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In light of the Russian military invasion in our neighboring country of Ukraine, until further notice, we made the decision to halt all sales in Russia and Belarus.

Effective March 3rd, 2022, we suspend sales of all games distributed on the GOG platform on the territories of Russia and Belarus. While buying products on GOG is not possible, users from the affected territories can still log in to their accounts and keep access to purchased items.

The entire CD PROJEKT Group stands firm with the people of Ukraine. While we are not a political entity capable of directly influencing state matters, and don’t aspire to be one, we do believe that commercial entities, when united, have the power to inspire global change in the hearts and minds of ordinary people. We know that players in Russia and Belarus, individuals who have nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine, will be impacted by this decision, but with this action we wish to further galvanize the global community to speak about what is going on in the heart of Europe.
I'm sure Putin will cease his militaristic ambitions because his citizens won't be able to buy games on GOG... or see the latest Batman movie. Let's be serious, guys... I appreciate the sentiment, but let the EU handle sanctions, alright?

Edward_Carnby: Really stupid decision .
... this is GOG we are talking about :P. Feels like home.
Andrey82: ....
Don't believe anything financial is lost as people used the Russian zone to get cheap prices via VPNs, probably they'll make more money now.
Andrey82: 2. Who it will be next time? Maybe German government will make a wrong move in the next year and everyone will start banning Germans from their stores? If it is possible against Russia and Belorussia - next time it can be done to anyone.
BitMaster_1980: If Germany fucks up in such a fundamental way that the UN general assembly passes a resolution against a war of aggression at 141 to 5, I certainly hope so.
Well last time Germany fucked up in such a fundamental way we had WWII.........I don't feel like WWIII
Post edited March 03, 2022 by Reaper9988
GOG is intentionally targeting "individuals who have nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine" in an attempt to "further galvanize the global community to speak about what is going on in the heart of Europe".

Justifying the targeting of innocent people by the righteousness of the cause to which they are drawing attention is the same argument often used by terrorists. The argument is no more valid for GOG than it is for them.
Peer pressure, gog?
WinterSnowfall: ... this is GOG we are talking about :P. Feels like home.
You won't say Komrade.

'We make stupid decisions' must be GOG\CDPR new motto.