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I've lost 5 lbs, I'm so happy right now. I I heard about Semaglutide being used for weight loss and I decided o try it too. I ordered Semaglutide at at best price. Semaglutide is primarily a medication for diabetes, but it’s been shown to help with weight loss as well. It can significantly reduce appetite. This helps you eat less and makes it easier to stick to a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss.
Post edited June 26, 2024 by tonnyys
Yesterday evening, temperatures dropped significantly after a string of severe heatwave days, during which my body always switches to lathargic mode against my will. So I was quick to jump on the opportunity to go cycling very late last night until about 3 a.m. (it occured to me that I did the exact same thing at the end of the last heatwave we got in early June!). It felt so good cycling against a very cool breeze under a bright moon and mostly abandoned streets. :)
Too many things make me happy - watching my favorite TV shows, listening to my favorite music, and watching how some non-civilized creatures become ash because of the civilized FPV drones. The last thing is the most precious of all. Sometimes a couple of such videos make my day better than playing games.
My mom helped me today with choosing such college with profile such as Archivist high school. And I’m very excited about that speaking of possibilities. International option would be even better. Knowing everything about everyone in this planet galaxy.
Listening to some Greek music at a festival.
TheHalf-Life3: Knowing everything about everyone in this planet galaxy.
If we're taking you at your word here, maybe I've been too harsh calling you an A.I. If you're an alien with intel on a galactic civilization, you should come forward now.