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Huinehtar: She could go there for same purpose :P
Dartpaw86: But a female pervert is more inconspicuous.
Not really. I've seen women try to sneak into the men's room before and they always blow their cover when they try to sit on the urinal.

Love this thread BTW. XD
Dartpaw86: But a female pervert is more inconspicuous.
tinyE: Not really. I've seen women try to sneak into the men's room before and they always blow their cover when they try to sit on the urinal.

Love this thread BTW. XD
But a female pervert in the woman's bathroom, who would ever know?

That's like if you're a guy using a urinal. Who knows how many times the guy at the urinal beside you takes interest... without you ever realizing.

Speaking of how fast this thread derailed...
Post edited September 01, 2015 by Dartpaw86
Dartpaw86: But a female pervert in the woman's bathroom, who would ever know?
This discussion reminds me of that one time me and my friend tried to figure out what is the exact opposite of a straight guy. A gay woman? But then, they are both attracted to women. So a straight woman? They are both straigh, so no. I don't think we ever figured this one out.
Post edited September 01, 2015 by Breja
Dartpaw86: But a female pervert in the woman's bathroom, who would ever know?
Breja: This discussion reminds me of that one time me and my friend tried to figure out what is the exact opposite of a straight guy. A gay woman? But then, they are both attracted to women. So a straight woman? They are both straigh, so no. I don't think we ever figured this one out.
You know, I've never told anyone this before, but I'm a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.
tinyE: You know, I've never told anyone this before, but I'm a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.
You mean like a chestburster?
Breja: This discussion reminds me of that one time me and my friend tried to figure out what is the exact opposite of a straight guy. A gay woman? But then, they are both attracted to women. So a straight woman? They are both straigh, so no. I don't think we ever figured this one out.
An androgynous asexual person perhaps?
Although that might be more to the side than directly opposite.
And an androgynous asexual hermaphrodite would be even more to the side probably...
Breja: This discussion reminds me of that one time me and my friend tried to figure out what is the exact opposite of a straight guy. A gay woman? But then, they are both attracted to women. So a straight woman? They are both straigh, so no. I don't think we ever figured this one out.
Smannesman: An androgynous asexual person perhaps?
Although that might be more to the side than directly opposite.
And an androgynous asexual hermaphrodite would be even more to the side probably...
Actually I'm pretty sure we considered "asexual, genderless aliens", but concluded we should not bring aliens into a serious discussion :D
Post edited September 01, 2015 by Breja
Breja: And an androgynous asexual hermaphrodite would be even more to the side probably...
Haha! :D
GOG®, where a simple Eye of the Beholder thread turns into talks on androgynous asexual hermaphrodites in no time!
low rated
Breja: This discussion reminds me of that one time me and my friend tried to figure out what is the exact opposite of a straight guy. A gay woman? But then, they are both attracted to women. So a straight woman? They are both straigh, so no. I don't think we ever figured this one out.
tinyE: You know, I've never told anyone this before, but I'm a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.
So, does that mean you prefer to go by female pronouns?
tinyE: You know, I've never told anyone this before, but I'm a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.
Breja: You mean like a chestburster?
That was on last night, twice, and I watched it both times. XD
vicklemos: GOG®, where a simple Eye of the Beholder thread turns into talks on androgynous asexual hermaphrodites in no time!
It's not even that far off topic. After all, as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
vicklemos: GOG®, where a simple Eye of the Beholder thread turns into talks on androgynous asexual hermaphrodites in no time!
Breja: It's not even that far off topic. After all, as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
Nice one!
low rated
Breja: It's not even that far off topic. After all, as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
vicklemos: Nice one!
How do you know it's a man?

(Odd question: Why is "it" the appropriate term to use here, seeing as it is normally considered impolite to use that term to refer to a person?)
vicklemos: Nice one!
dtgreene: How do you know it's a man?

(Odd question: Why is "it" the appropriate term to use here, seeing as it is normally considered impolite to use that term to refer to a person?)
What do you call a half-man half-woman through pronouns without being offensive?
dtgreene: How do you know it's a man?
"It" is indeed a man, good sir. Even if my total lack of interest in sports and my deep love for The Princess Bride would indicate otherwise.