Posted August 10, 2019
high rated
Request Roundup
in chronological order
Dogmaus: Beaten to the nice Absolver and Nex Machina, I feel inclined to ask to NOT have To the Moon. Can I please NOT have to the Moon?
Drakon1590: Hi Zeo and everyone else.
From what I see, so far nobody has become interested in the game "Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive", so I will gladly ask about it.
May I request for this game?
Gekko_Dekko: are all copies of Absolver already gone, or I can request one? Same question regarding "To The Moon". I feel like Im late to party again, lol - that moment when all giveaways happen right when you are busy irl to check forums :< EDIT
included posts down to #8281
srhill added back in, greyhat will be gifted a different copy of Nexus
in chronological order

From what I see, so far nobody has become interested in the game "Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive", so I will gladly ask about it.
May I request for this game?

included posts down to #8281
srhill added back in, greyhat will be gifted a different copy of Nexus
Post edited August 14, 2019 by JackknifeJohnson