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low rated
Embrace the votes and just remember they are raging somewhere alone and probably crying daily from their failed lives.
low rated
Yeah...this forum sucks balls. No matter what you say whether it be a fact, an opinion, or an observation you get the negative downvotes. I don't even pay attention to it anymore. It's a shitty feature to a shitty website. It's akin to a bunch of woke sissies who can't control their feelings and have to lash out when their narrative isn't agreed upon.. lol kinda sad. Even sadder that GoG promotes it, and even participates in it. They say no politics, yet constantly post political crap and close threads when folks call out the bs. I'm just here for the cheap games....not the willful idiots who hang out in the forums. As for the cheap games...I'm running out personally as GoG's selection is getting extremely shitty. Quality has hit a new low here.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by JoaoPauloZA
low rated
Enebias: There is a big caveat: you are limited to 5 (or was it 7?) amount of positive rep per day, but the negative one is unlimited, afaik. So no, it wouldn't work.
Who tested that and how long ago because it looks different now.

Post edited March 04, 2022 by §pec†re
low rated
marcob: Is it a trend? I find myself losing all my reputation points everytime I reply to some politically correct/politically active user/topic that I don't agree with some very bold stances about controversial topics. Are they spammers? Hackers?
Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
It's not new and it's not limited to politics. I've been rating-bombed recently, but I've seen it happen for everything form the original Galaxy announcement to the Hitman fiasco. Shit like this is why Youtube joined Facebook in hiding dislikes.
low rated
I like how every post in this thread is low rated.
Does it really take one negative rating, or is there a cap?
low rated
OP here. Imho my post has got the result I wanted: not to promote some external third party "rogue fix" but to make the issue known (again) so that admins feel a bit more compelled to patch it. Someone say they won't. Patience. But nobody can say everything works fine in the bulletin. I really think we said all that we could.