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Deep down and dirty.

<span class="bold">UnderRail</span> an underground turn-based survival RPG, is now DRM-free on with a 10% launch discount.

You shift from leg to leg inside a tattered blanket-coat, struggling to shield yourself from the damp, cold air of the tunnels. The distant ruckus of looters, maliciously picking apart a homeless man's shelter, whispers words of hesitation into your ear. But that girl needed her medicine and, dammit, even if our entire race is nearly extinct, what we stand for must endure. You clench that makeshift shotgun in your radio-blistered hand and march straight ahead.

Do you miss the complex role-playing mechanics and challenging combat of the original Fallouts? UnderRail's got you covered… under tons upon tons of concrete, where life is still somewhat tolerable. Brave the horrors of an unforgiving world and venture through the underground complex of metro stations that the survivors now call home. Craft your own equipment, master turn-based combat and navigate the politics of opposing factions vying for power over those last remaining scraps of civilization.

Do whatever's necessary to survive and explore every dark corner of the <span class="bold">UnderRail</span>, available now, DRM-free on Grab your ticket with the 10% launch discount that will last until January 1st, 1:59 PM GMT.
Azhdar: Why Wasteland 2 disappointed you? I ask this question, because I may but it in future. Would you please write your verdict about it? Pros and cons?
StingingVelvet: I mean, it's okay. You might like it. I just think it and PoE failed to match up at all to their inspirations. Granted nostalgia might play a role in that.
I think in a lot of cases it is a mix of nostalgia and genre fatigue. We have so many options now comparatively to then that our standards are far too high. The old ones were good games. They still are good games. But they are not without their litany of problems and poor design choices. We just did not notice them at the time, as we did not know better, and now nostalgia protects their memory.
StingingVelvet: Bought this because it's a new RPG my PC can actually run, and it seems like Fallout. I was pretty disappointed by Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity, but maybe 3rd time is the charm this year.
Azhdar: Why Wasteland 2 disappointed you? I ask this question, because I may but it in future. Would you please write your verdict about it? Pros and cons?
For me personally, Wasteland 2 boiled down to a tedious grind. All encounters were the same. No matter what sort of enemy attacked you, they all behave the same. Basically they rush your long range characters. That means combat, which is the largest segment of the game becomes a case of rinse & repeat.

On the subject of characters, some skills (assault rifles, for example) are incredibly overpowered, to the point where you don't need to take any other combat skill. Others are totally useless (submachine guns, for example).

Not a lot of C&C either. Few locations where you can influence things in a big way, but for the most part role playing takes the back seat. There are exceptions, like the Canyon, which clearly shows how great this game could have been. And there are some promising locations, like Damonta and Rail Nomads camp, which end up as a total let down.

Things might have improved with Director's Cut, but I haven't had the time to play it yet.

Underrail has impressed me so far. It's basically what Fallout 3 should have been. Lot's of way to role play a character and very innovative xp system, which doesn't force to kill everything you see but promotes exploration.
Immoli: Good luck, I've been trying also and it seems he's just ignoring anyone who brings the issue up. Thankfully the pirates are supporting the game. Pretty fucked up when pirates are giving better customer service than the actual developer.
For the dumbasses that bought it on gog, I hope he doesn't decide that they are too much work to justify patching the game and abandon it to only update the steam version.

Thankfully, this wont happen to me anymore. Bought this game years ago, but now I just skip the buying and go straight to pirating. No point in paying for a game I'm going to have to pirate anyway. This shit happens too often.
MaGo72: This game was released on the 18th instead of the 21st December on a Friday evening. The game is made by one man plus two more this year, perhaps the guys have much on their plate to do(patching(first patch is live on Steam), bug searching etc.) at the moment and even if he wanted to contact GOG before making any promises nothing would be happening till Monday.

I do not know where this demand for instant satisfaction or the entitlement comes from. Steam has the bigger customer base and more visibility for the game, so Steam is the first choice for a key . I am sure you will get your pie also here.

Tyler Durden was right.
Hey Colin, I'd like to respond to you, but all you seem to have done is sprout meaningless buzzwords. Haven't improved much with consumers have you?

Anyway, not going to waste any more time on this topic, besides I'm pretty sure it's about time for you to recieve your daily serving from Bioware. Make sure not to spill any, though I'm sure you're long past that with all the practice you've had.

General response to everyone, sad to see the state these forums have degraded to. Downvoting someone merely for stating the truth. Have fun with your Approved Truths* only.
Hopefully I at least helped someone make an informed decision, regardless of whether they decided not to buy or buy and risk no support.

*approved truths may not actualy be true.
revanbh: For me personally, Wasteland 2 boiled down to a tedious grind. All encounters were the same. No matter what sort of enemy attacked you, they all behave the same. Basically they rush your long range characters. That means combat, which is the largest segment of the game becomes a case of rinse & repeat.

On the subject of characters, some skills (assault rifles, for example) are incredibly overpowered, to the point where you don't need to take any other combat skill. Others are totally useless (submachine guns, for example).

