It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
XevronSeven: see you can't even read yet have a lot to say he does not resell he makes his bread in the same manner as the "official baker"just cause you can't understand logic does not mean its a bad example rofl
locomojito1: you are such a domme kaaskop my friend, this baker doesn't remake the bread in the same manner but literally buys the bread from the other baker. ALL keys are coming from CD PROJECT only. I didn't pay the full price, I actually bought it cheaper from GOG itself because of the 50% welcoming discount, now I'll patiently wait until it works again. My money went fully to the creater and by doing this I didn't make some criminals rich, I'm happy;)
wow you sure need to go back to school little guy you're brain power is lacking hahahaha :P en nee hoor ik ben geen kaaskop, net als jou ben ik hier wel geboren maar niet Nederlands dus ga maar lekker buiten spelen kleine jongen dit is een plek voor volwassen mensen zonder gebrek aan logica ;)

so youre money went to the creator did gog make the game you're playing lmfao
Post edited July 22, 2023 by XevronSeven
locomojito1: you are such a domme kaaskop my friend, this baker doesn't remake the bread in the same manner but literally buys the bread from the other baker. ALL keys are coming from CD PROJECT only. I didn't pay the full price, I actually bought it cheaper from GOG itself because of the 50% welcoming discount, now I'll patiently wait until it works again. My money went fully to the creater and by doing this I didn't make some criminals rich, I'm happy;)
XevronSeven: wow you sure need to go back to school little guy you're brain power is lacking hahahaha :P en nee hoor ik ben geen kaaskop, net als jou ben ik hier wel geboren maar niet Nederlands dus ga maar lekker buiten spelen kleine jongen dit is een plek voor volwassen mensen zonder gebrek aan logica ;)
Kom met feiten dan, je lult slap uit je nek denkende dat je het uitgevonden hebt, helaas voor jou is dat niet zo. Verder heb ik genoeg tijd aan huilende mensen besteed, ik ga maar eens buiten spelen. Misschien moet jij dat ook doen met je gierige huilende vriendjes. Is goed voor je bloeddruk
XevronSeven: wow you sure need to go back to school little guy you're brain power is lacking hahahaha :P en nee hoor ik ben geen kaaskop, net als jou ben ik hier wel geboren maar niet Nederlands dus ga maar lekker buiten spelen kleine jongen dit is een plek voor volwassen mensen zonder gebrek aan logica ;)
locomojito1: Kom met feiten dan, je lult slap uit je nek denkende dat je het uitgevonden hebt, helaas voor jou is dat niet zo. Verder heb ik genoeg tijd aan huilende mensen besteed, ik ga maar eens buiten spelen. Misschien moet jij dat ook doen met je gierige huilende vriendjes. Is goed voor je bloeddruk
hahaha kijk gelijk op je teentjes getrapt omdat je niet kan winnen in dit gesprek misschien een keer volwassen worden kleine jongen

when you claim you payed the creator fully is when you're logic is flawed gog like the company where the other guy bought his key is the middle man in this situation and also gets payed. you my friend have a lot to learn.
avatar We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
ty for letting us know and hope the issue gets resolved soon ;)
Post edited July 22, 2023 by XevronSeven
lupineshadow: I was being facetious but now that I've posted, I feel compelled to create a support ticket myself so as not to be a sniping hypocrite.
I tried. I really did try, but using the support bot, you can't undo mistakes, and once the bot proceeds to asking you questions, you can't go back and edit your initial response, or add missing information. So you look like an idiot and GOG can dismiss your ticket.

So I have gotten stressed about feeling that I am obliged to make a ticket based on Clownski's post that everything is ok, to prove to GOG that they still have a problem and that they need to fix it.

