It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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ditto :D
Yep I've just lost my lovely Account button as well.

Edit: And it's back, excellent!
Post edited January 28, 2015 by NoNewTaleToTell
Same here now, Firefox on Win 8.1, Account Button is only showing on the front page, on the forums pages it's just a blank white spot. Before it often displayed "Sign In/Log In" instead of "Account", even though I was already logged in and also able to post. It wasn't persistent though, sometimes, after a while or after shutting down the browser (thereby clearing cache and cookies) and then logging in again, it was back to normal. I also noticed occasional delay regarding the message notifications. I'd check my replies, but the notifications kept on being displayed, even though when I went to "Messages" or "Forum Replies" again, there were none.
Count me in as well! I'm glad that's 'Account' button, not the 'Community' one :-)
Gone also. At least I still have access to the library by going here:
The only problem is, in order to check my account and messages I have to go to the main page, and when I do that I'm reminded of all the shit I want to buy here. :P
when I'm on the main page, everything's ok. When I'm in the discussions however, the account button disappears.
The button just disappeared a minute ago. :(
Not visible in either forum or main page.
When mousing over where it should be the rectangle turns white.

I hope it'll work propely once I get home.
I can't see the account and cart buttons. This problem only seems to occur while checking the forums, not on the main page. I'm running Chrome 40.0.2214.93 m. Already did a full refresh and the issue persists.
My Account and Cart button just disappeared, but only when I'm in the Community section of the site. When I'm on the front page, it's back to normal.

I've attached a pic of the two different menu bars side by side...

Odd that the magnifying glass by the Search button is slightly different in the two menu variations.
Post edited January 28, 2015 by yyahoo
Same here. Both the Account button and Cart are missing. Is GOG updating the site again?
I can see the Account tab again.
Yeah, I can finally see the Account button again!
and ditto again, it's back
now we can all go back to living a life of religious fulfillment.
It's a miracle!

Now what happened?