Posted March 04, 2013

Most GOGers don't really seem like that big of basement dwellers, but I'm sure it happens.
I was an attic-dweller until my junior year in high school. I sometimes try to recapture that magical feeling by plopping down in front of my computer after the family goes to bed. Me, my computer, my desk, six pack, a bowl, Planescape Torment and/or Ultima VIII. Ah... yeah. LOL!
Chicken fajita Hot Pockets are, and always will be, the best! I used to sit there during math class in like the 6th grade and look forward to an after school snack consisting of a chicken fajita hot pocket and a glass of that funky as hell powdered sweet tea mix (Nestea, haha), and awesome Nickelodeon shows like Salute Your Shorts.

I wasn't actually trying to say most/many GOGgers were basement dwellers by that was more a playful jab at "not needing" married life, than anything else.
You too? When I was younger my parents seemed to always think I was some sort of freak for staying up after hours and playing my favorite titles.....but that's often the best time, imo. Peace and quiet, and lots & lots of pixelated gorn(M-rated FPS/etc violence).
I used to eat the mix without water.......good times. And yeah.....S.Y.S., Hey Dude, You can't do that on television, etc.
Very true. My folks thought I was nuts but playing after hours is far more immersive, especially when you have a decent RPG world to explore. One summer I lost so much time playing both Final Fantasy III(VI) and Darklands, it was like I blinked and lost a friend... the friend being summer. Haha.