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low rated
"we do not blame those who are not responsible" (c) Remedy
CDPR - Take notes, you f@#ks!
Post edited March 04, 2022 by kondakov
low rated
kondakov: "we do not blame those who are not responsible" (c) Remedy
CDPR - Take notes, you f@#ks!
Remedy went with another attack type, brain drain, that will hurt Russia more in a long run actually. Russians can't buy games, and if western countries take their developers too, then they can't make games in Russia.
low rated
I'm not buying the idea that Remedy are great heroes, since they deliberately SJWized/uglified the heroine of "Control," instead of drawing her in a feminine & attractive way, which they easily could have, like Mona Sax, for example.

In other words, Remedy are very much SJW sellouts, just like 99%+ of all other major devs in the last decade or so.
low rated
Edited after a second thought.
Post edited March 05, 2022 by laser_eyes
low rated
Leevi: Remedy went with another attack type, brain drain, that will hurt Russia more in a long run actually. Russians can't buy games, and if western countries take their developers too, then they can't make games in Russia.
*Confused tracks rattle noises*

But neighbour (according to the famous country balls comic, I am Finn, by the way), how come Russians can't buy games? We were buying games even in 90s, when they were mostly pirated. Yes, we bought pirated games, phrase itself aged like fine wine.

Buying power of our currency? If we are talking about "internal" market, then it'll be relatively irrelevant what exchange rate is or how much games cost "outside", as they are going to be developed within new paradigm. Will those game be better than _put_title_you_like? I don't know, I'm not clairvoyant.

To wololo our developers, western countries would have to convince those developers it'll be better for them to leave. How they are going to do that? Those who wanted to leave, probably already did. In light of possible information blockade on both sides, there is a possibility for current "media" flows being severed, up to an Internet Iron Curtain. Simple "we have cookies and benefits, join us for new Call of FIFAfield" is going to be difficult.

Nature abhors the vacuum, or what's the saying? While we don't have any AAA studios or games (or do we?), some parts of entertainment scene are present anyway, and if I have zero knowledge on mobile/smartphone scene, it doesn't mean that part of game industry doesn't exists. And it's pretty flamboyant, according to some reports I was able to find. So probably "they" still will be making games. After all, we had some development scene even in late 90s and early 00s. And some games were good. Even though it's hard or impossible to make them work now, even with tech wits of GoG tech support, who know onions.

Oh, well. *whistles Ania Wyszkoni's "Czy ten pan i pani"*
Post edited March 05, 2022 by RudyLis
low rated
Leevi: Remedy went with another attack type, brain drain, that will hurt Russia more in a long run actually. Russians can't buy games, and if western countries take their developers too, then they can't make games in Russia.
RudyLis: *Confused tracks rattle noises*

But neighbour (according to the famous country balls comic, I am Finn, by the way), how come Russians can't buy games? We were buying games even in 90s, when they were mostly pirated. Yes, we bought pirated games, phrase itself aged like fine wine.

Buying power of our currency? If we are talking about "internal" market, then it'll be relatively irrelevant what exchange rate is or how much games cost "outside", as they are going to be developed within new paradigm. Will those game be better than _put_title_you_like? I don't know, I'm not clairvoyant.

To wololo our developers, western countries would have to convince those developers it'll be better for them to leave. How they are going to do that? Those who wanted to leave, probably already did. In light of possible information blockade on both sides, there is a possibility for current "media" flows being severed, up to an Internet Iron Curtain. Simple "we have cookies and benefits, join us for new Call of FIFAfield" is going to be difficult.

Nature abhors the vacuum, or what's the saying? While we don't have any AAA studios or games (or do we?), some parts of entertainment scene are present anyway, and if I have zero knowledge on mobile/smartphone scene, it doesn't mean that part of game industry doesn't exists. And it's pretty flamboyant, according to some reports I was able to find. So probably "they" still will be making games. After all, we had some development scene even in late 90s and early 00s. And some games were good. Even though it's hard or impossible to make them work now, even with tech wits of GoG tech support, who know onions.

Oh, well. *whistles Ania Wyszkoni's "Czy ten pan i pani"*
Sanctions are preventing lots of Russian banks from working on western shops, only a matter of time before sanctions hit all Russian banks. So if you can't pay for anything, then you can't buy anything from digital stores. And hyper inflation makes things hard even if the payments wouldn't be blocked.

Remedy has offered to take in the developers they had working for them, I would be surprised if they don't take that offer. I very much doubt there is enough market inside Russia (or in other countries Russia can trade, like North Korea, Belarus, China) for AAA level developers, so best developers will leave if they can. Lots of people trying to get out of Russia, black market prices train tickets from Russia to Finland are 6500€ I hear (all tickets sold for a long time, and originally they cost only 100€)

Maybe Russian companies can produce some games for domestic market, but I don't think there will be much money in that. Russians are likely to just pirate western games instead.
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I'm not buying the idea that Remedy are great heroes, since they deliberately SJWized/uglified the heroine of "Control," instead of drawing her in a feminine & attractive way, which they easily could have, like Mona Sax, for example.

