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What a fun idea for a season GA, and great work with the visual aids, +1 and cheers.

I'm sick, and my head's pounding a bit too much to go through this, and keep track of everything, else I'd give it a shot just for the sake of solving the mystery.

Not in.
I have to say I admire what you did with those covers and the whole banner, whole mystery actually. Excellent idea, superb execution!

Now let's see: 12 games, 30 villains, 30 countries = 10800 combinations. If we don't get lucky this thread's gonna explode.

Let me throw a guess in for foxworks:
Day of the Tentacle 2 / LeChuck / Australia

Thanks _Slaugh_!!!
So how about

SWAT 5/LeChuck/Jamaica
My entry as a fellow pirate ;;;;; --- arrrr-----

Sid Meier's Pirates! II / LeChuck / Cuba
Breja: SWAT 5/LeChuck/Jamaica
That's right, I somehow missed Jamaica. What would LeChuck do in Australia?
It has got to be:
The Witcher 4 / Darth Malak / Switzerland

Edit: Forgot to bold!
Post edited December 06, 2015 by Leonard03
Oh goodie, another one. Thank you Slaugh:)

The Witcher 4: Rise of the Unicorns / Mankar Camoran / France
v3: What would LeChuck do in Australia?
Oh, he'd figure something out.
I think SWAT 5 was prevented for happening by Alma Wade in Finland.

If that's true, I see nothing more than hate and F.E.A.R.
Portal 3 / Mankar Camoran / Brazil.
Aya Brea reporting for duty.

Guess #1:
Day of the Tentacle 2 / Carlo Falcone / Philippines
The Witcher 4: Rise of the Unicorns / Mankar Camoran / Greece
Another entry after 3 hours ...

So much random calculation have gone onto this result. xD

Portal 3 / Astrid Voorhees / France
Decided to for fun, got:

The Witcher 4 / Vaas Montenegro / United States
Beyond Good & Evil 2 / Jack the Ripper / United Kingdom