andrew09: just recieved an email today to do with waking titan. Was wondering if anyone else has recieved one as well ??
I received an email that says:
All members are invited to install the Uplink SATCOM-70 app and gather key telemetry around the world. You can access the app on desktop, tablet or mobile. On mobile, you will also see detailed instructions on how to correctly install the app. Please be sure to use Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS.
In the Uplink app, activate the geolocalization and click the ‘Gather Data’ button. If you can, gather the data when the satellite is as close as possible to your location. It's important to note that we will validate your signal strength but we DO NOT save your location.
When the message "Device successfully synced" appears onscreen and the red dot is blinking, you have completed your task. We will contact you with further instructions.
You can track the satellite in real time on our SATCOM dashboard:
Every time a Citizen Scientist gathers telemetry data through the Uplink app, it is added to a database that these engineers are using to repair corrupted subroutines and restore network stability. This helps the engineers at Myriad to diagnose and repair the global network.
It should take about a week to gather enough data, but it could take less time depending on how many Citizen Scientists across the world help us.
Earlier this year, a company called W/ARE tech revealed a new headset promising to harness the power of dreams for productivity, relaxation, and gaming. Files were intercepted by their development community at PAX East in Boston this past April.
These files pointed to a W/ARE developer, Arnaud Lacours. Not long after these files were intercepted, one of W/ARE’s research & development staff was reported missing.
The W/ARE development community retraced his footsteps from Montreal to Paris to London, meeting with representatives of the company in each location.
The Atlas Foundation was called in to assist W/ARE with technical issues they were beginning to experience. Because W/ARE hosts some of their software on the Myriad satellite network, their difficulties began to have impacts on Myriad, which in turn affected some of our own projects. Notably, Loop16 has suffered severe damage to its communication and pre-cognitive subroutines.
Through the incredible work of our CSD community, this hologram was unlocked
through the Mercury process on May 26th.
In order to repair the Myriad satellite network, we will need to work as a team.
This ARG is getting out of hand. There is no way that I'm installing their shady app or giving them location data.