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Made that my title when I woke up this morning.

Sad, but man, he was the poster boy for self destruction.
Yeah, saw this earlier...
It's a shame, they were never one of my favourite bands but I did like their stuff (and his stuff with Velvet Revolver too)

I saw them once when they opened for the Butthole Surfers, they were ok, still prefer the Surfers...
Frankly, with that man's history, it's shocking that he made it to 48. Still, a sad day for rock and roll. RIP Mr. Weiland
I have my radio on 24/7 and I haven't heard one STP or VR song all day. I'm not saying they need to pull a 48 hour Nirvana marathon like they did in '94, but this is kind of fucked up.
This is really really sad. I'm disappointed that so many people seem to talk about his self destructive habits, and not the severe mental illness that he was born with that was the cause for his addictions. Scott had very severe bipolar disorder and it looks like his mental illness became the death of him. I loved stp and Weiland was one of the most talented artists if the 90s. May he rest in peace.
this is awful! first kurtis kobayne, and now scottie wayland, and next will b edwardo veddar! fuck its like my childhood is decomposing in front of my eyeball
fortune_p_dawg: this is awful! first kurtis kobayne, and now scottie wayland, and next will b edwardo veddar! fuck its like my childhood is decomposing in front of my eyeball
I still miss Kurt but that was over twenty years ago. You might want to let go of that one. :D

Who am I kidding? There is a buddy of mine in town who breaks down sobbing every time Purple Haze comes on the radio.
Was shocked when I found out, but given his history of addiction/substance abuse...

Thanks for the great music. RIP.
fortune_p_dawg: this is awful! first kurtis kobayne, and now scottie wayland, and next will b edwardo veddar! fuck its like my childhood is decomposing in front of my eyeball
tinyE: I still miss Kurt but that was over twenty years ago. You might want to let go of that one. :D

Who am I kidding? There is a buddy of mine in town who breaks down sobbing every time Purple Haze comes on the radio.
Here too. Still the loss of Layne Stayley and Ronnie Montrose in mind. :/
tinyE: I still miss Kurt but that was over twenty years ago. You might want to let go of that one. :D

Who am I kidding? There is a buddy of mine in town who breaks down sobbing every time Purple Haze comes on the radio.
Huinehtar: Here too. Still the loss of Layne Stayley and Ronnie Montrose in mind. :/

Ok, never quite adored Scott Weiland just like i did with Layne Staley for example, but hearing the news made me very sad for some reason. I knew he was battling drugs and he was in denial all these years with the STP thing....but i don't know...
He seemed like a good soul...

Next stop on this train : Travis Meeks from Days Of The New. Hope he'll get over his demons.

Used to be a fan of STP, but I haven't really liked much of what I've heard from any of those guys (together or apart) since they broke up the first time. I hadn't even heard of his new band. Still, he and the other guys in STP created some great songs, and they'll be remembered, so...I guess that's about as close to immortality as anyone gets.
But yeah, "kinda saw this coming for years" and all that. : (
I liked a lot of their songs and Lady Picture Show was one of my favorites. I always thought they and Alice In Chains were very similar musically, and now, tragically, another similarity arises. First Lane Staley, and now Scott Weiland. Of course no one can forget Cobain and all he did as well. All the music we listened to while playing our GOGs before they were GOGs is going silent. It's a sad day indeed as STP spiritually joins AIC and the 90s move away at an even faster pace.