GOG needs to change or it will be dead soon.
"We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above. "

Yeah maybe don't do "buy more games" when you have failure of such epic proptortions...
locomojito1: Kom met feiten dan, je lult slap uit je nek denkende dat je het uitgevonden hebt, helaas voor jou is dat niet zo. Verder heb ik genoeg tijd aan huilende mensen besteed, ik ga maar eens buiten spelen. Misschien moet jij dat ook doen met je gierige huilende vriendjes. Is goed voor je bloeddruk
XevronSeven: hahaha kijk gelijk op je teentjes getrapt omdat je niet kan winnen in dit gesprek misschien een keer volwassen worden kleine jongen

when you claim you payed the creator fully is when you're logic is flawed gog like the company where the other guy bought his key is the middle man in this situation and also gets payed. you my friend have a lot to learn.
Bro are you really this dumb? Middlemen don't work for free, they work on commissions. A game worth 15usd gets sold for 13 usd to the middlemen which the middlemen sells for 15 and that's where he gets his profit from, that 2usd. That's how Steam works, they buy in keys much cheaper than retail price. But in this case the key has been bought through an unofficial channel, obviously these are either GOG or steam keys but these keys get sold for less than half the price, keys that are bought with stolen creditcards or gift cards paid in cash, this is simply money laundering. I think it's you that still has a lot to learn. Again, idc how someone gets his keys, but when you buy through unofficial channels during server break down, you shouldn't cry pages long about GOG service because as a matter of fact plenty old accounts here admitted that this kind of break down is very unique. I hope you enjoy your weekend, I have spent enough precious time on you already.
"We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above. "

They should also mention that when you buy a game you can't download and play the game.
lupineshadow: I was being facetious but now that I've posted, I feel compelled to create a support ticket myself so as not to be a sniping hypocrite.
lupineshadow: I tried. I really did try, but using the support bot, you can't undo mistakes, and once the bot proceeds to asking you questions, you can't go back and edit your initial response, or add missing information. So you look like an idiot and GOG can dismiss your ticket.

So I have gotten stressed about feeling that I am obliged to make a ticket based on Clownski's post that everything is ok, to prove to GOG that they still have a problem and that they need to fix it.

GOG needs to change or it will be dead soon.
Not true, tons of companies survive with terrible support. Haha
XevronSeven: hahaha kijk gelijk op je teentjes getrapt omdat je niet kan winnen in dit gesprek misschien een keer volwassen worden kleine jongen

when you claim you payed the creator fully is when you're logic is flawed gog like the company where the other guy bought his key is the middle man in this situation and also gets payed. you my friend have a lot to learn.
locomojito1: Bro are you really this dumb? Middlemen don't work for free, they work on commissions. A game worth 15usd gets sold for 13 usd to the middlemen which the middlemen sells for 15 and that's where he gets his profit from, that 2usd. That's how Steam works, they buy in keys much cheaper than retail price. But in this case the key has been bought through an unofficial channel, obviously these are either GOG or steam keys but these keys get sold for less than half the price, keys that are bought with stolen creditcards or gift cards paid in cash, this is simply money laundering. I think it's you that still has a lot to learn. Again, idc how someone gets his keys, but when you buy through unofficial channels during server break down, you shouldn't cry pages long about GOG service because as a matter of fact plenty old accounts here admitted that this kind of break down is very unique. I hope you enjoy your weekend, I have spent enough precious time on you already.
actually when you buy from a "middleman" you are buying it unofficially since if you wanted to buy it officially go buy it from the actual creators website wich will cost more but it is "official". You claim that the company where the other guy bought his key is money laundring yet where is you're proof of these accusations? in court you would have no foot to stand on in this matter cause it is all hear say. you my friend are just a Karen with an indoctrinated point of view nothing more.
Syphon72: Not true, tons of companies survive with terrible support. Haha
I don't rely on them but it is true that some companies are big enough to survive with terrible support.

It's notable that even those giant companies who have terrible support, don't tell their customers that everything is fixed when it is clearly not fixed.
Samulii: "We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above. "

They should also mention that when you buy a game you can't download and play the game.
There is no hope for people on GOG forums.
Hello! I've the donwload in GOG Galaxy (bought on store) stopped at 91.9% since this morning.
But in my task manager it still took all the available BANDWIDTH for download.

