JudasIscariot: We are perfectly capable of buying games on ebay.de or ebay.at and never actually required outside help in doing so. I am not sure where this comes from but maaaaaybe they misunderstood me when I told the reporters that we've had community members offer to buy the
physical version of a game at their local store in German, or any other language, and send it to us :D (Case in point: the German Far Cry we have on offer was contributed to us by
Pixelion who actually took the time out of his/her day to procure this version of the game. Thank you
Pixelion! MarkoH01: In the other article the reporter explained it. It might be that some sellers don't deliver out of Germany and that is - according to the reporter - when the German GOG fans can help you to get a game from a German seller. Since the reporter is speaking of "deliver" I am pretty sure that he meant physical goods.
JudasIscariot: edit: I am a bit miffed that not one of those feature articles mentioned the fact that we have several awesome German streamers on our twitch channel i.e. PiranJade, GeordyJones, and Memoriesin8bit. Yes, I mad :P
MarkoH01: I am more mad because I did not even know that they are German. I wonder what you think about the part where the reporter says that Judas looks like Catweazle
Since most ebay,de sellers have a decent grasp of English, I've contacted them and asked them if they were willing to ship to Poland. I referred them to my positive feedback from sellers all over the world, including German-speaking sellers. Once we established contact with a seller, there was no problem getting an item marked as "Ships only to Germany" shipped to Poland