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gogtrial34987: I claimed VT. Sorry for not spelling it out.
Gotcha. Thought you were just sullenly saying "Go on, lynch me, I don't care any more".
ZFR: Am willing to vote gogtrial, but do you want to end the day early? Or discuss more.
He's technically at L-2 right now. You may as well place your vote on him, and let someone else hammer.
ZFR: AFP, micro, trent haven't been on today. Would rather they get the chance to comment.
That's a curious omission of Pooka.

ZFR: Am willing to vote gogtrial, but do you want to end the day early? Or discuss more.
zazak09: He's technically at L-2 right now. You may as well place your vote on him, and let someone else hammer.
And thus he goes offline. He really doesn't want to be on my wagon for the analysis!
Vote gogtrial
Y'know, I'm just going to put myself back at L-1, since people keep weaseling out. Watch carefully who hammers, and figure out what it means if no one does so we can go back to hunting real scum, instead of continuously being distracted by me.

vote gogtrial
Oops, how clumsy of me! It's almost as if I fulfilled my win condition... *giggles girlishly*

@town: As I ride off into the sunset to enjoy victory for me and my twin sis (sorry Joe! you'll always be my first sibling), know that our reads on D1 (where they didn't involve each other) were real. We'd have liked to help you win, but we figure there's only two scum in play, so you still stand a chance. Please ignore everything I've posted today; it was all designed solely to get me lynched; that was harder than I thought, particularly after ZFR beat my previous self-hammer attempt by a minute at #524 *shakes fist* - playing "caught scum" is even harder than playing plain "scum"!
I sadly don't have any shining insights into who the real scum are. Maybe re-examine why and where Cadaver was starting to talk about "dreams". I've had him as probable town; but that was awfully close to the mark, as that's what haunting does. And I didn't haunt him, but SPF... Me and my sis had daychat; do scum have it too...? (There's been a lot of chatter about daychat today; who all participated?)

@scum: If you still manage to lose despite all of the confusion caused by our play... well, I hope I'll have been partly to blame. These nice teenagers are great toys for playing with (though we've grown bored of them already), but hacking them to pieces gruesomely is just not very nice at all!
Two jesters, are you fucking kidding me? What kind of bastard set-up is this?

I'm never playing in another game hosted by Lift again.
zazak09: Two jesters, are you fucking kidding me? What kind of bastard set-up is this?
How about we discuss it after it's game over.

@gogtrial: nice win! Was fun finally playing with you after 13 games.
zazak09: Two jesters, are you fucking kidding me? What kind of bastard set-up is this?
Not quite that, though we ended up playing close to it, much to Lift's chagrin. Won't say more - you'll find out when it's all over. :)
gogtrial34987: particularly after ZFR beat my previous self-hammer attempt by a minute at #524 *shakes fist*
I replied almost immediately after GR made his vote. You had a small window.

Tell me while it's Twilight., was you D1 hammer not accidental after all.
@ Lift - Please replace me. You should have labelled it as a bastard game during sign-ups.
Hah, well done gogtrial! I lol'd hard when I saw your accidental self vote. I hope you double checked your win condition doesn't exclude self-votes!
gogtrial34987: And I didn't haunt him, but SPF...
Can confirm, I had a very long and spooky dream in my PM this morning. I didn't put a huge amount of significance on it as I've played in games before where I've had fluff dreams that didn't mean anything. I'm thinking the witch trial game?

@zazak: For reals? Lift said it would have a twist. I'd only go as far as to call something bastard if people are actually lied to by the mod.
Completely hypothetical example with no basis in reality: Telling the mafia their teammates are X, Y and Z when Z is actually on a different team with a separate win condition. Ahem. :P