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Many things can be considered art, but for gamers, nothing quite resonates like games that not only offer great story and gameplay, but one that can convey a sense of awe or wonder or fear through its art style.

With the Indie Arena Booth Online underway during Gamescom, we wanted to highlight a variety of games that we are showing off during the event. This includes a hand-picked selection of artistic titles that gamers are sure to fall in love with.

If you are looking for something new to play, and appreciate unique art styles, make sure to keep an eye out on these 6 artistic indie games for virtual escapists!

If you like some intense platforming with your artsy game, look no further than Spinch. It uses a cartoon-like aesthetic and mixes it with plenty of trippy backdrops and monsters. Calling it psychedelic is honestly probably an understatement.

In this platformer, you play as an organism that is bent on finding its offspring. You’ll have to dash, dodge, climb, swim, jump, and more as you make your way through a variety of challenging levels to complete your journey.

The game’s unique art style and music can be chalked up to award-winning Canadian cartoonist, Jesse Jacobs, and artist, James Kirkpatrick.

Unbound: Worlds Apart
If you prefer your artistic games to be less bright and whimsical and more doom and dread, Unbound: Worlds Apart is going to be right up your alley.

In this 2D platformer, you play as Soli, a conjurer that can summon magic portals between different realities. Using your powers, you’ll gain unique abilities depending on the reality you’re in and you’ll need everything at your disposal if you are to find out what happened to your ravaged world.

The game features a beautiful hand-drawn environment, challenging puzzles, and a nonlinear story that you’ll love getting lost in.

Here’s another 2D platformer, but this one adds unique 3D-style pixel art and animations to the formula. In Forgone, you play as a super soldier that must help save your city from further devastation.

The game’s unique art style lends itself well to this action-packed sidescroller. It will not take you long to get lost in some of the stunning and hand-drawn pixel environments.

Add to that some intimidating enemies and some high-octane shooting, slashing, and looting and you have the total package with Forgone.

Pumpkin Jack
Let’s pivot away from 2D titles for a minute and dive into the 3D platformer, Pumpkin Jack. This is another gloomy title, but don’t let that fool you, there’s a lot of beauty in this game.

You play as Jack, the Mythical Pumpkin Lord. Put on your bad guy hat, because in this title you’ll be helping Evil overtake Good. Combining whimsical characters, interesting characters, and a dark, spooky world, the game’s environment, story, and gameplay will keep you pushing forward, just to see what happens next.

The game provides some shooting elements and blends them with solid platforming and puzzle-solving, so if any of those things pique your interest, watch out for Pumpkin Jack when it releases later this year.

Minute of Islands
Ok, let’s get away from the doom and gloom for a minute. Well, the doom is still there, because in Minute of Islands you play a mechanic, Mo, as she works on fixing the world.

Using your skills, you’ll need to solve puzzles in order to keep machines up and running. If you fail, an ancient evil threatens the destruction of everything you know and love. And well, just everything, in general, really. Of course, as you make your way through the world, you learn that not everything is what it seems.

What puts this game on a list of artistic titles is its use of 2D scenes and a minimal art style that still manages to capture the imagination of players playing the game. The hand-drawn artwork and poetic story are sure to draw you in when this game releases later in 2020.

A Juggler's Tale
A Juggler’s Tale is the final game on our list of artsy titles worth checking out, and somehow, it manages to combine a little bit of everything from the games above.

You have a somewhat gloomy world that still manages a bit of whimsy (think Tim Burton), a poetic story, and a 2D side scroller set against a 3D world. Whether it's heavy rain against your whimpering torch or sunbeams bringing a new day to a gloomy marsh, there is beauty around every corner.

Players play as Abby, a puppet that has escaped the circus. Because you are a puppet, gameplay in A Juggler’s Tale has some unique twists and you’ll soon find that the world isn’t necessarily built for puppets.

There you have it! Six titles that are all unique but share one common feature, they are simply stunning to look at. If you like your games to feel like self-contained artwork, all of these titles we are showing off at the Indie Arena Booth Online are sure to be of interest to you!

What do you think? What are some of your favorite artsy games? Let us know down in the comments!
high rated
I guess this is as good a place as any in which to post this, since there're no other comments so far:

GOG, if you're going to drop NINE separate news posts at the same time -- and FOURTEEN(!!!) in a 24-hour period -- then at least have the decency to first overhaul the "News" section at the bottom of the front page so that posts from earlier the same day won't vanish into the murky waters of the Internet almost immediately. You can't possibly be unaware of how shitty the navigation options are between news posts, and thus how difficult it is to (reliably) navigate back to older news posts that have fallen out of the front-page news carousel.

And if the powers that be think that the News section is fine the way it is, then for God's sake, don't take a massive dump of 10+ articles in such a short period!
high rated
HunchBluntley: [offtopic]
I guess this is as good a place as any in which to post this, since there're no other comments so far:

GOG, if you're going to drop NINE separate news posts at the same time -- and FOURTEEN(!!!) in a 24-hour period -- then at least have the decency to first overhaul the "News" section at the bottom of the front page so that posts from earlier the same day won't vanish into the murky waters of the Internet almost immediately. You can't possibly be unaware of how shitty the navigation options are between news posts, and thus how difficult it is to (reliably) navigate back to older news posts that have fallen out of the front-page news carousel.

And if the powers that be think that the News section is fine the way it is, then for God's sake, don't take a massive dump of 10+ articles in such a short period!
This!! THIS!! A million times THIS!

Seriously Gog, if you're going to drop so many articles in such a short time you can expect that they're gonna fall out of view in the News section fairly quickly. (They wouldn't IF we could reliably navigate to news posts that have fallen out of the carousel, but with your janky weird and superflawed news system that's not happening.)

I check the site daily and I almost lost one of the older news. And I hardly believe most of your customers check the site more often than I do.

You create news articles for us to read and then you put them in a clunky system that pushes them away from your customers sight before they have a chance to read them. It doesn't take a genius to realize this situation is wasting your resources or at least diminishing their effectiveness.

Worst of all, you had some work done into the News section two years ago when you revamped the site ( and some "genius" came up with brilliant ideas like putting the News section at the bottom. But I digress) . Did the 8-slot carousel really look like a good idea back then? It certainly doesn't now.
Post edited August 28, 2020 by joppo
What the guys above said. It's amazing how GOG is happily rendering all these news about games they want us to know about and get excited about obsolete immediately, simply by posting more of them. I guess maybe they figure no one even gets to see the news at the bottom so it doesn't matter if they disappear immediately.

This is seriously one of the worst designs I've ever seen. And we've been telling you that since you introduced it. And now you're actively shooting yourselves in the foot with it. Are you mad?
Well, I am glad news is posted in the forum because I too didn't like the site re-design, to the point I don't bother to go to the main page at all unless it is the only place to redeem a freebie (like with Serious Sam, thanks for that btw!). I'm pretty sure the goal of the re-design wasn't to have customers actively avoid the frontpage of the site, but I digress. It felt a lot more alive when I first joined here, with news easy to find and readable, and GOGmixes, but again I digress. Intrigued by Pumpkin Jack out of this bunch. Not really seeing a lot of "gloom" in the bright screenshots of these games overall, but maybe there are gloomier games still to come :)