Posted June 14, 2016

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Hello World
Registered: May 2009
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Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted June 15, 2016
Looking through my need and want lists. Want list is HUGE

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Grumpy Old Git
Registered: May 2011
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Posted June 15, 2016
Looks like I wasted my fucking money buying Blood and Wine. When it came out I was excited to play it, only to discover it requires a patch that completely breaks the inventory (at least for a massive loot whore like me). Now, after over two weeks of waiting, there's finally a new patch and... it's still shit. And with CDPR's focus moving towards Gwent and Cyberpunk 2077, I'm worried it will never get fixed. At least I've got some shiny gwent decks I can stick up my ass.

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States

Grumpy Old Git
Registered: May 2011
From Other
Posted June 16, 2016
OK, here we go... :-P
First, the new inventory introduced in 1.20/121 has a massive lag, as discussed in this CDPR forum thread. The latest patch seems to address it partially - the game no longer freezes for several seconds when I try to sell an item - but loading and sorting a large inventory still takes a while.
Also, after 1.20/1.21 new items are no longer brought to the top when sorting. 1.22 is even worse, as now the "new item" markers are removed completely when sorting, making it impossible to see what you've picked up.
Last, it's just badly designed. For example, instead of having all crafting and alchemy items in one big list, they're now separated into two columns. The thing is, I have way more alchemy ingredients than crafting components, so scrolling through the list takes twice as long as it did before. The columns are somehow supposed to make items easier to find, but for someone who doesn't loot much, it wouldn't be that big of an improvement - for someone (like me) who collects everything they find, it just makes inventory management a huge pain in the ass.
EDIT: "Whore" is such a nasty word... maybe I should call myself a "loot strumpet" instead, at least when talking about Witcher 3.
First, the new inventory introduced in 1.20/121 has a massive lag, as discussed in this CDPR forum thread. The latest patch seems to address it partially - the game no longer freezes for several seconds when I try to sell an item - but loading and sorting a large inventory still takes a while.
Also, after 1.20/1.21 new items are no longer brought to the top when sorting. 1.22 is even worse, as now the "new item" markers are removed completely when sorting, making it impossible to see what you've picked up.
Last, it's just badly designed. For example, instead of having all crafting and alchemy items in one big list, they're now separated into two columns. The thing is, I have way more alchemy ingredients than crafting components, so scrolling through the list takes twice as long as it did before. The columns are somehow supposed to make items easier to find, but for someone who doesn't loot much, it wouldn't be that big of an improvement - for someone (like me) who collects everything they find, it just makes inventory management a huge pain in the ass.
EDIT: "Whore" is such a nasty word... maybe I should call myself a "loot strumpet" instead, at least when talking about Witcher 3.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by plagren

New User
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted June 16, 2016
I hate my life sometimes.
I hate the fact that my father is so unreasonable that I have to watch what I say that even the most harmless thing will cause him to blow up in my face.
My mother suffers so much and yet I can do so little to help her.
My eldest brother choose his jobless no good girlfriend with two kids(brats) that are not even his over everyone else.
my other brother when asked to play a board game with my mother and I chose to play with his smartphone instead and seems to try to distance him from us (which is for the best).
What can I do? Nothing except wait and see what unfolds.
I hate the fact that my father is so unreasonable that I have to watch what I say that even the most harmless thing will cause him to blow up in my face.
My mother suffers so much and yet I can do so little to help her.
My eldest brother choose his jobless no good girlfriend with two kids(brats) that are not even his over everyone else.
my other brother when asked to play a board game with my mother and I chose to play with his smartphone instead and seems to try to distance him from us (which is for the best).
What can I do? Nothing except wait and see what unfolds.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by Jacob_1994

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted June 16, 2016
Got a one-week ban on a forum because I trolled someone who posted some conspirationist stuff. It pisses me off as I hope nothing important will happen during this timeframe and I won't be able to post :( Well, at least half of the regular posters have also been temp-banned so I won't be alone in the dark jails of Internet.....
BTW, I received my latest Amazon order and as I noticed before, I really hate the texture of the "printed by Amazon" books as it feels like bad mix between paper and plastic. I'm wondering how long those covers will last in good condition.
BTW, I received my latest Amazon order and as I noticed before, I really hate the texture of the "printed by Amazon" books as it feels like bad mix between paper and plastic. I'm wondering how long those covers will last in good condition.

Sporco RAZZIsta
Registered: Sep 2011
From Italy
Posted June 16, 2016
Goddammit, not even the subfora are safe these days. What's happening to everyone? Is it all that flouride the government pours into the water? The chemtrails in the air? The Mindbenders are back?

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted June 16, 2016

There were black Vikings.

Sporco RAZZIsta
Registered: Sep 2011
From Italy
Posted June 16, 2016
How do we know it's not photoshopped? O_-