The Guild 3 [InDev] Version EA 0.9.8 – Build number: 601695 (April 29th, 2020) Patchnotes posted in the game forum by
the publisher here.
Standalone installer updated (
EA ⇒ EA 0.9.8): 30 April 2020.
RimWorld Patch 1.1.2618 rev713 (28 April 2020)
- Monuments can now be sastisfied with any floor type instead of requiring specific floor types.
- Monument generation has been adjusted to make monuments more dense and consistent.
- Reworked how quests decide whether to appear based on player progress to solve an issue that would cause quests not to appear for a long time at lower populations on certain difficulty settings.
- "Choose rewards" window renamed to "Reward preferences". Added explanation at the top of the window. Increased height of reward prefs window.
- Man in black is now always capable of violent and caring work.
- Quests will no longer offer rewards with unreasonably small numbers of items (e.g. 5x hyperweave).
- Improved clarity of monument marker placement feedback. Added messages for incompatible terrain or blocking buildings.
- Prices now only display decimals when under $10.
- Now, only esquire and higher titles will be inherited.
- Hospitality threats with mech clusters now display more accurate sizing in generated text.
- Praetors can now give speeches.
- Lodger minimum mood now only applies to the asker, not any others who accompany him.
- Mech clusters now have more chance of using walls at low points levels, but less chance at high points levels.
- Mech clusters are more likely to have mechanoid guards instead of just turrets.
- Mech clusters at low points are more likely to have unstable power cells.
- Reduce duration of berserk pulse from 15 seconds to 11 seconds.
- Increase cost of mortars.
- Siegers now recieve 6 replenish shells at a time instead of 10.
- Decrease joywire brain efficiency impact from 30% to 20% (reverts previous change).
- Increased human turrets damage and fuel consumption.
- Increased uranium slug turret range.
- Reduce steel from smelting steel chunks from 20 to 15. Reduce resource yield from destroying/disassembing mechs and their buildings. This should reduce late-game clutter, reduce weird economic imbalances between difficulty levels, make it more relevant to actually have an economy besides killing things, and improve challenge spread between difficulties.
- Quest ThreatReward_Manhunters_Joiner: Manhunter arrival is much sooner, and comes not too long after the joiner arrives.
- Removed null asker possibility from hospitality quests.
- Added try/catch to StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.CallAll() so 1 broken mod doesn't break all other mods.
- DesignatorFor -> FindAllowedDesignatorRoot
- Monument placement now checks overlap before adjacency.
- Minimum mech cluster points can be set for mech cluster buildings.
- Rename "ludeon" constant in ModContentPack to LudeonPackageIdAuthor Fix typos in a related check.
- Reward from lodgersMoodThreshold in hospitality quests is now factored based on lodgersMoodThreshold value.
- QuestNode_IsInList now uses previously unused function.
- Removed redundant checks from IsSpawningBlocked. IsSpawningBlockedPermanently checks proper location.
- Moved TerrainDef.genericLabel to DesignatorDropdownGroupDef label.
- Move the delegate inside ModContentPack.ReloadContent into a class function to prevent future issues with mods.
- Added null check for QuestGenUtility method IsInList.
- lodgersMoodThreshold is now selected from 4 discrete random values.
- Renamed allowedThreats to threatType in hospitality quests; a back-compatibility rule for the old name remains.
- Fix: Can't target caster or pawns of the same faction with psycasts if they're invisible.
- Fix: Text overlap for some items on architect tab description.
- Fix: Kind label is not gender-aware in RulesForPawn
- Fix: Pawns can stand on drapes are standable.
- Fix: Some hospitality quest fields report missing translations even though they shouldn't
- Fix: Alerts throwing errors after choosing "Load mod list from save" while in-game.
- Fix: Smoke spewer does nothing.
- Fix: Psycasts don't check cooldown in CanCast method.
- Fix: Tribute collector doesn't arrive unless you have a knight.
- Fix: Black screen on startup if a workshop mod folder was deleted without unsubbing from the mod.
- Fix: Force loading animals into a shuttle while forming a caravan and then sending the shuttle causes errors.
- Fix: Asker potentially not being set when setting lodgersHaveMoodThreshold.
- Fix: Monuments can be placed over non-edifice buildings without warning.
- Fix: Languages listed as seperate even if they share the same legacy folder name.
- Fix: Manhunter pack quests and incidents fail to generate for higher points.
Standalone installers, and those of its
DLC, updated (
1.1.2610 rev1048 ⇒ 1.1.2618 rev713): 30 April 2020.
Standalone installers updated
30 April 2020 with no changelog:
Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series - Windows:
Episode 5 ⇒ Noir-gog.
Batman - The Telltale Series:
Patch 07.02.2018 ⇒ Noir-gog.
Help Will Come Tomorrow - Windows:
1.3 ⇒ 1.4.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1, and its
1.0(B) ⇒ 1.0(C).
Iris and the Giant:
1.0.4 ⇒
Ostriv [InDev]: ⇒
Police Stories - Mac: ⇒ 1.1.1.
Also, from updates/changelogs posted earlier:
1.0.2629 ⇒ 1.0.2669.