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Darvond: Well, this seems to be unraveling quickly.
To be honest, I almost stopped after I didn't see anything in our anti spam solution. (For reference, we run a central Spam Assassin install on it's own servers and all of our client's platforms check against it.) One of our moms is a well respected financial expert of some sort and runs a good sized investment forum. if they were spamming, I'm sure they would have hit that.

The rest was just added since it came up with a 30 second google.

WrenchCrowbar: Surprised with the negativity and pure hostility in some cases but ok this is the age of the internet so I will just throw it on that....
I think you may want to check again as I don't see any "negativity and pure hostility" in this thread. I do see someone who has been dealing with internet spam for well over 2 decades weighing in and who went looking after a couple of bells went off in his head on your post. Some of us do webhosting for clients professionally and have done so for almost those 2 decades. And no I'm note the only one here who does.

edit: Eh, screw the rest. I have better things to do.
Post edited November 10, 2017 by drmike
drmike: One of our moms is a well respected financial expert of some sort and runs a good sized investment forum.
link please
what is a vertcoin and why should i care?
fortune_p_dawg: what is a vertcoin and why should i care?
They were featured in an episode of TNG.
fortune_p_dawg: what is a vertcoin and why should i care? - taking forever to load

I'm not necessarily against the overall idea of this stuff, given the supposed security it provides. What has me skeptical of the whole thing is the basis of BitCoin, which seems to be "earning" coin by leaving your PC running 24/7, burning up 1.21 gigawatts or electricity to do some math that... I don't know what it's actually doing. I haven't read (admittedly haven't searched hard for an answer) if there's any USEFUL work being done during crypto mining. In other words, you leave your computer alone running full tilt and some stuff happens and now you have money for doing... something?

And then people assign a value to that something even if there's nothing useful generated by all of those CPU and GPU cycles. What, exactly, is it doing that contributes something to the economy in such a way that it has value transferable to others through the medium of currency?

Reading the VertCoin site, I STILL don't understand what useful product or service is being provided for the value assigned to the bits of coins 'mined'. And if it's not backed up by some sort of product or labor or something more tangible than sitting there wasting electricity, then I'm going to continue to look upon these things with a very jaded eye. For now, it looks like "My computer did this, uh, stuff for 2 weeks and now I'm going to buy a TV." I don't see where there is an equivalent amount of sellable product or labor coming from the mining process.
HereForTheBeer: -Cryptocurrency doesn't make sense.-
Therein lies the problem. I'd also link the SA thread regarding Bitcoin and the entire comedic goldmine, but the thread appears to have fallen into the depths of the archives.

All mining bitcoins does is solve a large mathematical hash, which for the sake of a metaphor, is the equivalent of finding a key among billions of other keys and realizing this one can be used to unlock one door somewhere. It doesn't provide useful data like folding proteins or searching the universe. Inside this door is a safe deposit box with a bag filled with monopoly money. If you lose your bag, you lose the money.

To put it in a more toasty way, it's a lot like Scientology. Joining is free, but to get the real juicy stuff, you gotta pony up! Try to ignore that it is a religion created by a science fiction writer and that it's probably a scam to get rich.

To further my browbeating: Caveman Studios is looking for a sucker. They'll take the lion's share of this alleged currency.

They get some close friends in on this, who then advertise it on a closed (private) forum or similar. By the time it gets down to the level of the user/consumer, it is equal to that of chipping away bricks from a pyramid with nothing but a chisel while the pharaoh gets all the spoils.

And much like a pyramid, there's a limited number of bricks so to speak, resulting in another flaw of the currency. Bortcoin if I recall, had some 2 billion units as to "prevent inflation".

The value is allegedly supposed to go up as the main stock goes down, with a simple problem. Not all of the stock is staying in circulation. Some of it is burned in exchange of goods and services, some of it is lost in police raids (Mt Gox et al), and some of it is collected just to never be used or deleted. Were I a more spiteful man, I'd collect cryptocurrencies just to light them on fire, so to speak.
Post edited November 10, 2017 by Darvond
Hi all,

Some good replies and valid points, thank you, I almost gave up:-)

Your 2 decades of dealing with internet spam left you maybe a bit cynical? I invite you to read what I wrote and how I was responded too so from my perspective it is rather hostile and negative. Through it all I remained polite and replied without reverting to any of the behavior shown to me.

2 last replies:
I could choose to discuss further but I would invite you instead to either read or join the reddit where people a lot more proficient then me can explain you more or the multitude of articles available on the internet.

About the browbeating? I do not get your point:
I came here to ask if Vertcoin could be accepted nothing more.

Anyway, thanks again for the replies and have a great evening:-)

Kind regards,

Wrench Crowbar