Not a lot of C&C either. Few locations where you can influence things in a big way, but for the most part role playing takes the back seat. There are exceptions, like the Canyon, which clearly shows how great this game could have been. And there are some promising locations, like Damonta and Rail Nomads camp, which end up as a total let down.

Things might have improved with Director's Cut, but I haven't had the time to play it yet.

Underrail has impressed me so far. It's basically what Fallout 3 should have been. Lot's of way to role play a character and very innovative xp system, which doesn't force to kill everything you see but promotes exploration.
Good details. Thank you.
MaGo72: This game was released on the 18th instead of the 21st December on a Friday evening. The game is made by one man plus two more this year, perhaps the guys have much on their plate to do(patching(first patch is live on Steam), bug searching etc.) at the moment and even if he wanted to contact GOG before making any promises nothing would be happening till Monday.

I do not know where this demand for instant satisfaction or the entitlement comes from. Steam has the bigger customer base and more visibility for the game, so Steam is the first choice for a key . I am sure you will get your pie also here.

Tyler Durden was right.
Immoli: Hey Colin, I'd like to respond to you, but all you seem to have done is sprout meaningless buzzwords. Haven't improved much with consumers have you?

Anyway, not going to waste any more time on this topic, besides I'm pretty sure it's about time for you to recieve your daily serving from Bioware. Make sure not to spill any, though I'm sure you're long past that with all the practice you've had.

General response to everyone, sad to see the state these forums have degraded to. Downvoting someone merely for stating the truth. Have fun with your Approved Truths* only.
Hopefully I at least helped someone make an informed decision, regardless of whether they decided not to buy or buy and risk no support.

*approved truths may not actualy be true.
Cough, perhaps you should have recognized that I used the "third person". I am not "Colin". I was just pointing out that some patience would be good as it is weekend now and the game was released on GOG on a Friday evening.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by MaGo72
all that talk about pirate and pirating and pirated stuff...
to use the word pirate or any other combinations of the word is wrong when talking about digital stuff or basically unprotected goods.

When a pirate came along with his ship(s) they took away all you had, even your lives if you were unlucky, there was nothing left.

So it is wrong to use the word pirate when things are not physically stolen, because copies cant be seen as an original, the original is still there, they are only copies, there is no real loss or damage, nothing is removed,
so nothing needs to be replaced, so no costs need to be made.

Until the (copyright)law and governments get there facts straight straight, they are sailing on a wrong course :D

Finally: whats the gain by distributing drm free stuff? there is NO honor for the (wannabe) pirates, no fame to gain, no achievenments to reach, it would be like walking in a vault that has its door wide open, get a truck and move everything in that vault in the truck and drive to freedom.

Real 'pirates' as they are wrongly called by the law when they talk about digital goods,arent pirates if you take away unprotected things, if in the past the ships with goods would have had no arms, no guns no cannons no army or guards, but only a sailing crew (like nowadays cabdrivers) then things would not be officially protected, therefore there would be no pirating if the door is wide open :D

So thats all theres to it, i assume the nonsens of discussing the pirating of drm free can be stopped, cause technically there is no pirating when there is no form of protection.
Maybe you can call it illegal distribution but thats not pirating, so silly discussions about that pirating stuff has become redundant.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by gamesfreak64
Immoli: General response to everyone, sad to see the state these forums have degraded to. Downvoting someone merely for stating the truth. Have fun with your Approved Truths* only.
Hopefully I at least helped someone make an informed decision, regardless of whether they decided not to buy or buy and risk no support.
i think you have been downvoted because you have called all customers who have bought the game on GOG = dumbasses.

i don't think that was a clever move.

For your acutal issue :

i think the problem is much more related to Desura itself.... (which has gone into bankruptcy).. It's pretty much understandable the dev doesn't want to update the version there (unfortunatly the ones who suffer to this are the custormers.....). I have to agree the dev should work to find a solution for this specific case .

But in any case, insulting gog's customers because you have a trouble with the dev, it's a no-go in my book.
Immoli: General response to everyone, sad to see the state these forums have degraded to. Downvoting someone merely for stating the truth. Have fun with your Approved Truths* only.
Hopefully I at least helped someone make an informed decision, regardless of whether they decided not to buy or buy and risk no support.
DyNaer: i think you have been downvoted because you have called all customers who have bought the game on GOG = dumbasses.

i don't think that was a clever move.

For your acutal issue :

i think the problem is much more related to Desura itself.... (which has gone into bankruptcy).. It's pretty much understandable the dev doesn't want to update the version there (unfortunatly the ones who suffer to this are the custormers.....). I have to agree the dev should work to find a solution for this specific case .

But in any case, insulting gog's customers because you have a trouble with the dev, it's a no-go in my book.
I don't even know if it's even possible to get a working solution for the desura issue at this point. How do you know who bought your game if you can't get into contact with desura to get that info? How about those people who bought the game on desura after they stopped sending money to devs? The whole desura thing is a mess and I don't know if there's even a workable solution to it :(
Banjo_oz: Is there a way to contact the dev here? I've emailed them via their website but have yet to receive a reply and am getting a bit worried they are ignoring the issue of those of us who already paid for this game prior to release.

