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Most definitly. After playing ACV for don't know how long, I had to set the same evade button in HZD, I think I also use the same button setup for walking slowly.

Also in some shooters I make sure that the pistol is always on the same hotkey, same goes for zoom in if that is a keyboard function.
Rebinded the keys for Doom with QA-OP configuration
Warloch_Ahead: Not necessarily. This is more of not being sure of what the game wants from you, so you leave certain bindings alone. Maybe it has some weird or otherwise unique function, maybe they have a gameplay loop that is best suited for it. A slower paced game has different needs from a faster paced one, a first person game has different requirements from a third person game, etc.
Mmmm okay, but I certainly don't alter things for those reasons. Like I said, I go with what seems logical, at least for the basics. I may not even change much beyond them, especially if I don't use such keys often.

It is also about practice makes perfect, so I have every reason to use my default config as often as possible, so it becomes second nature without really thinking. The only time I don't play with my defaults is when I can't.

Weird or unique is not likely to carry over to other games, so I deal with such as they happen.

Perhaps with a flying game, where I am not using a controller or joystick, I might just use the arrow keys, as that is a bit more logical, for movement in the air. Generally I don't use the arrow keys much in games.
Well, the only rebind I could think of is older games with only two action buttons. I'll typically go for Cursors and Z/X, sort of like a flipped NES controller.

Anything that can't be fixed with a judicious use of a controller or doesn't mesh nicely into the hands has a design problem.
Warloch_Ahead: snip
It's really interesting indeed.
Looks like our brain is always looking for patterns in everything, even in our fingers while we play games.
Depending on what generation of games we are, we will most likely be accustomed to that generation pattern of controls.

Obviously this theory is just a theory and is also probably really subjective.

For example: FPS generation/players tend to play with WASD movement, Space jump, CTRL/C crouch, Shift run/walk, Mouse btn1 shoot, and so on.
And, because of this, they might look for this pattern in all other games, even if they're not shooters, be it FPS or TPS.

To me, I've created my own pattern that work with many genres and swap depending on action.
Warloch_Ahead: snip
.Keys: It's really interesting indeed.
Looks like our brain is always looking for patterns in everything, even in our fingers while we play games.
Depending on what generation of games we are, we will most likely be accustomed to that generation pattern of controls.

Obviously this theory is just a theory and is also probably really subjective.

For example: FPS generation/players tend to play with WASD movement, Space jump, CTRL/C crouch, Shift run/walk, Mouse btn1 shoot, and so on.
And, because of this, they might look for this pattern in all other games, even if they're not shooters, be it FPS or TPS.

To me, I've created my own pattern that work with many genres and swap depending on action.
Well, If there is no mouse support (old games and racing games), I play games with my right hand used for direction keys.
I would also never play old joystick games with my left hand on the stick. And I still play Doom, Dark Forces and also Jedi Knight with keyboard, never got used to the rudimentary mouse controls. Ony from Quake on I use modern shooter controls.

Gamepads sadly are designed in a way that the left hand is used for controls. I am accustomed to it by now and modern third person games have very forgiving controls, but when playing 80s and 90s games with a gamepad, I have a really hard time. Amiga games with a gamepad? No way, it has to be a joystick.
However ... recently I tried Apidya with a Arcade gamepad (large easy moving stick on the left, buttons on the right), that worked quite well and I was even better than I was with a joystick. But with a standard gamepad? Call that game over.
I am also not good when it comes to two stick games, where the left one is used for movement and the right one for shooting direction. Maybe I would do better if I swap the input.