ConsulCaesar: Master of Magic (Caster of Magic) has been updated to version 6.07 (44177). No changelog posted yet.
Master of Magic Community Patch v1.52.03 World
Random Events are no longer prevented from occurring in the first five turns after entering a game from the main menu (810).
Random Events no longer sometimes happen more frequently than intended when saving and loading games (810).
Node bonus auras are again correctly applied in combat (811, fixes a bug introduced in 755).
Razing a City now correctly reverts the movement costs of the tile it stood on (818).
Altering terrain now correctly changes the tile's movement costs (818).
The Chaos Warrior may now gain Super Arcane Power as one of his Random Abilities instead of losing a pick whenever he rolls it (801, 806).
Arcane Power can now again upgrade normally to the super version (806, fixes a bug introduced in 801).
Eligible Heroes rolled to gain Arcane Power no longer erroneously get both the normal and super versions (806, fixes a bug introduced in 801).
Overland pathfinding now uses Djikstra's shortest path algorithm (816, reverses and obsoletes 371, 411, 487, 489, and IW140).
Change Terrain and Gaia's Blessing can now use all available Grassland graphics (818).
The AI is no longer prevented from utilizing Towers of Wizardry that have no units in them but were last used by an allied player (808).
The AI can no longer occasionally bring back units on the corner tiles of City Walls in combat with Raise Dead or Animate Dead (812).
The AI can again target Transmute as intended without possibly causing crashes or memory corruption (817).
Caster of Magic DLC Patch 6.07 -Fixed a bug in Drake178's continent indexer that could cause map creation to freeze.
-Fixed two bugs in Drake178's map generator patches that prevented single tile islands from being expanded.
-Fixed bug : terrain changing spells don't update movement costs. (by Drake178)