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I was downloading the Witcher 2, the top speed was 5mb/s and sometimes 2mb/s?, on steam I usually download at 12mb/s.
Does this happens in every game?
I want to support GOG but those download times hold me back...
I wish I would get 5 MB/s here...or even 2... German countryside is worse than third world in this regard.
toxicTom: I wish I would get 5 MB/s here...or even 2... German countryside is worse than third world in this regard.
1000 Mbit/s in here from today ( hungarian countryside )
Well, to put it rather neatly, Poland is slightly far away.
i_hope_you_rot: 1000 Mbit/s in here from today ( hungarian countryside )
I have "up to" 16 Mbit, realistically 8-12 - for 35 €/month :-/
toxicTom: I have "up to" 16 Mbit, realistically 8-12 - for 35 €/month :-/
15.78 €/month ( first 3 month is free )
Family pack : internet + normal phone + mobile + digital TV 57.13€/month ( first 3 month 30.97€ )
Post edited April 05, 2018 by i_hope_you_rot
kevinnivek1: I was downloading the Witcher 2, the top speed was 5mb/s and sometimes 2mb/s?, on steam I usually download at 12mb/s.
Does this happens in every game?
I want to support GOG but those download times hold me back...
Are you downloading with Galaxy, or a web browser? If with Galaxy, are you talking about installing (+downloading) a game with it, or downloading the backup installers?

If you are using a browser for downloads:

- What happens if you download several files at the same time? Is their combined speed still restricted to 5MB/s, or 5MB/s per file, meaning that if you download two or three files at the same time, the combined transfer speed might go up to e.g. 10-15MB/s?

- If you answered yes to the earlier question, have you tried some third-party downloader manager for your browser (Down-it-All or what they are called)? I think they are supposed to start several download threads at the same time, so they might maximize your download speeds too.

Sorry I can't test this for you because my internet connection is restricted normally to something like 1.2MB/s (10 Mbit/s), ie. much slower than what you have.
Post edited April 05, 2018 by timppu
kevinnivek1: I was downloading the Witcher 2, the top speed was 5mb/s and sometimes 2mb/s?, on steam I usually download at 12mb/s.
Does this happens in every game?
I want to support GOG but those download times hold me back...
It's one of those results may vary things. Good luck with supporting gog - just don't expect them to reciprocate.
I'm not sure what the technical reason is, but yes downloads are generally slower at GOG than any of the big storefronts in my experience. Not only are they slow, but they're inconsistent as well. The other night I went to download Batman: The Telltale Series Season 2 and it stayed around 2mbs and then for the last five hundred megabytes or so it it kept slipping to around 250kbs up to around 900kbs. It was super frustrating as you might imagine.

My gaming storefront download speed experiences ranked
I have a 1000MB Line, on steam I get 60-70Mb/s here only 1-2 Mb/s
somethiung not right with the server connections somewhere
Darren1969: I have a 1000MB Line, on steam I get 60-70Mb/s here only 1-2 Mb/s
somethiung not right with the server connections somewhere
Try some of the solutions here:
toxicTom: I wish I would get 5 MB/s here...or even 2... German countryside is worse than third world in this regard.
Really? I always thought Western Europe was like hyper-connected as far as infrastructure and stuff was concerned.
Crosmando: Really? I always thought Western Europe was like hyper-connected as far as infrastructure and stuff was concerned.
I'm now lucky that I have a 100/40 connection. But here in the village many people are stuck with far less ("up to" 16MBit, meaning something like 6 or 8, 12 if they're in luck).

Germany is way behind other countries regarding network infrastructure, and it's among the most expensive in this regards too. And there's still a lot of white spots in broadband coverage, mobile or landline. Free wifi has been hindered by laws for decades, because the big telcos want to sell there precious volume, mobile "flatrates" are data-capped (unless you spend an obscene amount of money).
Actually a lot of third world countries have better coverage than Germany.

In 2015 Merkel said to Obama "Das Internet ist immer noch Neuland für uns" (The internet is still uncharted territory for us). That's twenty years after I first went online... But that's still how the geriatric ranks of our "elite" politicians see it. Unbelievable, I know.
Crosmando: Really? I always thought Western Europe was like hyper-connected as far as infrastructure and stuff was concerned.
toxicTom: I'm now lucky that I have a 100/40 connection. But here in the village many people are stuck with far less ("up to" 16MBit, meaning something like 6 or 8, 12 if they're in luck).

Germany is way behind other countries regarding network infrastructure, and it's among the most expensive in this regards too. And there's still a lot of white spots in broadband coverage, mobile or landline. Free wifi has been hindered by laws for decades, because the big telcos want to sell there precious volume, mobile "flatrates" are data-capped (unless you spend an obscene amount of money).
Actually a lot of third world countries have better coverage than Germany.

In 2015 Merkel said to Obama "Das Internet ist immer noch Neuland für uns" (The internet is still uncharted territory for us). That's twenty years after I first went online... But that's still how the geriatric ranks of our "elite" politicians see it. Unbelievable, I know.
And here I thought Germany would be light years ahead of us in telecom matters, your post was interesting!
We are in no way an internet paradise (provider and services - wise), but lately things move slowly forwards (mind you, slooooowly...).

On the other hand, telecom progress in our country really harms vehicles. Man, you should see our roads after digging for new cables/fiber/etc. takes place. The road in front of my place is so full of sloppy patches that the street can easily be renamed to FrankenStreet.