone btw, they occur every 40-50 minutes and there's a limit on drops per week, but they can roll over to the next week) and all the weapons you can get without spending a penny through drops/trading. The weapons in tf2 are pretty well balanced. The defaults are really solid weapons and people aren't at any real disadvantage for using them. Most of the weapons in tf2 are actually side-grades, they offer a slightly different way to play but aren't better as such. Although the balance isn't perfect all the time so there are a few weapons that are consider upgrades or just plain worse than the defaults.
Oh? That's a ratio of items to playing time which I never saw. More like 10hrs to an item, maybe. :P I found items to drop pretty rarely, making the purchasing option seem like a play-to-play. And they are sidegrades, but they're useful sidegrades. They usually aren't straight damage, just different items which can be more effective in certain situations.
May not sound like much, but if you bounce through classes/item set ups as often as I do, having a different item can make some situations that much easier. The base weapons are good in all situations, as opposed to great in one and terrible at everything else. And yea, sometimes a gun will come out which is just that much more powerful. May only last a few days before a patch, but that's a long time to be on the other end. :P
Seemed like DnD Online for a while, but eh. Fun game. Was anyway, haven't played in a while so the ratios could be much better.