In other words, Remedy are very much SJW sellouts, just like 99%+ of all other major devs in the last decade or so.
Question did she ever look different in ads .// Pre release gameplay and the like outside of say posters or box art ? Asking as 1 I legit was unaware of this game till it popped on Gog(no joke) 2. While yes its tied to Alan Wake ip .. It could stand on its own without tied in to Alan Wake so for the longest time I assumed it was a new ip even makes me think it was meant to be but they later tied it to Alan Wake for some reason .. Thus as a whole if the art style hasn't changed its not ''SJW'' While the writing gives of the Mary Sue and ''Woman better then men'' in ways the idealogy that many has called ''SJW'' does exist
low rated
Leevi: Sanctions are preventing lots of Russian banks from working on western shops, only a matter of time before sanctions hit all Russian banks. So if you can't pay for anything, then you can't buy anything from digital stores.
True, but each stick has two ends - western countries still need to buy some things from us. Therefore, they need to have some means to transfer payments. I, somehow, doubt it'll be galleons, filled to the brim with gold coins. I think we already passed that moment of humankind history long ago. Arrr!
As for "internal" market, our Mir system works just fine. I forgot when I used my Visa for anything, but buying games here.
Leevi: And hyper inflation makes things hard even if the payments wouldn't be blocked.
It depends. Because we were buying games before regional prices were introduced.

Many people are buying consoles and games, and they cost more than PC versions (yes, strange shift in pricing model, where consoles are "the premium" and PC is "mass-market"). Well, those people who could find current-gen consoles, that is.
Leevi: Remedy has offered to take in the developers they had working for them, I would be surprised if they don't take that offer. I very much doubt there is enough market inside Russia (or in other countries Russia can trade, like North Korea, Belarus, China) for AAA level developers, so best developers will leave if they can.
*Arches an eyebrow*
There is seems to be misconception when it comes to being "best" developer and having the "most" monies.
Usually there is a inverse correlation, the more "interesting" job is, the lower salaries are, and vice versa. Therefore, most monies are within "fin-tech" area, be that banks, stores, some logistical systems, commerce - that sort of thing. It's fairly boring, and mind-numbing work. Not really a rehashing JSONs, but as someone, who had being paid for watching paint dry, I wouldn't call that job even remotely interesting.

I may be wrong, but I think it is very wrong to estimate salaries in isolation from other factors. Yes, maybe in "flat rates" some spherical Andrei will have smaller salary than some spherical Andrew, if you convert their salaries to a single currency. But what about proportions of their income and their spendings, as well as some benefits, provided by either employer or government? Let say Andrew earns 2500 buckazoids, while Andrei earns 1000. But, after all regular expenses (rent, utilities, food, medicine, etc) Andrew has only 10% of his income on his hands, while Andrei has 25%? And he has government healthcare insurance, government pays for education, yadda-yadda-yadda.

Last, but not least, there is a deficit of cadres. Everywhere. Those cadres who really knows their craft, not just "soft skills" allowing them to change their workplaces more frequently than they change their FFP masks, before their colleagues and employers figure out that "eye-tee specialist" they paid an extra knows nothing and left before doing something useful, with promotion and salary raise for some other company. So, I sincerely doubt that "best" are going to leave anywhere.
Leevi: Lots of people trying to get out of Russia, black market prices train tickets from Russia to Finland are 6500€ I hear (all tickets sold for a long time, and originally they cost only 100€)
O_O Where in Heavens you picked that up? Current train ticket Saint-Petersburg/Helsinki costs from 3500 Roubles, that's roughly 30 Euros. Yes, it's not for tomorrow's train, only in two weeks, but, well, I've seen reports on people selling their places in queues for new iphones. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Leevi: Maybe Russian companies can produce some games for domestic market, but I don't think there will be much money in that. Russians are likely to just pirate western games instead.
*shrugs* Any development is a compromise. Not just game development, any development. According to those articles I've read, our devs do make enough money, but on mobile market. I don't play mobile games, so I can't speak here from personal experience.

Yes, it was an "open market", no one knows, what will happen next. But, despite the fact Apple and Google do controlling vast majority of OSes(wes (probably will never be bored out by that drunken witchers cutscene)) on smartphones, they are not the only ones.

Maybe we will see some form of unified game engine, that will trivialize development, allowing one studio to work on it, while others will concentrate on creative parts. Like I said, I'm not clairvoyant.

But I think western game developers and publishers do want to get moar money on their bank accounts, so they will find some ways to sell us their stuff. Thomas Dunning and all that.
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I'm not buying the idea that Remedy are great heroes, since they deliberately SJWized/uglified the heroine of "Control," instead of drawing her in a feminine & attractive way, which they easily could have, like Mona Sax, for example.

In other words, Remedy are very much SJW sellouts, just like 99%+ of all other major devs in the last decade or so.
All I can say is that their is a real-life actress behind that character. I've seen her many times. Perhaps she just isn't as attractive as you wanted her to be. lol I'd hit it.

George Carlin, "I've never had a 10, but I've had 5 2s."
Post edited March 05, 2022 by JoaoPauloZA
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I'm not buying the idea that Remedy are great heroes, since they deliberately SJWized/uglified the heroine of "Control," instead of drawing her in a feminine & attractive way, which they easily could have, like Mona Sax, for example.

In other words, Remedy are very much SJW sellouts, just like 99%+ of all other major devs in the last decade or so.
uhhh how, would a psychotic nature at best and attractiveness walk hand in hand bro ?