CervelloYM: Many thanks to PMPMGamer for Eidolon & Real World Racing.
Also congratulations and thank you to all the donors and finkleroy for reaching a remarkable milestone.
Mr_Whiffles: Thanks to PMPMGamer (CAPSULE, Cargo! The Quest for Gravity, Depths of Fear :: Knossos, Hitogata Happa, Home, Zeno Clash 2 Special Edition, Twin Sector, Penguins Arena: Sedna's World, MIND: Path to Thalamus Enhanced Edition, Naval War: Arctic Circle, The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight, Eidolon, Leviathan: Warships, Air Conflicts: Secret Wars), AWG43 (Cubetractor), Schnuff (The Indie Mixtape), grynn (Pain Train PainPocalypse), and finkleroy.
slurredprey: Thanks PMPMGamer and finkleroy for Plush!
whiteflame199: tq finkelroy for hosting and PMPMGamer for C-RUSH,The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight
CthuluIsSpy: Thank you Finkleroy and PMPMGamer!
kultpcgames: Thank you very much PMPMGamer and Finkleroy! :)
Sentinel26: Thanks to PMPMGamer for Anna's quest!
You're very welcome, enjoy with the games! :)