I (and others like me) purchased Underrail from them DRM-free (on Desura) last year, and only supported the game because there was DRM-free option. Now that the dev no longer updates the Desura build, I am very much hoping that they give those of us who bought the game already a GOG key, since we paid for a DRM-free game!

A "Steam key" does not cut it, as I would have never bought the game had it only been ever getting a Steam release!

I understand the dev may have had trouble with Desura, but that's not us customers' problem or fault, and I would really like to be able to play the final game (without Steam!) that I pad for and supported during its development.
Immoli: Good luck, I've been trying also and it seems he's just ignoring anyone who brings the issue up. Thankfully the pirates are supporting the game. Pretty fucked up when pirates are giving better customer service than the actual developer.
For the dumbasses that bought it on gog, I hope he doesn't decide that they are too much work to justify patching the game and abandon it to only update the steam version.

Thankfully, this wont happen to me anymore. Bought this game years ago, but now I just skip the buying and go straight to pirating. No point in paying for a game I'm going to have to pirate anyway. This shit happens too often.
As far as I am aware Desura is bankrupt and in limbo if so that is the suppliers fault and that the dev. of the game has remedied this for his supporters by providing a steam key to every one of the backers that was on Desura which is great, steam keys over the game on gog has been discussed a few times around the internet and the developers usually go for steam keys because of wide spread dishonesty in people trying to re-sell the gog versions.

Piracy regardless of if people make up a story about it to justify it to themselves and encourage others is still piracy. Would you rather the dev. stopped his game altogether and just took your money? Reading some of these posts they are awfully norrow minded and entitled you seem full of hate, negativity and immaturity. I've been having a blast with the game so far as per some of my previous posts and your letting hatred around an issue to do with desura and your entitlement get in the way of enjoying and supporting a great game. (This is in my opinion put forward in a mature manner ib4 some on replies with teenage angst level abuse because they don't agree)

Since the dev. isn't a large multinational company I dare say he has thousands of emails and questions in his inbox and doesn't have the capacity to reply to each individually.

For less then $20 I got a great game that I am loving and having fun and that has a whole stack of content and buying it on gog is drm free.
Martek: ...

Some of my "gotcha's" (that I haven't seen addressed yet ITT):

* Tries to talk to the net (even though a net connection is not required, but if there is one ..) to tell me about updates or has advertisements (like for DLC's - which might not yet exist - but a framework for it could be in place), or leaderboards, or to report back to homebase on how my game is going - statistics, debug logs, etc.
There isn't any of that.

Martek: * Uses any of the following: Flash, AIR, Java (even if it comes with it's own "runtime" for them).
I don't think it uses any of those.
Martek: * Save game style: Checkpoints vs save anywhere / multiple saves allowed vs only certain number of "most recent", etc.
You can save anywhere and anytime except when you're in combat. There are also autosave options.

Martek: I've also read <i>here</i> that the "vision range" is "only" 13 tiles, while some weapons have ranges as high as 20 tiles - presumably meaning the "extra" range is useless because you cannot target that far away. Anyone have any experience with that aspect and wish to comment on it?

I really like this type and style of game - so am really hoping it passes the "gotcha's" test.. :)
Actually, this seems to be on purpose to reward stealth and people who scout ahead instead of blundering into encounters. With high stealth you can see enemies without them noticing you and then back up to your weapon's maximum range to snipe them.
For once, stealth is actually a very useful skill, especially if you choose the xp system that doesn't give xp for fights.
tremere110: I don't even know if it's even possible to get a working solution for the desura issue at this point. How do you know who bought your game if you can't get into contact with desura to get that info? How about those people who bought the game on desura after they stopped sending money to devs? The whole desura thing is a mess and I don't know if there's even a workable solution to it :(
yes, that's a real mess :[ especially if you bought a game directly from Desura.... I don't have a solution .... the only logical thing is to send all proof to the dev, but you are right to the point if the dev didn't received its share from Desura, the situation is complicated... it's more a less the devs who are willing to try to find a workaround for a drm-free copy....

actually the dev sent steam keys to even desura buyers.... so the solution isn't unsolvable, the problem is much more specific since some users doesn't want to use Steam, i could unserstand them (even if i use it). and want an updated non-steam i said those who suffers are desura customers and even the dev (who probably didn't received all the money from desura sales...)
Post edited December 20, 2015 by DyNaer
I've got the game wishlisted and I can see people are enjoying it but what is the game's problems if it has any?
Narakir: From what I've played so far (one hour) its like Metro and the old Fallouts had a baby, which is... Great.
Azhdar: Good. Because I have Fallout-s and Metro-s, so I want this cool-looking baby too. :)
If the mother was doing crack.
Azhdar: Good. Because I have Fallout-s and Metro-s, so I want this cool-looking baby too. :)
qwixter: If the mother was doing crack.
No peddling your wares here sir!
justachap: I've got the game wishlisted and I can see people are enjoying it but what is the game's problems if it has any?
It has some typos, but nothing major. Also, there was some sort of crash under specific circumstances - haven't experienced it myself - but hotfix is already live on Steam, so GOG shouldn't be far behind.

Some people have complained about small font on high resolutions, but at 1080p larger font version is perfectly legible.