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Breja: What really surprises me is that I've seen no website pick up the story. I thought something like Den of Geek or some other sci-fi focused site would notice and deem it worth reporting.
I can find anything with Google either.
low rated
Breja: What really surprises me is that I've seen no website pick up the story. I thought something like Den of Geek or some other sci-fi focused site would notice and deem it worth reporting.
SJWs are protected when it comes to stuff like that. Almost no sites have written a word about the fact that around 20 of the fiercest anti-gamergaters from back in the day are now convicted of rape, arrested for childporn, or charged with sexual assault. Very hush hush. Just be "progressive" and you can get away with most things.
Post edited October 21, 2017 by Stig79
Breja: What really surprises me is that I've seen no website pick up the story. I thought something like Den of Geek or some other sci-fi focused site would notice and deem it worth reporting.
Stig79: SJWs are protected when it comes to stuff like that.
Ah. Yes. Right.
Stig79: SJWs are protected when it comes to stuff like that.
Breja: Ah. Yes. Right.
Sorry, it's a one-man turtle.
Breja: Sorry, it's a one-man turtle.
Yes, a liberal SJW fake news feminazi tree hugger turtle.

Did I forget one? :P
Post edited October 21, 2017 by tinyE
low rated
Ahhh, time to go back to the internet battlefront...

fronzelneekburm: You're not in the position to mock anyone, Mr "Dr Who is ruined forever because they cast a chick in the title role".
Breja: Yes, I am, because as I explained at length my problem with that has nothing to do with "tokens", feminism, political correctness or any of that. It's analogous to, for example, the stupidly altered Klingons from Discovery, not to the gender or skin color of it's protagonist, who is a new character and can be any color, gender and sexual orientation.
Not quite, since your mocking hinges solely on your claim that I was...

Breja: whining about the woes of seeing a black protagonist
Which isn't really the case at all. Read my posts again. Yeah, I said I don't like tokenism, but that's mostly because it's a symptom of lazy writing. Granted, I have neither watched the show in question nor played the game in order to properly judge the writing of either, but if a character's one defining personality trait is the color of their skin or their sexual orientation, that doesn't bode well for the quality of writing at all, does it?

Clear enough for ya?

fronzelneekburm: And as for copying story ideas, lol, Deep Space Nine is literally a carbon copy of a Babylon 5 treatment J. Michael Straczynski sent to Paramount in the late 80s. It's not like Star Trek is a stranger to blatantly ripping off other people's ideas.
Stig79: So because other Star Trek writers have ripped off things in the past, it suddenly makes it ok for other writers to do the same? Ok.....
Again, where did I say that? I never said it was ok. Hell, they can nail whoever is currently responsible for handling Star Trek's foul-smelling carcass to the wall if it was up to me. But this is Hollywood. Law of the jungle. Trek got away with worse things before, so it's going to be an uphill battle.
Goodness gracious.

So if I make a movie with flying castles (or spacefaring giant sized dogs) and homosexual black crew members, I'm probably ripping off some poor indie developer out somewhere. Thankfully ideas (stupid or not) aren't copyrightable. Sucks to be them eh?
Post edited October 25, 2017 by clarry
Breja: Sorry, it's a one-man turtle.
tinyE: Yes, a liberal SJW fake news feminazi tree hugger turtle.

Did I forget one? :P
anti-gamergater, antifa, vegan, leftwing...

I'm still amazed that some people actually see social justice as something bad. (or being against fascism. Or caring about nature...)

But on topic: Tardigrades now gets a lot of free publicity by talking about how they were ripped off by Hollywood. That is PR they could never buy with their budget.
Post edited October 25, 2017 by Lifthrasil
tinyE: Yes, a liberal SJW fake news feminazi tree hugger turtle.

Did I forget one? :P
Lifthrasil: anti-gamergater, antifa, vegan, leftwing...

I'm still amazed that some people actually see social justice as something bad. (or being against fascism. Or caring about nature...)

But on topic: Tardigrades now gets a lot of free publicity by talking about how they were ripped off by Hollywood. That is PR they could never buy with their budget.
actually, as I've said before, and I hate saying it, but Antifa appear to be a bunch of dorks. :P When they first showed up I thought 'great' but it's becoming clear they are more interesting in starting shit just for the sake of starting shit, rather than getting across any actual message. When even the Onion came out and started making fun of them I realized they might be doing more harm for their cause than good.

And OT, I am confused by the Tardigrades thing too. It's an animal right? Do how do you copyright the term? And isn't that term something that was already used in Star Trek AND the name of the game? I am so lost here. :P
Post edited October 25, 2017 by tinyE
tinyE: actually, as I've said before, and I hate saying it, but Antifa appear to be a bunch of dorks. :P When they first showed up I thought 'great' but it's becoming clear they are more interesting in starting shit just for the sake of starting shit, rather than getting across any actual message. When even the Onion came out and started making fun of them I realized they might be doing more harm for their cause than good.
That is true for parts of the Antifa, yes. Unfortunately the loudest and most noticeable parts. As usual. The assholes, especially the violent ones, within any given group are the ones that get noticed. And yes, they do heavy damage to their cause (if these specific individuals even have a cause, which I doubt)
tinyE: [...]
anything extreme, be it far left or far right, is silly
love you amok but that pic is barely the size of a postage stamp. :P I've already had cataracts twice, my eyes aren't very good as is. Got a larger copy I can actually read? :P
Post edited October 25, 2017 by tinyE
tinyE: love you amok but that pic is barely the size of a postage stamp. :P I've already had cataracts twice, my eyes aren't very good as is. Got a larger copy I can actually read? :P
try this?
untitled.jpg (158 Kb)
To bad for him. If he speaks up to loud CBS will squat him. If they have not already; have not heard anything anymore after it was brought up the first time.