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They are releasing Soon™, which in GOG terms it means between 2 to 5 standard years.

Post edited July 20, 2022 by Enebias
TomNuke: The only thing that would be self-defeating is not playing games you're interested in because they're on a store that supports DRM.
I suspect that our positions are too far apart for this to be a worthwhile post, but here goes.

I don't feel that I'm missing out because I still have a huge backlog of games to play that I'm interested in and are either DRM free or I haven't paid for. It's like saying "you're missing out because you haven't eaten a slice of carrot cake even though you couldn't possibly eat it because you're too full from eating lemon drizzle cake and Victoria sponge". I don't need more cake when I've already got enough cake.

TomNuke: As for you, you might not buy games on stores that support DRM and developer / publisher choice, but you certainly still support those stores. For example with Epic, you're creating an account, redeeming free games, and are considered an active monthly user on the Epic Games platform.
I might be an "active monthly user", but I'm a cost generator rather than a profit generator. My use of the "platform" actually damages it as I don't contribute any funds to the operation of the platform.

TomNuke: You're also using "free" games from other stores (and I use the quotes there because you're paying in others ways), as a way to supplement GOG's weak catalogue. It's kind of disingenuous to have this "I don't support DRM supported stores" when you actually are willingly supporting and using DRM supported stores and games.
The way I look at it is "am I spending real money on this" - if I'm not, then I don't care. Are they trading my personal data? Not too worried about that - everyone's personal data is out there now, that ship sailed in the late 1990s/early 2000s. With Amazon, yeah, I'm paying a subscription for Prime, but I'm paying that for delivery and Prime Video - the free games are just an added bonus.

TomNuke: Here GOG users, eat up this Alien: Isolation release when we've already sold this game on S**** a few years ago for TWO (2) United States Dollars.
If you wait, you'll probably be able to pick it up for $2 here at some point too. All you'll achieve by giving them stick for finally releasing a game here is making it less likely they release something here in the future.

TomNuke: You guys are also probably using Windows, a proprietary operating system which has DRM built in, but we'll ignore that fact, right?
I have no problem with proprietary operating systems or Windows specifically, and I don't think it's an inconsistent approach. At this point, I want to be able to keep games and some software going without having to worry about a third party turning off servers. I care less about my OS - I don't see the need to keep that particular OS running in perpetuity (and incidentally, my Windows 11 Professional install USB is from the 2021 release, so it doesn't need a Microsoft account). Should Microsoft stop producing Windows, I can switch to another OS and still keep my games running.

I bought the licence for it back in 2009 and there's no reason why it won't keep going for some years yet; I don't think I've had bad value from that. I see the OS as more akin to the hardware than the software - is the situation ideal? No. Does it bother me enough to get upset about it? Of course not.
TomNuke: Here GOG users, eat up this Alien: Isolation release when we've already sold this game on S**** a few years ago for TWO (2) United States Dollars.
Alien: Isolation was also free on EGS for the price of ZERO (0) dollars, long before it was released on GOG for a much higher price.

Ditto also with the Batman Arkham games.
Post edited July 20, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
Just bought Space Marine and am currently downloading. I'm a little disappointed by the $40 price tag, but the 75% discount out of the gate soaks the pain a bit. A bit. Can't wait for more SEGA Classics™.
Warloch_Ahead: Just bought Space Marine and am currently downloading. I'm a little disappointed by the $40 price tag, but the 75% discount out of the gate soaks the pain a bit. A bit. Can't wait for more SEGA Classics™.
Yeah. Especially considering the game's been given away for free before. Leaving the base price at $40 is kinda bleh...
Warloch_Ahead: Just bought Space Marine and am currently downloading. I'm a little disappointed by the $40 price tag, but the 75% discount out of the gate soaks the pain a bit. A bit. Can't wait for more SEGA Classics™.
Pfft. No sane person would buy this and Alien Isolation at their regular prices anymore. It's just the usual smoke-and-mirrors of "Look how much you're saving!" bullshit as usual.
P-E-S: Pfft. No sane person would buy this and Alien Isolation at their regular prices anymore. It's just the usual smoke-and-mirrors of "Look how much you're saving!" bullshit as usual.
Oh, I know. Must be that SEGA TAX. Paid for Saints Row 3 for dirt cheap, same publisher (at the time), same year, but I guess things changing hands (especially a Japanese publisher, even if it's the western subsidiary) and it being "niche" means you pay more outta pocket. Reason I posted in this thread and not the official one.