Solution whtout restarting the download from 0 or the problem is still not fixed and i've to wait, maybe redownloading from 0%? I spent 2 days to download the TW3.
Thank you
Post edited July 22, 2023 by Romans96
Romans96: Hello! I've the donwload in GOG Galaxy (bought on store) stopped at 91.9% since this morning.
But in my task manager it still took all the available BANDWIDTH for download.

Solution whtout restarting the download from 0? I spent 2 days to download the TW3.
Thank you
Its a problem in the system, same for me, server issue. We'll have to wait till its resolved
paladin181: In a vaccuum, yeah. It's not a big deal. But in tandem with a forum so aged it barely works, a site that malfunctions if 20 people try to access it at the same time and all the problems here that never get fixed, it's just another brick in the unprofessional wall that serves as GOG's facade. These things shouldn't happen. CDNs have redundancy for a reason. Servers have redundancy for a reason.When you take GOG as a whole, this is definitely a good reason to consider changing stores. It's been a day and the problem still isn't resolved. I've been a customer here for over a decade as well, and this is the latest in a line of debacles. There have been many issues including DRM in games (which they NEVER fixed. See: F.E.A.R.), games being removed from accounts due to bugs, search pages that just don't work, and I don't know about you, but I can't access the my posts page for nearly 5 years now. This is a bad look, period.
Yes, I don't care that much about the quality of the forums, but I think they have a lot of technical debt on what is their core business value for a large part of their community (buying offline installers and backing them up) and they seem too focused on improving their Galaxy experience to address that.

I think that at this point, they need to:
- Put new features for Galaxy on pause and accept losses for a year while they really fix what is key to their differentiation from other platforms (purchasing games, downloading their offline installers and backing them up) for the future
- Put in place a system where they do some basic quality testing. They don't have to play all their games to completion, but they should at least test the offline installers for new games on an air-gaped machine for maybe an hour and make sure there are no glaring issues. For updates, they could potentially have system where they have x hours budget per year to test updates per game, where x would be dependent on quantity of sales for the game and developer trustiness (if someone has a good history, maybe they don't need to test it as often as someone whose history is more spotty)

mrkgnao: Fair enough.

I just wanted to make sure that you knew that when you buy a steam key from a key reseller (e.g. Fanatical, Green Man, Humble), which is where I buy most of my steam games, as it is immensely cheaper, especially when buying bundles, steam gets absolutely no money from this transaction, so if you were to do so, you would not be supporting steam with your money, for what it's worth.
I would have to research it, but assuming that they receive absolutely no money, that would potentially be acceptable for me. I could even hit their servers everyday to "make absolutely sure my games properly updated" and they could potentially lose some money on that.

Obviously, I couldn't advertise it, because other people might not be disciplined about not buying directly from the platform once they are on it (the loss leader effect so to speak) and I wouldn't want to throw business their way.

Anyways, you've given me food for thought, thanks.
Post edited July 22, 2023 by Magnitus

I posted earlier in this thread without having read your initial post... and scanning some responses...

... BUT...

... after reading your post...

... how can you continue SALES...

... without the customer having the ability to receive what they PAID for?


Stop -- or at the very least pause -- the sales while...

... you fix what's broken with your store!

Sure, we were understanding on sales when it sounded like a few hours fix... but now we're into DAY 2!

Currently I have 7 items in my cart, but how can you expect me to pay for items I cannot access? In fact, how can you currently sell products that can't be delivered? I'm supposed to pay you and HOPE you can fix the issues in a timely manner?

I remember the PSN outage that lasted months.

Once you fix your store / network issues, I'll decide whether to purchase... BUT... you really should be halting all sales / purchases until you can deliver what's paid for. Not halting all purchases and instead making a statement that sales won't be extended reads pretty scummy...

... and (I SINCERELY hope this is NOT the case)...

... like the shenanigans of a discount store that's about to go bust.

I hate that I've felt impelled to say this to you so often recently, but...

... PLEASE re-think the way you are doing business.