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Romanul: What are inhabitants of the United States called?

Americans. Just as inhabitants of the EU are called Europeans.
Randalator: Same problem. Switzerland is not member of the EU, but it's part of Europe and its citizens are by definition Europeans...

To make things worse, French Guiana is a part of France but lies in South America. As such it is part of the EU but not exactly what one would think of as "European".
They are called Swiss. By definition they are also humans, yet they are referred to as Swiss.
Where I live we just call Swedes 'Detroit Red Wings'. :D
Chandoraa: ..."the Americas" to refer to the American continent as a whole, rather than "America" (which they use to refer to just their country). So yeah...
Trilarion: But this is also kind of misleading or not unique usage then, isn't it. So there is a continent, the American continent and it is called the Americas because it consists of two parts and in the North American part there is a country which calls itself America and the inhabitants of this country are Americans but all the other inhabitants of the Americas are not Americans then, otherwise how could you distinguish them from the other Americans who live in the Americas?

From the name of the country USA the correct name should probably be US Americans, because the citizens of the US are Americans but specifically the Americans of the United States of America and not of any other State of America. But people are lazy and forget to add the US and then it becomes a bit messy. So just a laziness effect, the correct name exists.
North America and South America are not the same continent though, thus "the Americas" rather than "America".
George W Bush told us for years that he is "proud to be a Merkin."

So citizens of the USA must all be Merkins?
IanM: George W Bush told us for years that he is "proud to be a Merkin."

So citizens of the USA must all be Merkins?
You win the internet (anyone that's not chuckling by now should probably look up "merkin" in a dictionary).
IanM: George W Bush told us for years that he is "proud to be a Merkin."

So citizens of the USA must all be Merkins?
Chandoraa: You win the internet (anyone that's not chuckling by now should probably look up "merkin" in a dictionary).
I'm not laughing because:
1) He actually said that.
2) It wasn't even remotely the dumbest thing he ever said.
and 3) That son of a bitch got reelected!
Chandoraa: You win the internet (anyone that's not chuckling by now should probably look up "merkin" in a dictionary).
tinyE: I'm not laughing because:
1) He actually said that.
2) It wasn't even remotely the dumbest thing he ever said.
and 3) That son of a bitch got reelected!
I still remember "nukular" sort of fondly :P
tinyE: I'm not laughing because:
1) He actually said that.
2) It wasn't even remotely the dumbest thing he ever said.
and 3) That son of a bitch got reelected!
JudasIscariot: I still remember "nukular" sort of fondly :P
"Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice.....fool....
Can't get fooled again."
JudasIscariot: I still remember "nukular" sort of fondly :P
tinyE: "Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice.....fool....
Can't get fooled again."
"Is our children learning?" :P
'The Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper.'
- George W Bush during a press conference, responding to questions about illegal torture and wiretapping.

Golly, I sure do miss his honesty.
It's Bob, no? Bubba, in the South.
These days, people living in the United States are called: African Americans, Latin Americans, Asian Americans, American Indians, Italian Americans, and American Americans! =P
Actually, we prefer to be addressed as, "masters if the universe".

You're welcome. :)
Crewdroog: Actually, we prefer to be addressed as, "masters if the universe".

You're welcome. :)
So close, yet so far...